WGPlus (Archive)

Ways to highlight problem
NHS England is pleased to announce the winners of a £30,000 international challenge prize to publish or present data on obesity in a new, exciting and useful way.  The challenge to data enthusiasts was to use open data to produce new visualisations, apps or tools that will help to kick start action against obesity.
Researched Links:

NHS England:  Obesity data challenge innovators claim £30k prize

A bitter pill for most

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: the size of the prize

Stricter blood glucose targets for people with diabetes

NICE issues standard on preventing obesity and lifestyle weight management for children and young people

LGA - US-style calorie signs should be introduced by pub, restaurant and cinema chains, say councils

Get people moving to improve nation's health

LGA response to Health Committee report on physical activity & diet

NICE redoubles efforts to reduce harm from alcohol, smoking and physical inactivity

Overweight & obesity levels stabilising

NICE updates weight loss surgery criteria for people with type 2 diabetes

LGA:  Cost of tackling obesity set to rise by tens of millions for councils

Report on obesity treatment in Wales published

Health experts asked how Government can tackle obesity

A Guide to Public Sector Contact Data Quality