CRE: Sleepwalking to Segregation – For those readers who only saw edited ‘bullet points’, that suited the point of view of individual media outlets, we provide a link to the full text of the speech made by Trevor Phillips in a lecture organized by the Manchester Council for Community Relations at
Home Office: No Longer Fit For Purpose - The police service has been ‘invited’ by the Home Secretary to come forward with firm proposals for the creation of strategic forces in each region following the publication of a report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) which found that the current 43 forces structure is no longer fit for purpose.
According to the government, the report showed that the present structure is not sufficiently robust to provide the necessary level of protective services, such as major investigations, that the 21st century increasingly demands.
Whilst some smaller forces do very well, and some larger forces less so, the report concluded that: ‘Below a certain size, there simply is not a sufficient critical mass to provide the necessary sustainable level of protective services that the 21st century increasingly demands’.
While a number of restructuring options are available, it recommended creating strategic police forces of sufficient size to provide both effective neighbourhood policing and protective services, with the caveat that it would have to be: ‘Well supported and to be part of a strategy that reconfigures intelligence, performance and value for money to help enable the police service “to guard (all) my people” (the mission detailed on the Queen’s Police Medal)’ and that: ‘Strong neighbourhood policing is essential to connect with the public and inform the work of protective services’.
Press release ~ HMIC report - Closing The Gap (Public Copy) A Review Of The ‘Fitness For Purpose’ Of The Current Structure Of Policing In England & Wales (1.4Mb) ~ Home Office Police Reform website ~ Police Reform Act 2002 ~ Police Standards Unit ~ Community Policing website ~ Guide to community engagement in policing ~ Neighbourhood Policing - your police, your community; our commitment ~ The Home Office policy paper Building Communities, Beating Crime: A Better Police Service for the 21st Century ~ The Police Service in England and Wales Final report of a formal investigation by the Commission for Racial Equality
DfES: Another Truancy Initiative - Schools Minister, Jacqui Smith, has unveiled plans for yet another intensive drive against truancy, with the bill for previous efforts having already clocked up £1bn. This time the government says that it is concentrating on an estimated 8,000 ’serial truants’ in just 146 secondary schools which account for 1 in 5 of all instances of truancy across the country.
The 146 schools will be required to identify their most persistent truants and place their parents immediately onto the ’Fast Track to Attendance’ scheme where an automatic court prosecution will be triggered unless their child’s attendance improves over a 12-week period, normally resulting in a fine of up to £2,500 or three months imprisonment.
The new drive follows confirmation earlier this week that the Government is to join forces with the travel industry in November to tackle term-time holidays which account for up to 1 in 6 of all absences from school.
Press release ~ Pupil Absence in Schools in England: 2004/2005 (Provisional) ~ Fast Track to Attendance scheme ~ NAO report - Improving School Attendance in England ~ Behaviour & Attendance website ~ Behaviour Improvement Programme ~ Teachernet information ~ Guidance on the Legal Measures available to Secure Regular School Attendance ~ Crime & Disorder Act guidance document – Power of police to remove truants ~ Audit Commission - Improving School Attendance and Behaviour ~ Truancy Sweeps ~ School Bully online
General News
OPDM: The Government has extended Sir Michael Lyons inquiry into local government funding, so that ‘he can consider issues relating to the wider functions of local government and its future role’. The Inquiry will now conclude with a final report in late 2006.
In the light of this the Government has also announced that it is postponing the revaluation of council tax in
Press release ~ Lyons Inquiry website ~ Council Tax Valuation list ~ Council Tax Benefit ~ Citizens Advice ~ ODPM Council Tax website
DTI: Harry Tee, Group Chief Executive of the Roxboro Group PLC was appointed today as the first Chairman of the new Electronics Leadership Council (ELC), the creation of which was one of the central recommendations of the DTIs Electronics Innovation and Growth Team Report "Electronics 2015 - Making Visible Difference" which set out a strategy for innovation and growth in the electronics industry.
Press release ~ Electronics 2015 - Making Visible Difference ~ Electronics Innovation and Growth Team (EIGT) - highlights and key recommendations
DTI: Thirteen social enterprises, from across the country, have been granted community interest company status, confirming that they will use their activity, their profits and their assets to help local communities. They represent the first Community Interest Companies arising from the government’s new legal structure for social enterprises that provide innovative & sustainable solutions for the public good.
The new companies are delivering goods & services ranging from community recycling & waste management services to music and media workshops for young people.
Press release ~ Community Interest Company (CIC) ~ CIC Regulator ~ Fact sheet 1: "An Introduction to Community Interest Companies" ~ Fact sheet 2: "The Regulator of Community Interest Companies" ~ Fact sheet 3: "Forming and running a Community Interest Company"
Socitm: Socitm Consulting is supporting East Cambridgeshire District Council with its corporate Breakthrough to Excellence programme, which embraces a wide range of projects to improve sustainable growth in the District, the efficiency of the Council and communications with citizens & stakeholders.
It is already rated a ‘good’ council by the Comprehensive Performance Assessment from the Audit Commission and aims to achieve ‘excellent’ status.
Press release ~ Council contact - andrew.killington@eastcambs.gov.uk ~ East Cambridgeshire District Council ~Socitm Consulting ~ Audit Commission - Comprehensive Performance Assessment
Acas: Acas and The Trafford Centre are working in partnership to launch the first Fair Employment Zone in the
Press release ~ Acas ~ The Trafford Centre ~ Northwest Development Agency ~ Greater Manchester Employer Coalition ~ Jobcentre Plus ~ Learning and Skills Council ~ USDAW ~ Recruiting and employing for diversity
Highways Agency: A new National Guidance Framework has been agreed to co-ordinate traffic information delivery and traffic management by the Highways Agency and local highway authorities.
Press release ~ NGF National Guidance Framework ~ National Traffic Control Centre (NTCC) ~ Traffic Management Act ~ Traffic Operations Co-ordinating Committee (TOCC)
DCMS: Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell and Licensing Minister James Purnell have tried to reposition the government’s stance on 24-hour drinking, by ‘pointing out that under new licensing laws there is no presumption that requests for longer hours should take precedence over legitimate residents concerns’.
In a letter to every local authority in
Press release ~ Post 6 August licensing leaflet ~ Advice & guidance ~ Licensing Act 2003 ~ Local Government Association (LGA) ~ Local Authorities Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services (LACORS)
Policy Statements and Initiatives
DTI: Consumer Minister Gerry Sutcliffe has given a boost to free debt advice, opening new premises for National Debtline and calling on organisations to bid for a share of £45million to fund free, face-to-face debt advice.
Press release ~ National Debtline ~ Money Advice Trust.~ Competition for funding website ~ Government’s Over-indebtedness Action Plan ~ Tackling Over-indebtedness - Annual Report 2005 ~ Consumer Credit Bill
ODPM: A £3 million Ethnic Minorities Innovation Fund (EMIF) to help local authorities tackle homelessness within ethnic minority groups has been announced by Housing Minister Yvette Cooper. It is intended to provide financial support to voluntary & community groups working in partnership with local authorities, to help deliver innovative projects that will reduce levels of homelessness amongst ethnic minority groups.
A guide to help local authorities change & develop their services in order to meet the varying needs of their ethnic minority populations, as well as research into the causes of homelessness within this group, have also been published alongside the fund.
Press release ~ Homelessness Directorate Funding ~ Tackling Homelessness Amongst Ethnic Minority Households - A Development Guide ~ The Causes of Homelessness amongst Ethnic Minority Populations: - Full report ~ Summary ~ ODPM Homelessness website ~ Sustainable communities: settled homes, changing lives ~ Revised statutory code of practice on racial equality in housing ~ Rented housing code of practice ~ Owner-occupied housing code of practice
OFT: The OFT has announced the launch of its new ’scambusters’ team to target the most prevalent & harmful mass-marketing scams aimed at UK consumers, which cost UK consumers up to £1 billion per year.
The OFT is also launching a new Scams Enforcement Group (SEG) which will bring together law enforcement agencies including trading standards and NCIS.
Press release ~ OFT Scams website ~ Useful contacts against scams ~ Factsheets on different scams ~ ICSTIS. ~ DTI’s Companies Investigations Branch
DCA: The
Press release ~ National Enforcement Service (NES) ~ High Court Enforcement: The Compelling Need for Change ~ Criminal Enforcement programme ~ Home Office Penalty notice website ~ Crime reduction website ~ Together website
Home Office: Following the London bombings in July, the Home Secretary set up seven working groups to look at issues around integration & tackling extremism and the convenors of the working groups have now set out a number of proposals.
Press release ~ Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) ~ Muslim Youth Helpline ~ Forum against Islamophia & Racism ~ Improving Opportunities and Strengthening Society ~ Muslim Council of Britain
DfES: Figures released by the Government’s Get On campaign on Grandparents’ Day,
As Grandparents are the number one carers for children in
Press release ~ Age Concern ~ Get On campaign website ~ Skills for Life ~ Skills for Life strategy
HM Treasury: Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Ivan Lewis MP, has announced the launch of a new consumer awareness campaign to support the Governments Stakeholder initiative.
Press release ~ Stakeholder website ~ A guide to helping make sense of savings, investment and pensions ~ Pensions Service ~ Pensions Network ~ Pensions Advisory service
Defra: People are being asked to for their views on repealing section 68 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW) and associated vehicular access regulations. The public consultation (closes
Press release ~ Consultation documents ~ Bakewell Management Ltd v Brandwood and Others ~ Vehicular Access Across Common and Other Land (England) Regulations 2002/1711 ~ Defra Common Land Website ~ The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Defra: Defra has confirmed proposals for changes to existing waste management licensing exemptions involving hazardous waste and they are now out for full consultation (closes 16 December). The proposed revised exemptions cover the management of a range of hazardous wastes from solvents and treated wood to paint and medical waste.
Press release ~ Consultation documents ~ Defra recycling & waste website
DTI: Energy Minister, Malcolm Wicks has outlined a limited number of options in the 2005-06 Statutory Review consultation document (closes Friday 9 December 2005), intended to improve the effectiveness of the Renewables Obligation (RO). The RO is meant to ensure all electricity suppliers produce a specified and increasing amount of their energy from renewable sources.
The government will use secondary legislation to amend the Renewables Obligation Order for
Press release ~ Review website ~ Consultation document (scroll down) ~ NAO reports on renewable energy
DCA: Her Majestys Courts Service (HMCS) needs to increase civil court fees in order to meet its cost recovery targets for the current financial year and beyond and the DCA has launched a consultation (closes 18 November 2005) about whether the particular increases proposed are most apt to achieve this.
Press release ~ Consultation documents
ODPM: Proposals for integrating the Crown into the planning system ending Crown immunity from planning controls have been launched for consultation by the Government. The primary provisions were included in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is now consulting (closes 16 December 2005) on measures to bring them into effect in Spring 2006.
Press release ~ Consultation – Applying Planning Acts to the Crown (2Mb) ~ ODPM Planning website ~ Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ~ DoE Circular 18/84
Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides
DH: Supported by £1.8 million from the Department Health, the British National Formulary for Children (BNFC) gives prescribers advice on which medicines are most appropriate for paediatric use alongside information on drug dosages and formulations for children using the tried and tested format of the British National Formulary.
175,000 copies of the publication will be provided by the DH free of charge for doctors and other prescribers in the NHS, as well as being available on the NHS net service. The formulary is also available for purchase in hard copy and CD Rom. On-line access will be available for the public on a dedicated web site.
Press release ~ Purchasing BNFC ~ MHRA Medicines for Children website
Defra: Landowners have been offered new guidelines for getting rid of / stopping the re-growth of ragwort - a poisonous plant which kills hundreds of horses each year. It highlights that incorrect disposal is likely to result in further spread through seed dispersal and re-growth in root sections. The guide also stresses the importance of early and effective control.
Press release ~ Defra Weed control website that includes: NEW Guidance on the Disposal Options for Common Ragwort Code of Practice on how to prevent the spread of ragwort ~ Ragwort Control Act 2003 ~ The Weeds Act 1959 ~ See also Defra Equine Topics ~ British Horse Societys Ragwort Awareness Week ~ Ragwort – the facts ~ Buglife
MOD: British troops taking part in military operations will, from April 2006, have a new weapon in their armoury - isotonic drinks. GlaxoSmithKline have been given a contract to produce a Lucozade Sport Body Fuel drink for the 24 hour Operational Ration Pack.
In addition a new Commanders’ Guide to Fluid intake during military operations in the heat has been produced as part of MoD’s Human Capability Research Programme.
Press release ~ Commanders’ Guide to Fluid intake during military operations in the heat ~ Operational Ration Packs ~ Commanders guide to Nutrition ~ 10 Ten Tips for Hydration ~ Recruits guide to nutrition ~ Nutrition Advisory Service ~ Qinetiq ~ Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Also published is the Guide to Care Pathways, which aims to show health organisations how they can ensure all services are working closely together to deliver care for patients.
Press release ~ A Guide to Good Practice - Elective Care ~ Integrated Care Pathways: A Guide to Good Practice
Annual Reports
Welsh Assembly Govt.: Local Councils have got better at protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, but more needs to be done to improve the assessment of risk, monitoring outcomes and communication with the police & other partners according to a report published by the Social Services Inspectorate for
Press release ~ Inspectorate’s report ~ Social Services Inspectorate for Wales ~ In Safe Hands ~ South Wales Adult Protection Forum ~ Inspection of services for the protection of vulnerable adults – Caerphilly County Borough Council ~ Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme in England and Wales for care homes and domiciliary care agencies: a practical guide ~ All Wales Unit - Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse ~ Review of Adult Services in Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
National Archives: History for all, the National Archives Annual Report and Resource Accounts for 2004-2005, has now been published, together with the Second Report of the Advisory Council for National Records and Archives. In the foreword to her last report before retiring as Chief Executive next month, Sarah Tyacke highlights The National Archives’ achievements during the year.
The free museum and research rooms are open to the public 6 days a week with over nine million records available to view and some, including wills, First World War Army medal cards and Second World War seamen’s medal records, are also available online.
Press release ~ National Archives Annual Report and Resource Accounts for 2004-2005 ~ National Advisory Service ~ Archive Awareness Campaign ~ Access to Archives (A2A) database ~ International Council on Archives ~ Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Council on National Records and Archives
CRE: The Commission for Racial Equality’ has published its Race Equality Scheme (RES) 2005 -2008, which sets out its aims and the practical ways in which it plans to meet its duties under the Race Relations Act.
General Reports and other publications
DH: The Chief Medical Officer’s report into the handling of late abortion cases by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) been published by the Department of Health. The report was commissioned following allegations by the Sunday Telegraph that BPAS was illegally sending women to
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) has concluded that BPAS has not broken the law, but did identify the use of insufficient procedures in its handling of late abortion cases.
Press release ~ An investigation into the British Pregnancy Advisory Service response to requests for late abortions: a report by the Chief Medical Officer ~ British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) ~ Pro Choice Forum website ~ The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion ~ Net Doctor - What can be done about an unwanted pregnancy? ~ Teenage Pregnancy Unit ~ Recommended Standards for Sexual Health Services
DH: The Department of Health claims in a new report that it has published, that patients with kidney problems are seeing a real change in how they receive their care, with services becoming more patient-centred & responsive.
The Renal Advisory Group (RAG) will host two summits with key stakeholders this Autumn to look at how work on implementing the NSF standards and quality requirements can be taken forward and a series of regional events to engage with local stakeholders will follow early in 2006.
Press release ~ Delivering the National Service Framework for Renal Service ~ DH Renal website ~ National Kidney Federation ~ Kidney Diseases index ~ UK Transplant website ~ DH Transplantation website
Healthcare Commission: The key finding of a clinical audit carried out by the Health and Social Care Information Centre on behalf of the Healthcare Commission is that a quarter of all people who may have diabetes have not been identified, leaving them at increased risk of developing serious complications.
Press release ~ Key findings about the quality of care for people with diabetes in England (1.3MB) ~ Factsheet: What is diabetes? ~ Factsheet: Risk factors and symptoms of Type 2 diabetes ~ Health and Social Care Information Centre ~ Healthcare Commission ~ Diabetes UK ~ Long Term Conditions Case Management - Community Matrons ~ NHS Networks - Long-term conditions ~ Long-term Conditions National Service Framework (NSF) ~ DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) website ~ DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) ~ NICE guidance on Patient Education Models in Diabetes ~ DH Diabetes website ~ Diabetes NSF including 12 standards ~ National Diabetes Support Team ~ Diabeticare Hillingdon
OFT: According to an Office of Fair Trading study, property information held by local authorities in
From 2007, property sellers in
The study also recommends liberalising the electronic provision of property searches compiled by local authorities in England and Wales.
Press release ~ Property searches - A market study: September 2005 ~ ODPM HIP website ~ National Land Information Service (NLIS) ~ Housing (Scotland) Bill ~ Public Partners Information Scheme ~ The Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information ~ HM Land Registry ~ UK Hydrographic Office ~ Office of Public Sector Information ~ EC research led to publication of commercial exploitation of Europe’s public sector information
Legislation / Legal
ODPM: The Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation (TTGDC) will gain strategic planning powers from
Other developments will continue to be determined by Thurrock Borough Council.
Press release ~ Order laid before Parliament ~ Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation ~ ODPM Thurrock Thames Gateway Development website ~ Provisional Thurrock Local Transport Plan 2006 – 2011 (July 2005) 4MB ~ Employment opportunities ~ Thurrock: A visionary brief
EU legislation, initiatives, etc.
Cabinet Office: The UK Presidency has hosted a conference that outlined the challenges that lie ahead for better European regulation and which set out a longer-term business perspective calling for less and smarter legislation
Press release ~ Better Regulation Executive (BRE) ~ Conference website
Defra: The UK Government has provided an update to stakeholders on progress in the implementation of the Large Combustion Plants Directive, which comes into force from January 2008 and places controls on emissions.
Under the
Press release ~ Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCPD) (2001/80/EC) ~ Defra LCPD website ~ Air Pollution Information System website
Charity and Voluntary Sector
Business and other briefings
HMRC: HM Revenue & Customs are running a major campaign tailored to meet the needs of Public Houses as part of their aim to help people and businesses understand and meet their tax obligations. Thousands of pubs all over the country can expect to receive a letter from HMRC, giving some advice about the particular issues, problems and mistakes that VAT Officers come across when they visit pubs.
Reminders for events being held next month
For further information on the events listed below (and subsequent events) please click HERE
Date: 3 - 5 October 2005
Organiser: Neil Stewart Associates - Reinventing Accountability for the 21st Century
A two-day international event and training day which will explore innovative approaches to building accountable leadership and organisations in the 21st century.
Organiser: Homeless Link - Making the link: opening up research into homelessness
Homeless Link supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, provide an opportunity for people both within and outside the homelessness sector to talk us about the wider issues affecting homeless people.
Date: 5 - 6 October 2005
Venue: Victoria Park Plaza Hotel,
Organiser: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply – Premier Conference
The central themes of this year’s Premier Conference examine the contribution that purchasing and supply management can make to the management of risk, whilst ensuring security of supply, and how procurement can drive innovation, both within organisations and with external suppliers.
Organiser: Local Government Chronicle – Improving policy design
A timely conference that will analyse the recent initiatives aimed at improving communication between central, regional and local government.
Venue: Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch,
Feedback on a project involving a consortium of nine public sector organisations including government Departments and Agencies, and local authorities, who wanted to improve HR performance. All participants will receive a complimentary copy of the project report - ‘Fit for Business’.
Organiser: Royal British Legion -
Venue: Inmarsat Conference centre, London EC1
Organiser: Neil Stewart Associates – Modernising Mental health services: Developing Leadership, Recruitment, Retention and training
An opportunity to discuss how best to develop a more diverse and coherent NHS Mental Health workforce, with structured career development programmes and a drive to recruit more service users as part of the workforce.
Venue: Chepstow race course
Organiser: Royal British Legion - Chepstow Raceday
Venue: Fairfield Halls, Croydon.
Organiser: Royal British Legion - Biennial gathering of the Massed Bands of the Royal British Legion Concert
Date: 26 – 28 October 2005
Equipping people to work at a level to provide top-quality support to their managers and developing their potential to be the leaders of tomorrow. Designed for administrative officers and their equivalent, on completion you should understand the basis of effective management
Organiser: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply – CIPS Supply Management Awards 2005
The awards are run jointly by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) and its fortnightly magazine, Supply Management. For the CIPS Supply Management Awards 2005, the 10 team and two individual categories will be presented at a black-tie gala dinner at the London Hilton on
Date: March - July 2006
Venue: Pinewood Studios
Organiser: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory - £10,000 Up for grabs underwater
In the first competition of its kind in the
Five Universities have already signed up for the challenge, including
For further information on the above (and subsequent) events please click HERE
Editorial Content Statement
WGPlus would like to make it clear that the commentary & links provided, in respect of any particular item, are published in its capacity as an independent non-government funded organisation and reflect the editorial team’s need to both précis & re‑format the content of news releases.
Any views expressed are therefore entirely those of the WGPlus editorial team and independent of any sponsor, government organisation or political party.
For the official view of a source organisation, readers should click on the ‘press release’ that is the first link attached to each item.
While every care is taken to ensure that all links work in the newsletter (including checking just before publication), WGPlus cannot guarantee that websites will not make changes that will nullify individual links, especially over a period of time.