HO: Unfortunately all too often the perpetrator(s) of murder & violence are ‘family’ members - Approximately 2 people are killed by their current or former partner each week in England & Wales. From last week, local areas should undertake new action to tackle domestic homicide following any case where someone has been killed by their current or former partner.
Domestic homicide reviews, which came into effect last week include local partners such as the police, local authority, probation service, health service & voluntary partners and have been established under Section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004).
Where a local area doesn't undertake a review, the Secretary of State now has the power to direct a specific person or body to establish or participate in a review. This will 'ensure that lessons are learnt from each case and, most importantly, prevent future violence and deaths. It will also help improve local & national approaches to tackling domestic violence'.
DH: Reform of the NHS is only part of the problem facing the government, they also have to combine it with cost effective social care - Care Services Minister, Paul Burstow, has sent out a strong message to councils ‘aimed at encouraging joint working across health and social care and making personalised care a reality’.
Ahead of his speech at the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services’ (ADASS) Spring Seminar in Newcastle, Mr Burstow revealed the 6 sites which have been selected to pilot Social Work Practices for adult social care. The SWP pilots will see groups of frontline social care workers given more flexibility to work with the people they support & their carers, to improve their outcomes.
In addition to this, the Minister has announced plans to strengthen the legislation on direct payments to ensure councils make clear to every person entitled to care & support how they can make use of a direct payment. New Directions to councils (to be consulted on shortly), will mean all councils must ensure there is a full & open discussion about direct payments.
Press release ~ Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE): Social Work Practice Pilot Sites ~ Direct payments - arranging your own care and services ~ ScotGov: Self-directed Support Strategy ~ The Individual Budgets Pilot Projects: Impacts and Outcomes for Carers ~ Related recent previous item (Then scroll down to item: Newswire – CSJ: Often ‘out of site & rarely protesting’ and therefore ‘out of the political mind’) ~ DH: Personal Health Budgets ~ Personal health budgets Learning Network
PC&PE: The elephant in the room; How do we finance the services we want? - On 1 December 2010 the Commission on Funding of Care & Support launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ (now closed) to ‘hear your ideas on what a future funding system for care & support should look like’.
The Commission has analysed all the responses that were received and published a summary document of these responses.
Press release & links ~ Commission website (See also - Newswire – CSJ: Often ‘out of site & rarely protesting’ and therefore ‘out of the political mind’- in links of previous item above for related links)
CLG: The same law for all - Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, has announced ‘proposals for a more localist and fairer way of providing sites for travellers, building on earlier commitments to strengthen measures to tackle the abuse of the planning system’.
The consultation will consider the details of a proposed new, single Planning Policy Statement that will replace Circular 01/2006: Planning Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites and Circular 04/2007: Planning for Travelling Showpeople (consultation closes on 6 July 2011).
Ofcom: Operators told to ‘pac in’ the excuses for delays - To change their mobile phone provider, customers require a Porting Authorisation Code (PAC) from the operator they are leaving. Ofcom’s new rules require that operators issue PACs immediately over the phone or within a maximum of 2 hours by text message. Previously some operators issued PACs via post, which could take several days to arrive.
Press release & links
STFC: And finally - Find out about the 'cool tools' UK scientists use - Be inspired; follow a scientist; take a look into the heart of Science and Technology Facilities Council. Have you ever wanted to look inside a particle accelerator? Meet a plasma scientist? Here is your opportunity to take a peak inside STFC.
Backstage science is a small selection of videos about STFC. The footage includes interviews with some their scientists and a fantastic unparalleled opportunity to see behind the scenes at many of their facilities, most of which can't easily be accessed.
Press release & links
Forthcoming Event: Retrofit – European solutions to a global problem | Guildhall | Winchester | 20th May - This year’s Radian Retrofit Conference, ‘Retrofit – European solutions to a global problem’, takes place at the Guildhall, Winchester on 20th May.
With more than 250 delegates booked, it promises to provide powerful networking opportunities and the chance to join the debate on how we can make the best use of available funding and encourage additional resources to accelerate the collective contribution to reduce carbon emissions. As the first housing association in the UK to receive funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for retrofit of social housing, we are well placed to stimulate the debate.
This event follows our successful conference in 2009 which was based on the Radian led 'Retrofit South East' project, supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), when delegates gathered together to learn from Radian’s experience and expertise as a leading advocate and pioneer of advanced whole house retrofit solutions.
Click here for more detailed information on speakers and the programme, and to book your free place please follow the link below.