While our WGPlus newsletter editorial team have been taking a summer break, Wired.gov staff have continued to monitor the reduced volume of press releases for reports, guidance notes, consultations, etc. published over the last couple of weeks. The results are published in this ‘holiday update’.
DH: Designed solutions are more cost effective than just throwing money at a problem - A national challenge that will fund teams to ‘develop new design-led ideas for products & services that make lives simpler, better & more enjoyable for those with dementia and their carers’ has been launched by The Design Council and the Department of Health. Closing date for entries is 30 September 2011 with final teams to be announced on the 14 November 2011.
Living well with dementia will offer 5 teams a share of £360,000 alongside professional support to develop working prototypes & business models over the next 5 months. The challenge is aiming to recruit teams with a variety of expertise, including designers, social entrepreneurs, businesses, service providers, support groups or individuals who may already have good ideas.
The Design Council has launched a social network for those interested, to access extensive research on dementia, meet others to form teams, and download the call for entries. ‘Living well with dementia’ follows similar national design challenges run by the Design Council to develop design-led solutions to social & healthcare issues (improving patient privacy & dignity, reducing health care associated infections in wards and a current project: Reducing violence and aggression in A&E by design).
Press release ~ Sign up for the design challenge ~ Design Council: Living well with Dementia ~ DH’s National Dementia Strategy ~ Alzheimer's Society ~ Dementia Commissioning Pack ~ Route Map for Dementia Research ~ Standards of Care for Dementia ~ Promoting Excellence ~ Scotland's National Dementia Strategy: One Year On Report ~ IPPR: Health reforms put dementia care in jeopardy ~ Alzheimer’s Society in Wales ~ WAG – Dementia services
ICO: Why you didn’t get the grades you needed - Students who want to know exactly what the examiner thought of their work can request to see this information under the Data Protection Act, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said recently, as hundreds of thousands of students receive their A-Level exams results.
David Smith, Deputy Commissioner for Data Protection, said: “Having access to information - such as a breakdown of their overall mark and examiners’ comments – may not lead to their grades being altered, but it could help them make decisions that impact on their future, such as deciding to re-sit an exam or pursue a particular subject at college or university.”
“This right doesn’t just apply to A-level exams. Students sitting GCSEs, Scottish Highers and degree examinations can also request to see their information. If examination bodies fail in their legal duty to respond then students can bring a complaint to the ICO and we will look into it.”
The ICO’s guidance – Individuals’ rights of access to examination records – also outlines how people can access more general information about college or university policies or procedures.
The ICO has also produced guidance for schools and universities, explaining their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act – including what actions they should take when receiving a subject access request. Further information on this announcement can be found on the ICO’s young people's pages.
Press release & links ~ Individuals’ rights of access to examination records ~ Guidance for schools and universities ~ ICO: Young people's pages
LSN: Want a second chance? - If you haven’t got the grades you need and you’re thinking about re-sitting next year, a distance learning course with NEC could help you to:
ICO: Why you didn’t get the grades you needed - Students who want to know exactly what the examiner thought of their work can request to see this information under the Data Protection Act, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said recently, as hundreds of thousands of students receive their A-Level exams results.
David Smith, Deputy Commissioner for Data Protection, said: “Having access to information - such as a breakdown of their overall mark and examiners’ comments – may not lead to their grades being altered, but it could help them make decisions that impact on their future, such as deciding to re-sit an exam or pursue a particular subject at college or university.”
“This right doesn’t just apply to A-level exams. Students sitting GCSEs, Scottish Highers and degree examinations can also request to see their information. If examination bodies fail in their legal duty to respond then students can bring a complaint to the ICO and we will look into it.”
The ICO’s guidance – Individuals’ rights of access to examination records – also outlines how people can access more general information about college or university policies or procedures.
The ICO has also produced guidance for schools and universities, explaining their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act – including what actions they should take when receiving a subject access request. Further information on this announcement can be found on the ICO’s young people's pages.
Press release & links ~ Individuals’ rights of access to examination records ~ Guidance for schools and universities ~ ICO: Young people's pages
LSN: Want a second chance? - If you haven’t got the grades you need and you’re thinking about re-sitting next year, a distance learning course with NEC could help you to:
* improve your grades
* build your confidence
* develop your independent learning skills
* have the flexibility of fitting study around a part-time job
NEC, part of Learning and Skills Network, offers the widest range of ‘A Levels’ available by distance learning, including Maths, English, Biology & Psychology. Get 10% discount on NEC courses or a 20% saving when you enrol online. Offer expires 31 October 2011.
NEC, part of Learning and Skills Network, offers the widest range of ‘A Levels’ available by distance learning, including Maths, English, Biology & Psychology. Get 10% discount on NEC courses or a 20% saving when you enrol online. Offer expires 31 October 2011.
Forthcoming Event: Gartner Symposium/ITxpo | 7-10 November 2011 | CCIB (Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona) Spain - The World’s Most Important Gathering of CIO’s and Senior IT Executives - Now is the time for IT executives to question their assumptions and reimagine IT in a whole new way. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo delivers independent and objective content with the authority and weight of the world's leading IT research and advisory organization.
"As IT catapults into driving innovation and growth, CIO leadership skills will be redefined."
Re-imagine IT: Leading from the Front
The rise of new technologies has given IT a seat at the strategy table–offering a new context for your organization’s infrastructure, investment, innovation and growth. This sets the stage for CIOs and senior executives to re-imagine IT in ways that challenge assumptions and fuel transformation from the inside out.
Learn more about Symposium/ITxpo 2011 in Barcelona, 7–10 November.
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