CQC: Care Quality Commission statement on Panorama programme - “CQC carries out an unannounced inspection of every care & nursing home in England every year – more often if we believe people may be at risk. This system of regulation can and does identify poor care which CQC then takes action to tackle."
"However, what it cannot do is to identify and stamp out deliberately concealed abuse. By its very nature, concealed abuse takes place away from the eyes of managers and inspectors and can even take place, as in this case, in a well run care home. Abuse of vulnerable people is a criminal matter, and is rightly handled by the police and the courts”.
The report on Ash Court Care Centre published on the CQC’s website in October 2011 details the findings of two unannounced inspections (in June 2011 & August 2011) which took place following information received by CQC from Camden Council about the incident involving Maria Worroll.
Press release ~ CQC: Ash Court Care Centre ~ Panorama: Undercover – Elderly care ~ CQC: Surprise home care inspections underway ~ BBC News: Four arrests after patient abuse caught on film ~ NPC: Devising a code is easy, getting staff agreement is not difficult, achieving 100% compliance is the tough bit (2nd item) ~ NHS Confederation - Independent Commission issues "call to arms" on improving dignity of care of older people in hospitals and care homes ~ New code established to safeguard older people’s dignity in care ~ AUK: Introduction to care homes ~ ScotGov: Care for older people is top priority ~ PA: The Lottery of Dignified Care ~ Dignity in Care Network ~ ScotGov: Your care in your hands (5th item) ~ NHS Confed: Yet more evidence changes to NHS are necessary (6th item) ~ NICE- Dementia: Supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care ~ End of Life Care Strategy: Promoting high quality care for all adults at the end of life ~ Diabetes UK - One care home resident with diabetes admitted to hospital every 25 minutes ~ Community Care: Most social workers have seen abuse in residential care
PC&PE: Is there any point to constitutional reform before the referendum for Scottish Independence? - The Joint Committee on the Draft House of Lords Reform Bill has published its report.
The report includes the following recommendations:
The report includes the following recommendations:
* The Committee, on a majority, agree that the reformed second chamber should have an electoral mandate, provided it has commensurate powers
* If the reformed House is to be elected, 80% of members should be elected and 20% nominated
* The size of the House should be 450 and members should serve for 15 year non-renewable terms
* The Committee agrees with the government's proposal for election under the STV system
* A majority of the Committee recommends that the decision to elect members of the HoL should be submitted to a referendum
Press release & links ~ UCL CU: House Full: Time to Get A Grip on Lords Appointments ~ ERS: Reforming the HoL ~ PSA: HoL reform – A Briefing paper ~ The Guardian: Jesse Norman - simple but powerful argument against Lords reform
BIS: A timely publication as we enter a ‘double-dip’ - A new online toolkit has been launched, which provides first-time employers with a step-by-step guide through their obligations when taking on a member of staff.
The Taking on an Employee toolkit takes employers through the process of hiring their first member of staff and explains their core legal obligations when doing so. This includes information on setting pay, getting the right insurance, understanding tax requirements and checking a new employee’s right to work in the UK.
The Taking on an Employee toolkit takes employers through the process of hiring their first member of staff and explains their core legal obligations when doing so. This includes information on setting pay, getting the right insurance, understanding tax requirements and checking a new employee’s right to work in the UK.
In addition, a mythbusters document has been published alongside the online toolkit for first-time employers, which aims to address some common misconceptions about hiring a member of staff. This document includes helpful advice on registering with HMRC, anti-discrimination laws, dismissal rules, setting up payrolls and probation periods.
Also available from the site will be information about Government support, financial & otherwise, to encourage employers to take on their first employee.
Also available from the site will be information about Government support, financial & otherwise, to encourage employers to take on their first employee.
Press release ~ Taking on an employee online tool ~ Common myths when employing someone for the first time ~ Employment Law Review
ICO: It’s not just the bad publicity, the ICO could fine an organisation as well - The Information Commissioner’s Office is 'urging consumers to take better care of their data, following an investigation into the trade in used hard drives'. The ICO has published new guidance to 'help individuals securely delete personal information from their old devices'.
An investigation by the ICO found that 10% of second-hand hard drives sold online may contain residual personal information. An ICO survey also found that 65% of British adults now hand on their old phones, computers & laptops to another user, with 44% giving it away to somebody else for free and 21% selling it to somebody else. The ICO will also be publishing more detailed guidance for organisations shortly.
Press release ~ ICO’s report on un-scrubbed hard drives ~ Full results of the ICO’s survey into attitudes about data destruction (Excel file) ~ ICO’s advice for individuals on how to securely delete their information from an old device ~ BIS: Information Security Management ~ Mazuma: Data delete tool ~ Newswire - ICO: You might be able to ‘demand it’ from clients, but you will also now ‘pay for it’ if you are careless with it (2nd item)
Dstl: Better Battlefield trauma care also saves civilian lives - The Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) is looking for ways to provide the best medical capability to the UK’s armed forces on the front line.
It is seeking proposals from industry, academia & innovators on both novel approaches to bespoke military needs and the translation of civilian medical systems into the military environment.
It is seeking proposals from industry, academia & innovators on both novel approaches to bespoke military needs and the translation of civilian medical systems into the military environment.
Press release & links ~ Previous related PR ~ PM ltd: EnFlowTM 100 Rapid Blood and Fluid Warmer ~ Defence Medical Services ~ Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) ~ NAO: MoD – Treating injury and illness arising from military operation ~ Additional related PR ~ Bulk Medical Storage Facility (BMSF) ~ Airborne medics test skills for worldwide operations ~ Report: The Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 1: Military Casualties ~ BBC: Frontline medicine
UKOC: The net is for far more than just shopping - Last week, UK Online’s latest campaign - Spring Online with us! – got going. The campaign runs until 18 May, and over a thousand centres are taking part, running events in their local community to get people online for the first time.
This year's campaign has 3 themes;
This year's campaign has 3 themes;
* discovering more about the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
* improving your skills for a new career with the National Careers Service
* learning more about the history of your local area with Historypin
TfL: New world records for delayed journeys likely - Full 'hotspot' information on where & when Tube and rail services will be most affected during London 2012 Games were published last week. Londoners are asked to start planning & exploring alternative travel options at the Get Ahead of the Games website.
DH: No need to call out the Doctor in the middle of the night - Changes to Misuse of Drugs Regulations mean that up to 20,000 nurses & midwives and 1,500 pharmacists who are qualified as ‘independent prescribers’ will now be able to prescribe controlled drugs like morphine, diamorphine & prescription-strength co-codamol (where it is clinically appropriate & within their professional competence).
HMRC: Re-claim it or lose it! - Take action a.s.a.p. if you want payments to continue - Tax credit customers are being reminded by HM Revenue & Customs that they must renew claims by the 31 July 2012 deadline - or their payments may stop. They are urged to act as soon as they receive a renewal pack from HMRC.
Press release & links ~ CAB: Working tax credit entitlement and how to apply ~ CAB: Tax credit take-up resource pack
Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit, 11 - 12 June 2012, London - Everything about CRM is changing. Social media and the use of mass market mobile devices have gone into overdrive.
The concept of "big data" is beginning to forever alter the relationship of technology to information consumption. Amidst all of this change, there is one certainty: it will be mandatory, not optional, for organizations to address and embrace these trends.
The Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit will give you the insight, ideas and inspiration to cut through the confusion and realize your organization’s CRM potential. This Summit shows you how to:
The concept of "big data" is beginning to forever alter the relationship of technology to information consumption. Amidst all of this change, there is one certainty: it will be mandatory, not optional, for organizations to address and embrace these trends.
The Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit will give you the insight, ideas and inspiration to cut through the confusion and realize your organization’s CRM potential. This Summit shows you how to:
- Get smarter by collecting, analyzing and acting upon the vast array of unstructured customer data now available.
- Think socially, about how customers want to engage with each other and with your organization, enabling more open and mutually beneficial relationships.
- Be mobile-orientated, so core sales, marketing and service processes can be executed on customers’ new preferred channel
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