DH: The more we talk about it, the less there is to fear - A new campaign, which aims to increase early diagnosis rates for dementia across England by tackling the public’s fears of talking about the condition, has been launched recently by the Department of Health with support from the Alzheimer’s Society.
The A Day to Remember campaign is part of the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia. It will encourage people to have that first ‘difficult conversation’ with a friend or family member when they spot the signs and symptoms of dementia and encourage them to visit their GP.
New research shows:
* 50% of people say they would find it hard to talk about dementia to someone they thought might have it
* 33% say that personal concerns would discourage them from talking about dementia with a friend or relative
* 63% of people would not be confident telling the difference between the signs of dementia and the normal signs of ageing
ICO: Clouds don't obscure the fact that the law is clear, if it’s YOUR data, it’s Your responsibility - The Information Commissioner’s Office has published guidelines to businesses to underline that companies remain responsible for how personal data is looked after, even if they pass it to cloud network providers.
More & more businesses are looking to use cloud computing, with the economies of scale they offer giving access to a range of computer technologies & expertise that would be difficult to afford in-house. But data protection regulator ICO is concerned that many businesses do not realise they remain responsible for how the data is looked after, even after passing it to the cloud network provider.
CO: Government is open to business - The Open Data User Group (ODUG) has called on developers and the open data community to ‘submit requests for the release of data they believe will have commercial & social benefits and contribute to economic growth’. The call comes on the day that the UK takes over as lead co-Chair of the international Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Anyone with an interest in accessing public sector information can submit a request to the ODUG using a new online form at data.gov.uk since last week.
As part of the UK Government’s drive to make public data more widely available and support economic growth, the Met Office is beginning a consultation with application developers on its new DataPoint weather data visualisation app to further refine the service. NB: Links to Forum (inviting comments) will appear on DataPoint website in next few weeks.
CO: As the rains start up again - The Cabinet Office, in partnership with the Business Continuity Institute and Emergency Planning Society has worked to produce the new ‘Business Continuity for Dummies’, an essential ‘survival’ guide for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Reducing the risk from emergencies allows SMEs to go about their business more freely and with confidence that they can manage challenges they may face.
Written with SMEs in mind, the guide acknowledges that smaller businesses just do not have the money, time and resources to prepare for disruptions, yet the cost of dealing with them when they do arise can be significant.
The guide provides simple, and for the most part inexpensive, ‘how to’ measures to deal with difficulties ranging from being let down by one of your key suppliers all the way through to major disruptions caused by challenges such as flooding, severe weather and a pandemic influenza outbreak.
BIS: Help is a click away when choosing a university course - Students applying to university will have more information at their fingertips than ever before to help them make choices about courses and where to study.
A new website has been launched that features a standardised set of data called the Key Information Set (KIS). The completely revised Unistats website provides extensive information for over 31,000 courses in the UK, including student satisfaction ratings, graduate salaries & employment, tuition fees & financial support, and the cost of accommodation.
RoSPA: Entry is as easy as ‘falling off a ladder’ - The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has launched its awards scheme for 2013 and organisations of all sizes & types are invited to enter using a new online process.
The RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards scheme, which is the largest & longest-running occupational health & safety awards programme in the UK, has a fully online entry process for the first time. All entrants must register for the awards by 3 December 2012.
DCMS: Who says there is no funding for culture? - Public libraries are being encouraged to apply for Arts Council England grants to support projects with cultural organisations. ACE wants the fund to inspire ambitious & innovative partnerships that will encourage library users and those living locally to get involved with arts and cultural activities.
The Grants for the arts Libraries fund, which will invest £6m of National Lottery money, opened for applications last week and will run until March 2015.
Information Security Management - Latest White Paper Urges Cultural Shift to Mitigate Data Loss, Security Breach and Non-Compliance - Based on PWC’s survey of 600 leading European organisations, a recent study highlights an urgent need for a change in employee behaviour and a cultural shift among senior executives if organisations are to mitigate risks including data loss, non-compliance and security breach.
The report also highlights areas where mid-sized organisations are exposed to risk and provides recommendations for them to be better prepared. The Information Risk Maturity Index highlights a set of measures that, if put in place and frequently monitored, will help protect the digital and paper information held by an organisation.
The full PWC report is now available along with related public sector case studies highlighting improved security and compliance and addressing challenges such as:
* The sheer complexity of managing hundreds of thousands of files
* Records stored in many disparate locations and facilities of varying quality
* Assuring the security and integrity of sensitive documents
* Meeting government-imposed access targets
Click here to receive the report and recent case studies.
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