Increasing spread of BYOD work practice leaves organisations open to legal action & fines - ICO Head of Enforcement, Stephen Eckersley, says: “Organisations must be aware of how people are now storing and using personal information for work. ….. It is clear that more and more people are now using a personal device, particularly their mobile phones and tablets, for work purposes so its crucial employers are providing guidance and training to staff which covers this use.
“We have published guidance on this growing trend, commonly known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and we would urge all organisations to make sure they follow our recommendations by ensuring their data protection policies reflect the way many of us are now using personal devices for work.”
The ICO’s guidance explains that some of the key issues organisations need to be aware of when allowing staff to use personal devices for work include:
* Be clear with staff about which types of personal data may be processed on personal devices and which may not
* Use a strong password to secure your devices
* Enable encryption to store data on the device securely
* Ensure that access to the device is locked or data automatically deleted if an incorrect password is input too many times
* Use public cloud-based sharing & public backup services, which you have not fully assessed, with extreme caution, if at all
* Register devices with a remote locate & wipe facility to maintain confidentiality of the data in the event of a loss or theft
Press release & links ~ ICO fines Glasgow City Council £150K ~ Police Force Pays £120,000 Penalty for Data Breach ~ ICO - Action taken after care provider lost unencrypted memory stick ~ ICO: Should the ICO investigate the police for not ensuring that personal data in the Downing Street security log & police notebooks were kept secure? (4th item) ~ ICO: Fining an organisation gets their attention, but a personal fine for the ‘responsible officer’ as well might ensure they became compliant (3rd item) ~ ICO - Council caught out after loss of memory stick
What we need is a ‘Successful Start’, not just a ‘Fresh Start’ - In her first major announcement as the Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe has outlined her priorities for transforming how the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will monitor, inspect and regulate care homes and other adult social care services, with a greater focus on public involvement and improvement.
Key proposals include awarding ratings to every care home & adult social care service by March 2016 to help people make informed decisions about their care and establishing expert inspection teams involving people who have experience of care services. The Chief Inspector’s plans & priorities are set out in A Fresh Start for the Regulation and Inspection of Adult Social Care, ahead of a full public consultation in spring 2014.
Press release & links ~ First Social Care Report puts spotlight on leadership ~ Clear public support for inspection changes ~ Care Minister announces proposals to deal with rushed care visits ~ Home care commissioning practices by local authorities must protect older people’s human rights ~ CQC appoints Heads of Hospital Inspections ~ Government strengthens health regulator’s independence ~ Have your say on Care Quality Commission fees ~ LGA - New adult social care appointment for LGA and ADASS ~ Data collection shake-up as social care moves into the 21st century ~ CQC bank on extra inspection expertise ~ Poll identifies mixed bag of challenges to 'genuine' integration ~ Eric Pickles hails Council Tax ‘5 year freeze’ and £3.8bn for social care ~ New government reforms won't solve social care funding challenge ~ Reforming the law for adult social care ~ Early warning system to protect against care home failure ~ CQC launch 'State of Care' report 2012 ~ IFS: Whatever we are going to do to raise the care funding, we need to start doing it soon (3rd item)
Could this treaty change trigger a
Press release & links ~ HMT: Detailed critical analysis or Europhile Civil Service ‘fudge’? ~ EU News: The countdown to a UK referendum has begun as EC outlines timetable for proposed Treaty Changes ~ EU News: Let’s start by capping the CAP & selling off the Strasbourg parliamentary offices (11th item)
Just in case the bankers get it wrong again - The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has produced a new online tool for consumers who want to know whether their savings are protected. The simple savings protection checker allows people to enter the names of their banks, building societies and credit unions they have money with. The checker then informs them whether their savings are protected by FSCS.
Press release & links
Simplifying Secrecy classifications - The government security classifications will be fundamentally overhauled for the first time since World War II. The shake-up will see the 6 existing levels of protective marking replaced with 3: Official, Secret and Top Secret. The new markings will be used by over 700,000 civil servants and military personnel from April 2014, and are set to be adopted by the wider public sector in due course.
Press release & links
Have you got what it takes to be a reserve? - Army Reserve units were in
Chefs, drivers, medics, infantrymen, engineers, signallers and many more came together at Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre in
Press release & links ~ London Army reservists train in Cyprus
Public Sector Pensions would be more affordable if administration was standardised - Advice from financial markets experts will be used to identify vital administrative savings in the management of town hall pensions. Figures published for the local government pension scheme show there is scope for reforms to improve performance and reduce investment management & administration overheads, which cost taxpayers £508m in England & Wales. These range from £28 to over £300 per scheme member across 89 separately managed funds.
Press release & links
Gartner Data Center Summit 2013 | 25 – 26 November | London | Taking Charge, Leading Change: Your I&O Transformation Can't Wait - From aligning I&O initiatives with business priorities, to benchmarking best practices for the future, this event equips I&O leaders with the ‘must-have’ strategies to manage today’s rapidly evolving technologies and business models.
Actionable advice from Case study speakers:
* BP
* Commerzbank
* Hvidovre Kommune
* Met Office
* Morgan Stanley
* University of St Andrews
Drawing from our latest research, our team of analysts deliver on your data centre needs with a powerful five-track agenda:
A - Economics of the Future Data Center
B - Cloud-Enabled Data Center Landscape
C - Business Impact of Mobility
D - Maintaining the Data Center Mission
E - Driving the technology Revolution
Click here to view the full agenda.
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