The fact that the numbers are ‘statistically small’ is NOT comforting |
Katherine Murphy, CE of the Patients Association (PA), has responded to statistics lifted from NHS England data, which reportedly found that over 1,100 patients have suffered from very serious hospital errors over the past 4 years. The figures seen by the PA suggest that the ‘never events’ - mistakes so serious they should never happen - included more than 400 people who suffered due to ‘wrong site surgery’, and more than 420 have also had ‘foreign objects’ left inside them after operations (including gauzes, swabs, drill guides, scalpel blades & needles). |
Researched Links: |
Patients Association calls for ‘Never’ incidents to cease Patient safety incident reporting continues to improve Yet again we find the NHS cannot investigate itself Achieving the best outcomes for the NHS requires ‘highlighting the worst’ NICE Evidence Search | never events - NHS Evidence Search Never Events - Patient Safety Federation Revised policy on never events & serious incidents - NHS Cover-ups in ‘bad practice’ lead to repeated mistakes in NHS treatments We should reward those who speak up and reprimand those that ‘hide’ issues |
Should have been done years ago |
A new whistleblowing helpline for employees to speak out about child protection failures has been officially launched. The NSPCC will deliver this service, which includes a helpline & email support, on behalf of the Home Office. The helpline, which will be open Monday to Friday, will handle calls from employees from any sector, who are afraid to raise concerns about the way their organisation is dealing with cases of child abuse, or who feel they have exhausted all avenues with their employer directly. |
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Home Office launches child abuse whistleblowing helpline We have been ‘whistling in the wind’ for a way to encourage this PM unveils tough new measures to tackle child sexual exploitation Crime Prevention Minister announces mandatory reporting of FGM IPCC statement - independent report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham Rotherham child exploitation- Jay Report exposes local government and Ofsted failure The Guardian: Should whistleblowing teachers be given more protection |
Slightly more feasible than an EU ‘army’, but is their funding for it in the existing budget? |
The EU has launched the European Medical Corps (EMC) to help mobilise medical & public health teams and equipment for emergencies inside & outside the EU. Through the EMC, EU Member States and other European countries participating in the system can make medical teams & assets available for rapid deployment before an emergency strikes – hopefully ensuring a faster & more predictable response. The medical corps could include emergency medical teams, public health and medical coordination experts, mobile biosafety laboratories, medical evacuation planes and logistical support teams. |
Researched Links: |
EU launches new European Medical Corps to respond faster to emergencies EU support for Nepal reconstruction process Fighting forest fires in Europe – how it works EU supports people affected by floods in Myanmar & Bangladesh EU provides civil protection experts to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia EC & Europe's local governments strengthen ties to combat natural disasters EC moves to help Italy, Greece, Slovenia & Croatia after flood, earthquake and ice storm disasters Ebola: EU helps deliver aid to Sierra Leone Dealing with disasters: new global strategy must empower local & regional authorities |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Ignoring political dogma, could it be cheaper to use private sector resources than employing agency staff in the NHS |
In response to latest NHS performance figures (Dec 2015) showing a breach of the 18-week referral to treatment time target, NHSPN wrote to the Secretary of State for Health to say more needs to be done to ensure patients are not facing long wait times. |
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NHS Confed: Independent Sector capacity to support NHS NHS Agency staff costing too much? Patients Association - Rise in Agency Nurses Risks Patient Safety Managing the supply of NHS clinical staff in England Civitas - Limits on nurse training numbers should be scrapped Challenging environment for NHS providers Restrictions on nurse recruitment from overseas changed TKF: Workforce shortages endanger delivery of the NHS 5-year forward view |
Nice to know things have been improved |
NICE has launched a suite of guidelines to ensure that trauma services are delivered effectively & consistently. The guidelines cover fractures, complex fractures, spinal injury assessment, major trauma & trauma services. Trauma cases result in around 5,400 deaths each year in England, and are the most common cause of death in patients under 40 in the UK. In 2010, a report from the National Audit Office found inadequacies in the level of trauma care delivered in the country. Following this, a number of regional trauma networks were developed, led by doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. The aim of these networks was to ensure patients are taken to the right hospital for them and to get the treatment they need. NICE: Ensuring trauma care is delivered effectively & consistently NICE publishes 5 new guidelines to standardise trauma care in England |
Hosting codebar at GDS |
The Government Digital Service recently hosted their first codebar event in their offices at Aviation House, near Holborn. Codebar is a tutoring programme that helps women, LGBTQ, and people belonging to underrepresented ethnic groups in tech learn programming in a safe & collaborative environment and expand their career opportunities. Their work was recognised last year by a Points of Light Award delivered by the PM’s office. During these weekly events, experienced developers volunteer their time to help students go through tutorials or build their own project. |
Desperately needed in what has become an ‘annual occurrence’ |
Almost £1m has been awarded to 51 UK charities to support water rescue services in local communities. The government scheme gives voluntary groups crucial funding for new equipment & training to support their rescue efforts on and around inland & inshore waterways. The money is for the purchase of lifeboats, launch vehicles, rafts and safety gear, as well as going towards training and other costs to support lifesaving efforts. DfT: Government gives £915,000 boost to water rescue charities |
Are we finally seeing an outbreak of common sense in CJEU ruling? |
CJEU: EU law allows an asylum seeker to be detained when the protection of national security or public order so requires |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
PC&PE: Report on EU foreign & security strategy published Towards Energy Union: The EC presents sustainable energy security package EU fundamental rights & national legislation IPPR: Major risks for UK-EU deal at European Council summit EESC supports Schengen and decries costs of Non-Schengen for European integration |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
PC&PE: UK Government must take post-study visa problems seriously |
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