The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has recently migrated to desktop virtualisation software and other tools in a move that will save £3m a year while boosting efficiency and flexibility for mobile workers. DCLG is also part of the Public Services Network (PSN), which requires each user’s access to be secure so the solution had to meet all government security requirements, including encryption of any personal data. “We have saved around 40 per cent on our desktop budget. We used to spend around £7 million a year providing desktops and infrastructure, and we now spend £4 million per year on a better service that users prefer.” Darren Scates CIO and Technology Leader DCLG. Click here to find out more and download the full DCLG case study. |
Once AIDS was a ‘death sentence’ |
£250m has been pledged towards the UK’s first ever Dementia Research Institute (DRI), as Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK have recently both pledged £50m investment recently (1 May 2016). Announced by the PM in his Challenge on Dementia 2020 last year, the DRI has been backed by £150m of government investment. It will bring together scientists & experts from across the globe to transform the landscape of dementia research and firmly secure the UK’s reputation as a world leader in R&D against these devastating diseases. Set to be fully up & running by 2020, the Institute will have a central UK hub with a network of regional centres and is expected to engage hundreds of scientists. It will focus on the innovative, discovery science needed to unlock our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development & progression of the dementias. This research will help to drive new approaches to diagnosis, treatment, care provision and ultimately prevention of the disease |
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BIS: Charities’ historic pledge sees funding for landmark Dementia Research Institute soar to £250m Ageing may be inevitable, BUT Dementia isn’t Would you want your mother/father treated like this? |
A legacy of ‘good’ care |
The Kate Granger Compassionate Care Awards will again take centre stage at this year’s Health and Care Innovation Expo. The awards, which are made to individuals, teams & organisations who demonstrate outstanding care for their patients, will be made on the first day of Expo 2016 being staged at Manchester Central on 7 – 8 September 2016. Named after Kate Granger, the terminally ill doctor who has worked tirelessly to raise awareness around compassion in the NHS through her #hellomynameis social media campaign, the awards are now open to entrants, and nominations can be made throughout May & June, with the closing date being 30 June 2016. |
Health Science hub ‘rises from the ashes’ of GSK site |
Public Health England will be holding a 3-day exhibition to unveil outline plans to create a public health science hub in Harlow, Essex, known as PHE Harlow. The £400m project will involve redeveloping the vacant GSK site at the New Frontiers Science Park to create a centre of excellence for research, health improvement and protection. Invitations have been sent to 7,500 people living within a mile of the site and many more have been distributed in & around the town. Science Alive at Harlow Leisurezone from on 12 – 13 May (3pm to 8pm) & Saturday 14 May. (10a.m to 3pm) |
DH: PHE invites Harlow community to exhibition unveiling plans for a science hub |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Changing the ‘Odds of Life’ for 8m Syrian children |
Students across the country are gearing up to help raise vital funds for Syrian children as Unicef UK’s annual Day for Change takes place on Friday 13 May. With more than 8m Syrian children now in urgent need of life-saving aid, Unicef is calling on schools to collect as much loose change as they can to help keep Syrian children safe. Pupils can get creative and hold special fundraising events, from cake sales, to ‘Wear-it-blue’ non-uniform days or Bring-a-Pound days. This year the UK government will double every penny schools raise for the appeal until 22 July 2016, helping Unicef to reach even more children in danger. |
Unicef: Pupils Gear Up To Bring Change For Syria’s Children Unicef UK Launches Resources To Help School Children Understand The Refugee Crisis |
Projects will always be over-budget if managed retrospectively |
A Public Accounts Committee report warns that poor data & increasing complexity are undermining Parliament's ability to hold the Government to account. It also finds there are ‘too many examples’ of departmental Accounting Officers allowing projects & initiatives such as funding to the charity Kids Company ‘to proceed unchallenged, despite strong evidence of poor value for money’. The Committee describes a lack of cost & performance data across government as a long-standing problem, weakening the ability of Accounting Officers "to hold delivery bodies to account and intervene effectively where required". |
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PC&PE: New measures needed to safeguard scrutiny of public spending The art of spending public money wisely This is a familiar theme over the years Accountability to Parliament for taxpayers’ money Eurostar sell-off raises concerns over handling of public assets Kids Company: Committee calls for overhaul of grant-funding system Government creates new body to help manage and deliver major projects for UK economy |
‘British Rail’ to be controlled by Brussels? |
Taking stock of the current situation, the European Railway Agency has analysed the political, economic, social, and technological environment of the European railway sector to formulate its vision for 2020: As a respected European authority, the Agency will be the ‘engine for change’ driving the Single European Railway Area. |
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Strategic Vision for the European Railway Agency: the Engine for Change Eliminating technical & administrative obstacles to boost European railways Rail Transport: Landmark deal will deliver better rail services to passengers New approval systems for rail interoperability and safety: COREPER gives its go-ahead EU seeks out partners for joint rail research Council agrees its position on the European Railway Agency Unions protest against threat of rail privatisation across Europe Transport: Parliament committee paves the way for a single European rail area |
Also helps one prepare for tube strikes |
National Walking Month launched last week with Londoners being encouraged to make walking part of their daily routine. The campaign, organised by national charity Living Streets, highlights the benefits of walking and promotes the idea that 20 minutes each day can have a significant impact on health & wellbeing. |
Would ‘fining’ the Chief Executive help ensure ‘due care & attention’ was paid to this responsibility |
A health trust that posted the private details of 6,574 members of staff on its website has been fined £185,000 by the ICO. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust failed to notice the mistake for 10 months and then took a further 5 months to alert affected staff. |
Researched Links: |
ICO fines NHS trust £185,000 for publishing details of thousands of staff online Less haste, more care, fewer fines Sensitive details of NHS staff published by Trust in Devon Personal fine for CE & Council leader might ensure commitment to data protection |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
Vote Leave - the campaign for a Leave vote in the EU referendum Strategic Vision for the European Railway Agency: the Engine for Change EU News: Almost 90,000 unaccompanied minors among asylum seekers registered in the EU in 2015 Adam Smith Inst: Why the only way is EEA for a post Brexit Britain PC&PE: EU withdrawal would be complex & daunting, Committee finds IEA: TPD - Regulatory overreach from the EU EC opens way for decision by June on visa-free travel for citizens of Turkey Editor’s Note: We suggest readers monitor the ‘News’ sections of the 2 campaign sites for the 2 differing views. The WGPlus newsletter will mainly limit itself to highlighting ‘normal’ EU-related news, plus Think Tank items, PC&PE reports, etc. |
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