WGPlus Notice: Welcome back our readers from the summer break and we would like to remind them that they can catch up on any ‘missed’ press releases by using our search facilities. Readers should also check the consultation section for un-advertised items published during August.
In a recent survey of 134 public sector decision makers, conducted by iGov in collaboration with Arvato, 53 per cent of respondents said their departments had explored the use of automation technology over the last 12 months. Given the cost and time reductions that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can deliver when processing labour-intensive back-office tasks, there’s little surprise the technology holds particular appeal for local authorities, which have been hit by the twin pressures of budget cuts and complex welfare reforms. Click here to find out more about how RPA could benefit your organisation. |
Proactive healthcare in the community is cheaper than surgery |
New analysis by Diabetes UK has revealed that the number of diabetes-related amputations in England has now reached an all-time high of 20 a day. The figures, calculated using new Public Health England data, show that the annual number of diabetes-related amputations in England is now 7,370 a year, compared to the previous figure of 7,042. Yet, with good diabetes healthcare & support, experts estimate that 4 out of 5 amputations could be prevented as 80% begin as foot ulcers, which are largely avoidable and far more treatable if found early. |
Researched Links: |
Diabetes UK: 20 devastating amputations every day ‘Side effects’ of diabetes can be life-threatening It’s not how long one lives, but how ‘Well’ We desperately need to take action |
‘Never’ is often a ‘flexible’ time period |
The Information Commissioner has responded to changes WhatsApp and Facebook are making to how they handle customers’ personal data. Elizabeth Denham said: “The changes WhatsApp and Facebook are making will affect a lot of people. Some might consider it’ll give them a better service, others may be concerned by the lack of control”. |
ICO: Statement on changes to WhatsApp & Facebook’s handling of personal data |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Amazon and Google next in line? |
The EC has concluded that Ireland granted undue tax benefits of up to €13bn to Apple. This is illegal under EU state aid rules, because it allowed Apple to pay substantially less tax than other businesses. Ireland must now recover the illegal aid. |
State aid: Ireland gave illegal tax benefits to Apple worth up to €13bn |
The SNP’s version of ‘Democracy’? |
MSPs who act as Parliamentary Liaison Officers (PLOs) for Scottish Government ministers will no longer be able to serve on the principal committee which scrutinises the portfolio to which they are attached. The requirement is being introduced as part of an updated Ministerial Code, FM Nicola Sturgeon has announced. |
ScotGov: New guidelines on ministerial aides Telegraph: Nicola Sturgeon backs down in Holyrood 'power grab' row Sturgeon stuffs Holyrood committees with MSP 'spies' for her ministers |
Editorial Commentary: Brexit may prove beneficial, but it's more complicated than you think |
Ministers have been told to ‘Get on with Brexit’ so, in about 2019, we will be able to start re-creating our Fishing industry! We will just reclaim our 200 mile maritime zone and fishermen from the Shetlands to Land’s End will be able to revitalise the industry as Ministers implement plans to Brexit. Well in part that is true, but ‘The Devil is in the Detail’ as it will take time to not only ‘unravel’ the EU fishing agreements, but also to negotiate with countries such as Iceland, the Faroes and Norway with whom the EU has made agreements on our behalf. Then there are some small ‘details’ such as Gibraltar (where Spanish fishermen already dispute coastal fishing right) and the Channel Islands (disputes with French Fishermen). Just to add a ‘touch of spice’ to the negotiations it could be that continued fishing rights are traded for ‘Financial Services Passporting’. Well, ScotGov’s FM has said she wants to maintain links with the EU and maintain tariff free access to its markets in the EU and it wouldn’t be the first time the ‘Bankers’ have been prioritised over other groups interests! |
Researched Links: |
Adam Smith Institute Catch of Today: A 10-Point Plan for British Fishing North Sea: a sustainable & profitable management plan for the region and its fishermen £360m of UK seafood making a splash on European menus NEF: North Sea cod - is the sea half full or half empty? Provisional Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015 UK fishermen see next phase of the discard ban take effect Tough decisions reap benefits for UK fishermen Mackerel agreement and support for fisheries affected by Russian ban Guardian: Leaving EU could end 'unfair' French fishing quotas, says minister Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) - British Sea Fishing What would Brexit really mean for the UK's fishing industry? An Open Letter To Fishing News | Fishing for Leave Brexit 'could boot French fishermen out of British waters' - The Telegraph NFFO - The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations Channel Islands Maritime Limits - Gov.uk |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
Researched Links: |
DIT: UK remains number one investment destination in Europe PC&PE: 'Scrutinising Brexit: the role of Parliament' follow-up inquiry launched Wales Office: Brexit means Brexit - and we're going to make a success of it |
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