Screening means more proactive healthcare and better (& more cost effective) outcomes |
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) has put out an annual call for the first time, which will enable any individual or organisation to submit a proposal for a condition to be considered for a population-wide screening programme. The call for new screening topics is being piloted this year. The pilot will measure the volume of work that the process may generate & assess its effectiveness. If successful, it is hoped the process can continue on an annual basis. Any proposals received will be evaluated against UK NSC screening criteria, but any condition previously considered by the Committee will not be included. The window for submissions for new topics closes at midday on Monday 9 January 2017 and the UK NSC will respond to each submission within 6 weeks after the annual call closes. There are currently 11 population screening programmes in England. |
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DH: Opportunity to propose new screening topics CRUK: More than two-thirds of cervical cancer deaths prevented by screening CRUK: Low cancer symptom awareness linked to lower chance of survival CRUK: 1 in 5 emergency bowel cancer patients had symptoms before diagnosis DH: Screening for risk of kernicterus not beneficial ScotGov: Drive to increase bowel screening participation DH: New STI figures show continued increases among gay men ScotGov: Breast screening review DH: New improved prostate pack for GPs WAG: Aneurysm screening saves lives in Wales DH: Rubella susceptibility screening in pregnancy to end in England DH: UK NSC recommendations include new bowel cancer screening test DH: One millionth screening milestone reached for AAA PC&PE: Better communication needed in health screening programmes DH: Chlamydia screening and condom schemes encourage safer sexual behaviour in young adults Home Office: New phase of tuberculosis screening launched as part of Immigration Rules changes |
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It can be awkward to talk about the ‘Big C’, which leads to missed opportunities |
Cancer Research UK is launching its first online course to help people have more confident conversations about cancer. The FREE course, Talking About Cancer, aims to help prevent cases of cancer & improve early diagnosis. It is designed for health workers & professionals including doctors, nurses & volunteers who talk to others about cancer, particularly about prevention. The course teaches conversation techniques to advise people how to make healthy lifestyle changes and to see a doctor when they notice an unusual change in their body. It also covers myths & facts about the disease. It is taught by CRUK trainers, alongside actors playing roles to show effective & ineffective conversations. It includes videos & quizzes, and participants can take part in online discussions. The course doesn’t require any previous training in the subject. |
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CRUK launches online course to help people talk about cancer NICE emphasises the importance of urgent referral in suspected melanoma Change in practice could prevent 250 people a year having major surgery, says NICE CRUK: Cancer survival improves in England Empowering primary care to improve cancer survival rates CRUK: 3 in 4 don’t know obesity causes cancer Let’s be clear: early diagnosis is crucial for cancer patients Working to end variance in cancer care CRUK: Are patients being told about opportunities to take part in research? |
The NHS needs some planning as it staggers from financial crisis to crisis |
Phil McCarvill, Deputy Director of Policy at the NHS Confederation, has responded to the publication of NHS England and NHS Improvement's Planning Guidance for 2017-19. |
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NHS Wales follows the Jesuit motto |
Healthy Child Wales, a programme that will ensure every child up to the age of 7 receives consistent & universal health services in Wales, was launched by the Minister for Social Services and Public Health Rebecca Evans recently. Implementing Healthy Child Wales is one of the Welsh Government’s priorities in its programme for government, Taking Wales Forward 2016-21. |
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WAG: Universal child health programme launched Taking Wales forward: Ministers “hit the ground running” during the first 100 days in office – FM "Give me the boy until he is seven, and I will give you the man" |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Its common sense really |
A new report finds that child sexual exploitation can be tackled best when all partners take responsibility for their roles, while also working collaboratively, with strategic goals clearly identified, understood & agreed across agencies. |
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HMIC: Take the time to listen to vulnerable children, say inspectorates CQC: ‘Time to listen’ - A joined up approach to child sexual exploitation & missing children Ofsted: Take the time to listen to vulnerable children, say inspectorates Should have been done years ago Good’ no longer seems to be appropriate for our ‘Civic Leaders’ Not surprising crime figures fall if reports of crimes are ignored! |
Are you entitled to free care? |
People who believe their care should have been funded by the NHS, are being encouraged by the Welsh Government to register their intent to make a claim. Continuing NHS Healthcare is a package of care provided free-of-charge by the NHS for those people with complex & primarily health-based needs. This can be provided in a care home or an individual’s own home. People who think they, or someone they care for, may have been eligible for Continuing NHS Healthcare but paid for all, or part, of their care can submit a claim. Potential claimants have until 31 October 2016 to register their intent to make a claim for continuing healthcare costs which were incurred between 1 October 2014 and 30 October 2015. |
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WAG: Deadline approaching for people to claim for their care |
Did they get it right?; Still time to have your say |
The Boundary commission are 3 weeks into the consultation on their initial proposals, which they published on 13 September 2016. Since then they have been asking all of you to get involved with the consultation and let them know what you think. You’re the experts when it comes to local communities, so they want you to tell them if their proposals reflect your community – are the shops, surgeries and schools you use in the same constituency as your home? |
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Boundary Commission for England: The first two weeks – an update from the Commission Why didn’t Labour complain about electoral bias when the electoral system favoured them? Committee on Standards in Public Life to hold seminar on referendums in the UK |
A chance to recognise their ‘above & beyond’ service |
Nominations are now open for The Sun Military Awards which this year features new categories. The Armed Forces and the general public have until 10 October 2016 to put forward individuals and units for an award. This year’s Millies will introduce several new awards including the Inspiring Others Award – honouring individuals in the Services, as well as the Cadet Forces who have inspired others to achieve more through their awe-inspiring example. Another new category is the Innovation Award which will recognise firms or individuals who have developed game-changing or life-saving pieces of equipment that transform the work of our Armed Forces. An awards reception will be held at the London Guildhall on 14 December 2016. |
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MoD: The Sun Military Awards open for nominations - Not forgetting our older / ‘forever young’ heroes; MoD: 75th Anniversary of the Arctic Convoys to be marked in Liverpool Two unknown soldiers from World War 1 honoured as they are finally laid to rest |
It’s not smart to risk your health |
Freshers & university students are being warned of the possible dangers to their health from taking powerful prescription medicines to get higher marks as a new university year begins. The announcement comes as concerning Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) research showed 14% of those sampled were likely to buy so-called ‘smart drugs’ within the next year. The misuse of prescription only medicines such as Modafinil and Ritalin remains prevalent despite repeated warnings against self-medication. Possible side effects of using ‘cognitive enhancers’ include risk of dependence, cardiovascular problems and psychosis. MHRA has recently launched the FakeMeds campaign aimed at young adults and highlighting the pitfalls of buying medicines online. Visit www.gov.uk/fakemeds for tips on buying medicines safely online and how to avoid unscrupulous sites. |
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LAs could get ‘financial caning’ from roll-out of Academies programme |
New figures released recently reveal that the potential cost to council taxpayers of converting all schools to academies is £320m, with an additional loss of £80m every year in business rates income. |
LGA: Councils' potential £320m bill to convert schools to academies |
Help ensure a better signal in future |
Ofcom is calling on the UK's 20m Android smartphone users to join its first crowdsourced research project for better mobile phone services. By downloading the Ofcom Mobile Research app, mobile users can join a nationwide panel of volunteers who will help gather valuable information about mobile coverage, reliability of voice calls, mobile broadband performance and users' experiences and habits. The app automatically measures the performance of mobile and Wi-Fi networks; users don't need to manually run any tests. |
Ofcom: Calling all Android users… join our mobile research project techUK: Ofcom launches crowdsourced project for better mobile phone services |
Get animated about e-safety |
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is calling all 7-19 year old students across UK schools & colleges to enter the BCS e-safety award, part of Animation17. The annual animation competition, now in its tenth year, is run by Manchester University. Deadline for entering: 31 March 2017. |
BCS calls for UK school students to scratch safely online with Animation17 competition |
With preparation it needn’t be a Big Deal |
Last week was National Inclusion Week, and the Cabinet Office published its first ever Gender Identity & Gender Reassignment Policy. GDS team member Laura felt like it was a good opportunity to write about her experience of being transgender and transitioning to her identified gender while working as a civil servant. |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
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IPPR: Slump in finance sector recruitment in aftermath of Brexit vote IEA: Adopt Icelandic style fisheries policy to boost sustainability ScotGov: EU discussion with French Government ScotGov: FM to give speech in London ScotGov: FM highlights importance of membership of single market WAG: FM leads first meeting of EU Advisory Group IFG: When it comes to Brexit, silence is not a strategy NEF: Restricting immigration won’t pay for working people EU News: MEPs reject EU Budget 2017 Council cuts: more funds for migration, jobs, youth |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
Boundary Commission for England: The first two weeks – an update from the Commission |
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