The next newsletter will be published on Tuesday 02 May 2017
Why News is ‘thin on the ground’ |
With both the local & mayoral elections approaching, you may have heard about public bodies, like CQC, having to respect a ‘pre-election period’, which places certain short-term restrictions on what we’re allowed to publish & announce in the period before an election. As a non-departmental public body, the CQC also have a duty to be politically impartial – it is important that their conduct during the pre-election period, and at all times, does not call this into question. The pre-election period began on Thursday 13 April 2017 and ends on Thursday 4 May 2017 for the local and mayoral elections happening in parts of the country. While they will not be publishing new national reports during this time, they want to be clear that this will not affect their activities that they class as ‘business as usual’. |
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An example of why the NHS has to continually ‘invest’ in research / pilot schemes |
An estimated 8,000 stroke patients a year are set to benefit from an advanced emergency treatment which can significantly decrease the risk of long-term disability and also save £ms in long term health & social care costs. NHS England has announced that it will commission mechanical thrombectomy so it can become more widely available for patients who have certain types of acute ischaemic stroke – a severe form of the condition where a blood vessel to the brain becomes blocked, often leading to long-term disability. If used within the first 6 hours of symptoms beginning to show – alongside other specialist medical treatment & care – the procedure has been shown in clinical trials to significantly improve survival & quality of life by restoring blood flow and therefore limiting brain damage. Work by NHS England is now underway to assess the readiness of each of the 24 neuroscience centres across the country which are set to introduce the service. It is expected the treatment will start to be phased in later in this year with an estimated 1,000 patients set to benefit across the first year of introduction. NHS England will work with Health Education England and trusts to build on the expertise that is currently available in these specialised centres, developing the workforce and systems to enable an estimated 8,000 to receive this treatment in coming years. Stroke is a devastating disease for patients and their families, and is estimated to cost the NHS around £3bn per year, with additional cost to the economy of a further £4bn in lost productivity, disability & informal care. |
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NHS England: Stroke patients in England set to receive revolutionary new treatment BHF: Researchers investigate cause of stroke linked to dementia NICE targets stroke with possible new indicators for GPs and clinical commissioners Joined-up working required for effective stroke rehab services Wales leading in UK on neurological care measures Quarter of people would not call 999 at the first signs of stroke PHE calls for greater high blood pressure awareness Tackling blood pressure: the size of the prize LGA: Health checks could save your life – say councils More people surviving strokes in Wales, new report shows BHF: New figures reveal 350 extra deaths each week from heart disease & strokes during winter months Opportunities for action around hypertension highlighted with new resource BHF: Study says screening could prevent 600 heart attacks in people under 40 Dietary reference values: advice on potassium Improving care for stroke patients: apply for innovation funding Heart Age Tool updated with new interventions and advice BHF: Increasing number of hospital visits for heart disease & stroke Thousands to benefit as NICE set to recommend drug to prevent heart attacks and strokes New work from NICE could prevent thousands of people from suffering a stroke BHF: Anabolic steroid abuse may increase risk of abnormal heart rhythm & stroke NICE draft guidance recommends new drugs for cholesterol disorder Stroke - Treatment - NHS Choices Treatment for a stroke - redcross.org.uk Stroke overview - NICE Pathways Diagnosis & treatment for a stroke | Health conditions | Age UK |
Although ‘1984’ is history, deep down most of us still have a ‘fear’ of ‘Big Brother’ and ‘self-willed’ robots |
techUK has welcomed the ICO’s release of a discussion paper on “Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection”. This is the latest version of the ICO’s Big Data and Data Protection report first released in July 2014 and brings the ICO’s views up to date as the of big data analytics increases across all sectors. In the foreword the Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, highlights the unique & relevant role of the ICO in providing “the right framework for the regulation of big data, AI and machine learning”. The paper considers in detail the implication of big data, AI & machine learning for data protection and explains the ICO’s current views on these technologies. In addition to defining what is meant by big data, AI & machine learning, the paper includes the ICO’s views on live issues of discussion including data ethics, algorithmic transparency and GDPR implementation. The ICO’s paper includes a number of key recommendations for organisations to consider when they are using big data, machine learning and AI tools and solutions, including;
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techUK Welcomes ICO Discussion Paper on Big Data and AI Dstl: Making sense of big data to improve the nation’s defence, security and prosperity ‘HAL’ graduates from rogue space computer to ‘2017; A Global Trade Odyssey’ Are you ready for the robot revolution? Cloud is good; SuperCloud is better Data at the Heart of the UK Digital Strategy Information: The King of Modern War! techUK welcomes Fourth Industrial Revolution report CIPD: HR must lead the way in ensuring technology unlocks people’s potential techUK welcomes Government’s Data Science Ethical Framework publication London Borough of Camden Gets Tough on Crime with Big Data 10 ways Google is Transforming Public Sector Frontline Services Opening up a world of information Skills Management: A Method for Measuring Resource Skills in a Public Sector Organisation |
Will this lead to a fine from the ICO? |
The NCSC is providing expert technical assistance to Wonga’s investigation into the illegal & unauthorised access to some of their customers’ personal data. Anyone who is concerned about their personal details should consult the advice on the Wonga website and guidance from Action Fraud by visiting their website or calling 0300 123 2040. |
NCSC response to Wonga investigation Guardian: Wonga data breach could affect nearly 250,000 UK customers |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
If you litter, you could be ‘throwing’ your money away |
Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom has unveiled the Government’s first Litter Strategy for England intended to reduce the near £800m burden to the taxpayer of clean-up costs. Under the new measures, the most serious litterers could be hit with the £150 fines, while vehicle owners could receive penalty notices when it can be proved litter was thrown from their car – even if it was discarded by somebody else. Further new measures drawn up by environment, transport & communities departments include:
The strategy also outlines measures to protect seas, oceans and marine life from pollution. It builds on the success of the 5p plastic bag charge, which has led to a 40% decrease in bags found on the beach. Funding will also be made available to support innovative community-led projects to tackle litter that could turn local success stories into national initiatives. The Government will follow the strategy with a new national anti-littering campaign in 2018, working with industry and the voluntary sector to drive behaviour change. The consultation on the new enforcement measures has opened (closes on 18 June 2017). Guidance will then be issued to councils to accompany any new enforcement powers, to make sure they are targeted at cutting litter, while preventing over-zealous enforcement or fines being used to raise revenue. |
Researched Links: |
DCMS: Government publishes new anti-littering strategy LGA responds to the Government's new litter strategy Illegal dumping levels reach tipping point Warning for landowners over dumping illegal waste LGA: Fly-Tipping: Pre-Christmas crackdown by councils is underway LGA: Judicial review backs councils' call for commercial waste VAT exemption to remain LGA: Councils reveal fly-tippers' worst excuses as clear-up costs rise LGA: High street coffee chains must go 'further & faster' in developing recyclable cups |
Not just Electricity & Gas suppliers one needs to at least threaten to change |
A new report from Citizens Advice reveals that 35% of broadband customers don’t realise they could face price hikes by staying on the same contract with their provider after their initial deal ends. With broadband customers staying on the same contract for 4 years on average, Citizens Advice warns customers are being charged a ‘loyalty penalty’ for remaining on the same deal. Citizens Advice wants broadband providers to help customers avoid loyalty penalties by being much clearer about how much their services will cost after the initial fixed deal ends. Analysis of the cheapest basic broadband deals from the 5 largest suppliers finds that prices go up by an average of 43%, or £9.45 extra a month, at the end of the fixed contract period. This adds an additional £113 a year to a customer’s bill. |
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CAB: Broadband prices rise by an average 43% when fixed term deals end |
Chickens free to enjoy the ‘delights of Spring’ outdoors |
All poultry in England are to be allowed outside from Thursday 13 April 2017 following updated evidence on the risk posed by wild birds, the UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has announced. The requirement to keep poultry in Higher Risk Areas of England housed or completely enclosed in netting, introduced to minimise the risk of them catching avian flu from wild birds, will be lifted. However, all keepers in England will continue to be required to comply with strict biosecurity measures. A ban on poultry gatherings also remains in force until further notice. The risk of poultry becoming infected from H5N8 remains heightened and countries across Europe continue to experience outbreaks and observe cases in wild birds. Defra is stepping up surveillance of wild birds across the UK to inform their risk assessments. Lifting the housing requirement in Higher Risk Areas means free range birds across every part of England can now be allowed outside again. |
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Defra: Updated measures to protect poultry against Avian Flu |
‘Out of this world’ solutions for Developing Countries |
The UK Space Agency has opened a call to connect space industry & developing countries to help tackle economic, societal & environmental issues. Call 2 for funding will close on 5 September 2017. The assessment is due to take place in October 2017 and successful projects will begin by the end of 2017. The Agency’s International Partnerships Programme (IPP) is a 5-year, £152m programme, designed to partner UK space expertise with overseas governments & organisations. It is part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), which aims to support cutting-edge research and innovation that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. More than £70m in funding has already been given to projects in partnership with the UK space industry, applying inventive satellite solutions to a range of areas such as deforestation, illegal fishing, marine pollution, disaster recovery, drought & flooding. The latest tranche of funding will focus on issues around health & education. |
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UK Space Agency: £50m for satellite solutions to help developing countries |
Editorial Comment: Why should rUK build Scotland’s infrastructure |
‘The UK Government must recognise the vital importance of island renewables to the UK energy market’, Paul Wheelhouse said ahead of talks with his UK counterpart in Stornoway. Discussions will focus on the UK Government’s recent consultation which back-tracked on support for wind projects on the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland. The development of proposed major projects alone would trigger initial investment of £2.5bn. “Our position on island wind is both consistent and very clear – we must do all we can to enable our island communities to benefit from this substantial resource, large enough to meet 5% of total UK electricity demand, provide significant boost to decarbonising our electricity supply, and would be worth up to £725m to local economies’. Why, one wonders, should the rUK pay the majority of a £2.5bn cost to build an infrastructure asset in Scotland, when it is the ScotGov’s announced (one presumes) aim to claim ownership of that asset (and others) within 5 years with IndyRef2? Perhaps we should put a blanket ban on any such investments unless ScotGov signs a legal agreement that it will not hold an IndyRef2 for at least the next 20 years (a reasonable ‘lifetime’) as per their agreement signed prior to the first referendum. But then, given the SNP’s record on promises to abide by referendum results, could rUK (or Scottish voters) trust them to honour it? |
Researched Links: |
ScotGov: Support for island wind PC&PE: EU Referendum: Government actions led to public distrust FDA: Civil servants are used to impartiality - but referendum promises need proper resources Editorial Commentary: Is the SNP threat of another Referendum realistic? |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
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PC&PE: UK must still debate EU issues up until Brexit PC&PE: Government's Industrial Strategy could do more to reflect Brexit opportunities NEF: Inflation bites Brexit Britain: Squeeze on households continues |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
PC&PE: EU Referendum: Government actions led to public distrust FDA: Civil servants are used to impartiality - but referendum promises need proper resources |
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