More items giving advice on how to ‘shut the stable door to prevent more horses escaping’ and ICO reminder that there is a legal requirement to ‘lock it’ |
The ICO has released a statement concerning the recent cyber attacks on the NHS: “All organisations are required under the Data Protection Act to keep people’s personal data safe & secure. ….. we note that NHS England have said they have no evidence that patient data has been accessed. ……. Any appropriate next steps for the ICO will be decided once ….. initial enquiries are complete”. ……. “The ICO has published a useful blog on their website about how to prevent ransomware attacks”. UK businesses are reportedly being forced to shut down after being held hostage by ransomware. One report suggested that 54% of UK businesses have been targeted with a ransomware attack, prompting more than a third of them to lose revenue and many to close completely. The second PR below says; ‘Here at the ICO we want to help businesses prevent ransomware attacks, thus keeping people’s information secure and also avoiding financial and reputational damage. Here are some top tips for organisations on preventing & recovering from a ransomware attack, as recommended in the ICO’s Guide to IT Security, the government’s Cyber Essentials and 10 Steps to Cyber Security. The NCA have also published guidance on this topic. The tips are also a good starting point for people wanting to protect their home systems because these can also be vulnerable to ransomware attacks’ |
Researched Links: |
ICO statement on recent cyber attacks on the NHS NCA statement on international cyber crime incident NCA: Investigators ‘identifying patterns’ in global cyber-attack NCSC: Latest statement on international ransomware cyber attack ScotGov: Update on NHS cyber attacks ScotGov: Statement on reported NHS cyber attacks ScotGov: Strengthening cyber security ScotGov: Cyber security ScotGov - Cyber resilience techUK responds to Friday's Ransomware Attacks techUK: Urgent NCSC Statement on Ransomware Attack techUK Urges Organisations to Heed NCSC Cyber Security Guidance Ransomware & the NHS – What is techUK doing? BCS responds to NHS England cyber attack NHS England: Statement on reported NHS cyber attack NHS England: Latest guidance for the NHS on protecting against cyber attack Age UK - Update on NHS services following cyber attack The Patients Associations response to the NHS cyber attack Charity Commission: Ransomware threat - keep your charity safe National Counter Terrorism Security Office: Public ACT following call from Counter Terror police RUSI: WannaCry Ransomware: Putting Cybercriminals’ Finances Under the Microscope AXELOS: Ransomware - It’s so incredibly easy but do we care enough? |
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! (Allegedly) |
The NCSC has made guidance available about how candidates in the General Election can protect their digital systems and online profiles. |
NCSC: Statement - Guidance for political parties and their staff Electoral Commission statement on Government response to Sir Eric Pickles' review of electoral fraud |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Partial integration will only provide only limited benefits |
While some of the vanguard sites developing new care models report promising early results from adopting a whole-person approach, the full opportunities to improve care through integrated approaches to mental health have not yet been realised. This report draws on TKF recent research with vanguard sites in England, conducted in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. We found that where new models of care have been used to remove the barriers between mental health and other parts of the health system, local professionals saw this as being highly valuable in improving care for patients and service users. But there remains much to be done to fully embed mental health into integrated care teams, primary care, urgent & emergency care pathways, and in work on population health. |
Researched Links: |
TKF: Mental health & new care models NHS Confederation: Mental health should be a thread through STPs Kings Fund: Chance to put mental health at heart of NHS services could be missed TUC: Only 1 in 4 people with a long-term mental illness are in work HL: Pitfalls & phone calls - understanding access to mental health services Where there’s a will, now there’s a way – Professor Tim Kendall From the fringes to the mainstream – Professor Jane South The Five Year Forward View: One Year On – Dr Mahiben Maruthappu Healthcare models of the future NHS Man with mental health issues dies after failings by two NHS trusts NHS Improvement: Mental health trusts in Manchester combine to strengthen services Vulnerable children turned away from mental health treatment report finds They are valued members of society Children are mentally vulnerable |
OK for them to drink at home then? |
It is now an offence to give or make alcohol available to a child or young person for consumption in a public place. The provision is part of the alcohol licensing section of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 and is in place to help Police Scotland better tackle outdoor drinking dens. |
Here we go again |
Statement by Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Management and EU Ebola Coordinator Christos Stylianides on the Ebola outbreak in the Northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo. |
Researched Links: |
EU News: Statement on the Ebola outbreak in the Northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo Diseases in remote lands WILL spread The WHO – why everyone should care UK team of health experts to tackle global disease outbreaks Ebola medal: changes to eligibility requirements Unite: Renewed call for NHS (Ebola virus) volunteers to receive £4,000 payment Ebola crisis team wins award for lifesaving advice Hurd: UK aid helping Sierra Leone move beyond Ebola The Ross Fund - Combatting the world's most serious diseases "Ebola exposed weaknesses in UK's response to disease emergencies" |
Easier to legislate for than implement? |
A radical Welsh law which will extend smoke free areas and introduce a licensing scheme for procedures such as tattooing, will improve & protect the nation’s health. Assembly Members voted for the final time on the Public Health (Wales) Bill last week. The Bill aims to protect young people’s health through banning smoking in school grounds, public playgrounds, and the outdoor areas of registered childcare settings, as well as in hospital grounds. It prohibits tobacco & nicotine products from being handed over to under 18s by home delivery or collection services and creates a national register of retailers of tobacco and nicotine products. |
Researched Links: |
WAG: Radical Welsh law will improve the health of the nation |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
Researched Links: |
EU News: MEPs welcome unity on Brexit and call for reform of the EU CBI: Business can help navigate 'labyrinth' of Brexit complexity TUC: H&S protections for workers are at risk from government’s Brexit plans TUC: ECJ decision strengthens case for a Brexit deal with core agreement on workers’ rights |
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