Medical Tech to the ‘rescue’ |
NICE Scientific Advice has launched a competition for SMEs, charities & academic research groups, who are developing transformative products that have the potential to change patients’ lives and/or save the NHS money. The NICE AdviSeME Prize is open to products (pharmaceuticals, devices, diagnostic test/tools, cell/gene therapies, healthcare apps) in the early clinical stages of development. To be considered the technologies should demonstrate clinical credibility and target a population with a high unmet clinical need. Closing date for applications is 13 October 2017. In addition they need to have a potential beneficial impact on either: *survival and/or health-related quality of life *costs to the NHS *The use of healthcare resources and/or access to healthcare |
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NICE launches a competition for developers of healthcare technologies |
Another ‘medical opportunity’ |
NHS Digital is seeking to engage with the market to ‘collaborate on how best to deliver a de-identification (De-id) service’ as part of the National Data Service Development. The NDSD programme is developing data services that use technology to improve the security, processing & transparency of data for NHS planning & research. NHS Digital has developed a market engagement pack for De-id, which provides suppliers with a high level view of the project, background, context, business drivers, challenges this project aims to resolve and next steps. Suppliers can submit responses to the market engagement opportunity using the online questionnaire on the Industry Briefings Platform. Deadline for submission is Monday 3 July 2017, 14:00. |
Researched Links: |
techUK: NHS Digital National Data Service Development Programme |
Do you need to check this out? |
The MHRA, as a precautionary measure, has issued updated guidance for healthcare professionals who manage patients implanted with metal-on-metal hip replacements. Previous guidance was issued to ensure appropriate follow-up to monitor the potential for the already well-known risks of soft-tissue reactions. This updated guidance replaces the previous advice provided in 2012. The key changes include additional recommendations regarding monitoring patients and are designed to ensure longer term follow-up is undertaken for all patients with these implants. Details of the changes are in the Medical Device Alert. |
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MHRA: All types of metal-on-metal hip implants need regular review |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
WAG could get £300m from Barnett formula by abolishing ‘freebees’ |
Welsh Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has called on the UK Government to ‘remove the pay cap and make funds available to the Welsh Government so NHS Wales staff get the pay rise they deserve’.
WAG: “Remove the 1% pay cap & give us the money to give NHS Wales staff the pay rise they deserve” |
The unelected ‘Remainer’ Lords think it’s ‘All to play for’ |
The UK’s constitutional arrangements can appear unclear at the best of times, but a hung parliament has provoked a debate about whether the Lords will block Brexit. Open Europe’s Alex Greer examines the Salisbury convention and discusses the role it may play in the passage of legislation related to Brexit…… |
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Open Europe: Salisbury convention is far from clear on Brexit |
Remember the SNP made a ‘deal’ with the Greens to get a majority! |
The PM has welcomed the Confidence & Supply agreement reached between the Conservative & Unionist Party and the DUP Party. |
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10DS: PM statement on Confidence & Supply Agreement with the DUP IEA - Compromise means savings will have to come from elsewhere ScotGov: UK Government/DUP deal Scottish Greens back SNP budget after £160m council cash boost ... |
All will be equal under the same (UK) law |
The government has published detailed proposals outlining ‘how it intends to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU’. Speaking in the House of Commons, the PM said that EU citizens make an invaluable contribution to the UK and the government wants to provide them with certainty about the future of their lives. Theresa May said a policy paper published by the government would make clear the UK’s ‘fair & serious offer’ to maintain EU citizens’ rights, which will be enshrined in UK law. The PM once again made it clear these proposals should be part of a reciprocal agreement for EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in Europe, which the government wants to agree as quickly as possible. |
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Home Office: Government publishes proposals on rights of EU citizens 10DS: PM Commons statement on European Council: 26 June 2017 DExEU: David Davis' opening statement from the Queen’s Speech Debate ‘Brexit and Foreign Affairs’ CBI: Business reacts to UK proposals on future rights for EU citizens |
Standby for an ICO investigation |
The National Audit Office has published the findings from its investigation into how NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) handled unprocessed clinical correspondence. In March 2016 NHS SBS informed NHS England and the DH that it had discovered a backlog of approximately 435,000 items of unprocessed clinical and other correspondence. NHS SBS accepts it had a contractual responsibility to process misdirected clinical and other correspondence. |
Researched Links: |
NAO: Investigation: clinical correspondence handling at NHS Shared Business Services Patients Association condemns NHS mail blunder as scandalous Garages, new homes & old offices: the records management mistakes that put health records at risk Council fined for leaving sensitive files in cabinet sent to second hand shop |
Still 101 things to be done |
PM, Theresa May, chaired a meeting of the Grenfell Recovery Taskforce last week, getting updates about the support for those affected as well as the wider picture. |
Researched Links: |
CLG: PM chairs Grenfell Recovery Taskforce meeting: 26 June 2017 CLG: Statement from the Secretary of State regarding the cladding testing failure rate CLG: Cladding sample testing update LGA: Councils worked quickly to send cladding samples for testing TUC: Hi-rise workplaces must also be tested for safety RoSPA: Call to end “one in, three out” deregulation gains wide support CLG: £1m for local charities responding to Grenfell Tower disaster DCMS: Expert panel appointed to advise on immediate safety action following Grenfell fire CLG: Statement from the Independent Expert Advisory Panel: 30 June 2017 |
You ARE at risk! |
Fraud is the most commonly experienced crime in England & Wales and most happens online. While the landscape for tackling online fraud is complex, the Home Office’s response is not proportionate to the threat, according to the National Audit Office. |
Researched Links: |
NAO: Online Fraud ~ techUK: Opportunities Outweigh the Challenges Posed by the IoT in Policing |
Here we go again |
A spokesperson said: “We are aware of a global ransomware incident and are monitoring the situation closely.” “The NCSC website provides advice to the public and business on how to protect your digital systems.” |
Researched Links: |
NCSC statement on the global ransomware incident Read the NCSC's ransomware guidance for organisations |
Let us hope that they act proactively this time |
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT has joined forces with the Patients Association, Royal College of Nursing and others to produce a Blueprint outlining the steps NHS trusts should take to ‘minimise the effects of another crippling cyber-attack’. ‘The Blueprint For Cyber Security in Health and Care’ claims a lack of accountability & investment in cyber-security measures are partly responsible for the recent Wannacry virus that hit NHS IT systems last month. |
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Something we might want to continue after Brexit? |
The new rules on cross-border insolvency proceedings, proposed by the Commission in 2012 and adopted by the EU legislators in 2015, came into force throughout the EU last week. The new rules aim at facilitating debt recovery in cross-border insolvency proceedings. They will make it easier for businesses to restructure and for creditors to get their money back, by ensuring that collective procedures for cross-border debt recovery are effective and efficient. The Regulation focuses on resolving the conflicts of jurisdiction & laws in cross-border insolvency proceedings. It also ensures the recognition of insolvency-related judgments across the EU. |
Researched Links: |
EU News: New rules facilitating cross-border insolvency proceedings enters into force |
Go for it! |
Photography exhibition at Getty Gallery will challenge perceptions of female entrepreneurs and offer relatable, attainable role models. Innovate UK’s infocus women in innovation exhibition will be at the Getty Gallery, London, from 18 - 28 July. Featuring profiles of female entrepreneurs, the exhibit will redefine what we see, feel & believe about innovation. Admission is free. |
Researched Links: |
Innovate UK: Get inspired by UK female innovators 50 of the UK's most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs | Free Office ... 2017 Women Entrepreneurs List - The Passionate & Purposeful At last, an ‘Honour’ given to someone who deserves/has earned it! |
To ensure healthy Mother & Baby |
The UK’s Chief Medical officers (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland) have jointly released new advice on physical activity for expectant mothers - believed to be the first of its kind in the world. The new recommendations aim to reduce issues such as obesity, diabetes and other health concerns during pregnancy. The latest evidence suggests pregnant women should carry out around 150 minutes of ‘moderate intensity’ activity every week. This is described as ‘activity that makes you breathe faster’ while still being able to hold a conversation. |
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In danger of being over-looked? |
A new report that charts the care of young people with Type-1 diabetes as they move from paediatric to adult services has been published by NHS Digital.
NHS Digital: Report on transition of care between childhood & adulthood for people with diabetes |
Not on ‘friendly’ territory |
With less than a year to go until the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, the Foreign Office launches a campaign to help fans travelling to support their team. The ‘Be on the Ball’ campaign gives supporters simple advice & tips to help reduce preventable problems and boost their World Cup experience. The campaign launch sees the release of the FCO’s Russia 2018 travel advice, a checklist, and a Fan Survey. |
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Surely academia must be awash with ideas? |
The ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre is inviting proposals from UK-based academics for ‘projects that will capitalise on their core consumer data sets, extend their network of partners, and drive forward substantive & innovative social science research across a broad range of disciplines and research areas’.
The ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre is inviting proposals from UK-based academics |
About time too! |
From August 2017, roadside checks of lorries carried out by the DVSA will include an emissions check. DVSA will be target lorry drivers & operators who try to cheat vehicle emissions. The new checks will help to improve air quality. In May 2017, the Defra published a draft plan to improve air quality by reducing nitrogen dioxide levels in the UK. This included looking at ways to reduce emissions produced by vehicles, including those used commercially. A final plan will be published by 31 July 2017. |
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Proof not everything has to be done through the EU |
UK Export Finance has announced its election to the managing body of the Equator Principles Association. The Equator Principles, which UKEF adopted in April 2016, is a global set of standards that promotes sustainable environmental, social and human rights decision-making in financing projects. |
Researched Links: |
DIT: UK Export Finance joins Equator Principles steering committee |
Helping SMEs to ‘power up’ more cheaply |
As of last week, measures introduced by the CMA could see microbusinesses make significant savings on their energy costs. The CMA has ordered suppliers to stop locking small firms into automatic rollover contracts and make it easier for microbusinesses to compare the cheapest energy prices, by making information clearly available on their website, or via a link to a price comparison website. |
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Not every business can be successful |
Join us for our annual forum for insolvency & debt advisory professionals in London on Monday, 17 July 2017. Insolvency Live! will include presentations, workshops and a Q&A panel. |
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