Pleas in for Budget Day! |
The LGA has responded to NHS England CE Simon Stevens’ speech to the NHS Providers conference. “There cannot be a sustainable NHS without a sustainable adult social care system. Adult social care services provide invaluable care & support for older & disabled people. Investing in social care keeps people out of hospital and living independent, dignified lives at home and in the community. It is the single best investment to alleviate pressure on our vital NHS services. Social care services face an annual funding gap of £2.3bn by 2020. Councils have long-argued that it is a false economy to pump money into the NHS whilst leaving social care chronically underfunded. While local government will have managed reductions to its core funding from central government totalling £16bn between 2010 and 2020, we estimate that NHS spending will have increased by just under £20bn over the same period”. |
Editorial commentary on Simon Stevens’ Brexit Bus speech to the NHS Providers conference: |
Researched Links: |
LGA responds to NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens’ speech Simon Stevens, CEO, NHS England - Speech to NHS Providers King's Fund: Patient care deteriorating as NHS heads into winter on a knife edge King's Fund: - £4bn needed next year to stop NHS care deteriorating NHS Confederation: Chancellor has been warned about NHS funding need Patients Association - Patients back calls for adequate NHS funding It wouldn’t be winter without a ‘NHS winter crisis’ We have ‘known’ about the problem for decades, but little ever seems to be achieved Aspirin, loo roll and surgery: true cost of the NHS revealed - Telegraph The Sun: NHS is wasting £ms with some trusts spending hundreds of ... |
Partial alternative to extra £bns? |
techUK Launches Investigation into How Technology Can Help Avoid a Winter Crisis. techUK launches Investigation into How Technology Can Help Avoid a Winter NHS Crisis |
Should it be compulsory? |
PHE is urging women to have cervical screening after latest figures show a drop in attendance. Public Health England (PHE) has issued a fresh appeal to young women to take up the invitation of a cervical cancer test as new figures show a fall in the number of 25 to 29-year-old women being tested. NHS Digital statistics show a drop in the number of women of all ages being screened but worryingly only 62% of younger women took up the invitation for a test last year. |
Researched Links: |
DH: Call for women to get life-saving smear test after uptake drops |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Not just a toy! |
Drones are being used at Dounreay nuclear site, carrying out building inspection work, improving safety & saving money. The technology sees a camera mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle to carry out tasks that would otherwise have been done by workers on platforms. The switch to using drones means around £100,000 worth of savings to the UK taxpayer, which can be used for other front-line decommissioning & hazard reduction work. |
Researched Links: |
Mini drones set to investigate hazardous scenes, announces Defence Secretary Great fun, BUT are you ‘Legal’ Apps, paths and drones: Geovation announces its next generation of Programme members |
How to …… |
The Technology Code of Practice (TCoP) sets the standard for how government should design, build & buy technology. GDS have been working this year to iterate it so that it provides the best & most relevant guidance to government. The GDS’s updates have now been approved by the Technology Leaders Network and the new version of the Code of Practice has just been published. |
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Realising the benefits of technology |
techUK paper outlines actions needed to accelerate IoT adoption. techUK has launched its new paper, Top Actions to Accelerate IoT Implementation, making a series of recommendations to both Government & industry to help drive the adoption of an increasingly mature technology to increase business productivity and improve the lives of citizens. |
Researched Links: |
techUK: IoT is Here. Now we Need to Drive Adoption techUK: Made Smarter: A £445bn Prize Purchasing Power to Secure the IoT – A US solution Mastering Digital Business: BCS Publishes Guide to Preparing for Digital Transformation Enabling Benefits of the IoT through new Industry Trust Principle |
Real History |
Curious history lovers can now explore the places, objects & stories in the care of English Heritage in exciting new ways. Thanks to a partnership with Google Arts & Culture, thousands of rooms, objects & artworks have been photographed & catalogued, and their stories told through new & immersive online experiences. Using the latest digital technology, the stories of 29 English Heritage places across England - from Tintagel Castle in Cornwall to Hadrian's Wall - are now brought to life through videos, high-resolution photography and 360-degree tours. |
Researched Links: |
English Heritage: New Technology Unlocks Stories From England's Past |
At last! |
Scottish Legislation to provide gay men convicted under historical discriminatory laws with an automatic pardon published. The Historical Sexual Offences (Pardons and Disregards) Bill will also enable men to apply to have convictions for same-sex sexual activity that is now legal removed from central criminal conviction records. |
Researched Links: |
ScotGov: Pardon for gay men convicted under abolished laws |
Who funds it? |
FM Nicola Sturgeon announces the next stage in plans for reducing train journey times between Scotland & England. |
Researched Links: |
ScotGov: Cross-border rail improvements planned Editorial Comment: Why should rUK build Scotland’s infrastructure |
Help to ‘heal’ |
Information about charitable grants for individuals & families affected by the Grenfell Tower fire. Charity Commission: Grenfell Tower fire response - what charitable grants are available |
R&D the key |
UK should double the proportion of its international aid budget spent on R&D so as to solve t pressing global challenges. Growing drug resistance, increasing demand for clean energy and rising global food demand are among the challenges British science can help tackle according to PX’s latest report. Yet R&D is relatively neglected by the rest of the international development community, presents high returns compared to other forms of intervention and is a British strength. |
Researched Links: |
PX: Global Britain, Global Solutions - How British R&D can transform international development |
Vote now! |
24 November 2017 deadline for Computer Weekly’s annual search for the 50 most influential people in UK tech. techUK: UKtech50 2017: Vote for the Most Influential Person in UK Tech |
Best value of HS2 project |
£5m will be invested in woodlands along the spine of England, following launch of the HS2 Woodland Fund. As part of the construction of Britain’s new high speed railway, High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd is creating a network of new wildlife habitats along the route. This includes around 7m new trees & shrubs on the first phase of the railway. In addition to this extensive tree planting programme, a separate fund has been established to help local landowners create new native, broadleaf woodlands and restore existing ancient woodland sites. |
Researched Links: |
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited - New £5m fund to create & restore woodlands HS2; still ‘in the station’ but some activity Carefully calculate the project budget and then triple it for an under-estimation! |
A cruel waste of money |
The RSPCA is warning the public about rogue websites advertising fake premium rate numbers for their cruelty line. Action Fraud: Fake RSPCA websites advertising premium rate numbers |
SuperNEMO |
A mile beneath the French Alps scientists are hoping to unlock the mysteries of anti-matter and the neutrino particle. STFC: UK team probe the nature of the neutrino one mile underneath a mountain |
Just imagine the debate in HoC |
Online sex services now part of 'gig economy' but workers' rights are overlooked in current circumstances. Websites offering sexual services are becoming a major part of the 'gig' economy, according to a new study. Yet those sex workers supplying online sex chats and webcams are being ignored when it comes to policy debates about the regulation of temporary and short-term work. |
Researched Links: |
ESRC: Online sex services now part of 'gig economy' but workers' rights are overlooked |
Not one mention of Brexit! |
EC proposes fishing opportunities in the Atlantic and North Sea for 2018. EC proposes fishing opportunities in the Atlantic and North Sea for 2018 |
Like with like? |
IPPR report claims top 10% of households nearly 900 times wealthier than poorest 10%. |
Editorial comment; |
All publications like this should come with a ‘statistical health warning’ as one could get an even more extreme disparity in wealth by comparing individuals in the 0 – 16 years range with those in the 65 – 81 years range (81 being average length of life). The ‘headline’ claims must always be ‘clarified’ by such factors as age, as wealth takes time to accumulate. |
Researched Links: |
IPPR: Top 10% of households nearly 900 times wealthier than poorest 10% |
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