They deserve a dignified end! |
As part of Homeless Link’s current project, they would be interested in hearing more examples of good practice in supporting people at end of life from across the homelessness sector. Homeless Link is a member of the Health & Wellbeing Alliance, and over the past few months, they have had the opportunity to be involved in various projects around health inequalities. One of these pieces of work, funded by NHS England, the DH and PHE, is looking at supporting end of life care for groups that face some of the starkest health inequalities. |
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Homeless Link: Good practice in end of life care for people who are homeless – Just when they need a ‘warm, secure home’ Perhaps they figure the ‘departed’ won’t be able to complain to the PHSO! It is not so much dying that worries us, as HOW we will die HL: Supportive shared housing – A solution for those at risk of homelessness? |
SME Supplier Locator update... |
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Will the ball ever be retrieved from the ‘Long Grass’? |
Niall Dickson, CE of the NHS Confederation has responded to the announcement of a Green Paper on care & support for older people in England. |
Researched Links: |
NHS Confederation: Lack of urgency on care Green Paper is ‘highly regrettable’ The King's Fund responds to the government's announcement on the social care Green Paper |
Not just nuclear power stations |
Upcoming reforms to medical radiation exposure regulations will greatly change how the Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (ARSAC) issues approvals. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2018 (IR(ME)R) will come into force in England, Scotland & Wales on 6 February 2018. A separate set of regulations applying the same licensing process will be introduced in Northern Ireland. The new regulations will replace the current certification process for the administration of radioactive substances under The Medicines Administration Radioactive Substances 1978 Regulations, and lead to changes in the way ARSAC handles applications. There will be a double licensing system for practitioners & employers under IR(ME)R. The new system aims to make clear the responsibilities of the employer & practitioner in administration of radioactive substances. |
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Do you receive an Armed Forces Pension? |
Have HMRC used the correct primary source of income to calculate your Tax Code? Veterans UK have seen an increase in member’s calls to the Armed Forces Pension Payment provider (Equiniti Paymaster) querying individual tax codes. Where members are in employment and in receipt of a pension HMRC may have incorrectly based the tax code on an individual’s pension rather than their main salary. |
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Fit to run a ‘fair’ business? |
James Dipple-Johnstone, ICO Deputy Commissioner has given a statement on Uber data breach and the NCSC & Action Fraud provide some advice. |
Researched Links: |
ICO statement on Uber data breach Action Fraud: Advice for Uber customers & drivers NCSC response to Uber data breach Licensing decision on Uber London Limited TUC: Uber must play by the rules Committees publish Bill to end exploitation in the gig economy |
Not everyone supports Brussel’s stance |
Following David Davis' speech in Berlin, Open Europe's Leopold Traugott looks at criticism towards the EU's Brexit negotiation strategy coming from the German CSU's ranks. |
Researched Links: |
Open Europe: Bavarian scepticism towards EC’s Brexit negotiation stance German coalition talks have failed – what now? May needs to show the EU the colour of our money to unlock the next round of Brexit talks The EU needs to cut out the amateur dramatics over Brexit and prepare to talk trade |
Preserving Digital History |
A new web archive from National Records of Scotland will preserve key official websites and make them available for future generations. Official websites contain information which will be of use to members of the public now and historians in future. But as websites change, vital information can be lost. The new Web Continuity Service from National Records of Scotland (NRS) will help prevent this loss, by archiving and making available ‘snapshots’ of the websites of organisations who already deposit records with NRS - the Scottish Government, Scottish Courts, public inquiries in Scotland, public authorities and some private organisations. As well as helping the researchers of the future, the new service – offered free of charge – will mean users see fewer broken links on the live websites which have been archived. This will help to maintain long-term access to important online information |
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Are Degrees actually good value for money? |
CIPD research shows that a third of recent UK graduates earn well below the national average wage, while women are paid less than men 6 months after graduation. |
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Remember the days of Sandwich courses and Day release / Evening Classes? A comforting thought for female students just off to University |
Best treated in community |
Public Health England (PHE) has announced 7 areas to take part in randomised individual placement & support (IPS) trial for drugs or alcohol dependency in community treatment services. |
Researched Links: |
DH: PHE announces areas for IPS alcohol and drug dependency trial Wales & England to follow, as with plastic bags? NHS Digital: Three new reports on alcohol use & misuse published |
Xmas Shopping advice |
It's the thought that counts: Buyers urged to think as Christmas shopping fraud reports rise. |
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Does this impact on you? |
From January 2018, the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) are making changes to the Basic Disclosure process. |
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Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
Researched Links: |
DExEU: David Davis' update to the House of Commons on EU negotiations DExEU: David Davis concludes visit to Estonia Michel Barnier - 'The Future of the EU' Brexit: EC welcomes decision by EU27 Member States to relocate UK-based Agencies HM Treasury: Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Bill introduced in Parliament PC&PE: European Union (Withdrawal) Bill report released PC&PE: Urgent action needed to end devolution stalemate on repatriation of powers NAO: Implementing the UK’s Exit from the EU Open Europe: Bavarian scepticism towards European Commission’s Brexit negotiation stance |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
WAG: Further calls for devolution of Air Passenger Duty to Wales OSSW: “Wales must be ready to respond to dynamic devolution in England” |
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