London is the exception NOT the rule |
The headline report of the English Housing Survey 2016-17 has been released and this provides some key insights into how the private rented sector is changing. While the owner-occupier sector remains the largest tenure across England, the private rented sector (PRS) remains larger than the social rented sector. The PRS is also now the most prevalent tenure in London, with 30% of households now privately renting. In contrast, 25% of households owned their property outright, and 22% bought their home with a mortgage. This is a divergence with households outside of London, where outright ownership was most prevalent (36% of households), followed by buying with a mortgage (30%) and then private renting (19%). These findings show the changing housing landscape for households across the country, but suggest that a one-size fits all approach to policy-making for the private rented sector is undesirable. While experiences of renting in the capital may receive wide-spread media coverage, with high demand for properties, creating national policies based on these experiences may negatively impact other PRS markets across the country. |
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Residential Landlords Association: Glish Housing Survey 2016/17: What Does This Show About Renting? – (RLA welcomes changes to gas safety rules) RLA Chairman Alan Ward on the Fitness for Human Habitation Bill RLA: Pearl Rental Index – January 2017 RLA warns Select Committee landlords will pick up cost of Tenants Fees Bill RLA welcomes changes on product safety – but do they go far enough? |
Could one allege a form of ‘cooking the books’? |
New research into whether some companies are repurchasing their own shares to artificially inflate executive pay was announced last week by the Government. This review is part of the broader package of corporate governance reforms announced in August 2017 to address concerns that executive pay can sometimes be disconnected from company performance. |
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BEIS: Government to research whether companies buy back their own shares to inflate executive pay New industry group chairman appointed to help improve how large private companies are run IEA: Lowering CEO pay would do nothing to help the average worker CIPD: Pay management set to enter new era of transparency University of Bath: retirement terms of Vice-Chancellor The CIPD reports its gender pay gap Too often it’s just the Boardroom that gets to eat ‘cake’ |
Rounding up the ‘cowboys’ of the industry |
Government will support new legislation aimed at raising standards in the private parking industry. |
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MHCLG: Boost for drivers as government backs clamp down on rogue parking firms Citizens Advice reveals top parking problems CAB: Surge in problems with parking on private land Appealing a parking ticket - Citizens Advice Clamp down on private parking charges LGA responds to RAC Foundation report on parking North London council fined after parking ticket system flaw leaves personal information at risk £4m awarded for tech which gives motorists advance notice of congestion & free parking spaces Ombudsman calls for more fairness over parking fines LGA responds to new Local Government Ombudsman report on parking fines |
Forget ‘Trolling’, this is how the internet should be used! |
A fully online divorce application process is being tested across England & Wales for the first time. The pilot scheme means someone who wants a divorce can apply online – making the process easier to understand and removing some of the stress during a difficult time for families. Launched last year, the online system has drastically cut the number of applications being returned because of errors – showing a 90% improvement from paper forms. It has already gained positive feedback from people welcoming the simplified, streamlined & easy to understand system which delivers their application instantly – without the worry of it being lost in the post. |
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MoJ: HM Courts & Tribunals Service tests fully digital divorce application |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
And another ‘beneficial’ use! |
The LGA is backing a Private Members Bill to introduce a legal register that ensures LAs are in the know about drivers seeking a licence in their areas despite previously been banned elsewhere. Councils have led the way on this issue, developing a voluntary database of licence refusals & revocations, and are backing the bill’s call for this register to become mandatory. The LGA believes that this bill could be an essential first step towards updating Britain’s outdated and unfit-for-purpose licensing laws for taxis. |
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LGA: Councils back licensing bill to establish national database of taxi drivers LGA: Minibus taxi safeguarding loophole must be fixed, councils urge Measures to introduce mandatory right to work checks on taxi and private hire drivers |
An alternative to famine |
UK scientists are leading new cutting-edge research to create crops that are more nutritious, more resistant to disease and better able to withstand severe floods or drought in Africa. |
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DIFD: UK aid backs ground-breaking British research into ‘super-crops’ Wheat crop in danger of ‘rusting away We have no ‘right’ to source cheap food from abroad STFC: New Insight Gained into How Plants May Fight Diseases & so boost food production Drought-tolerant maize for Africa (DTMA) | Climate-Smart Agriculture ... |
Spreading ‘good practice’ for FREE |
Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT, has announced that its tri-annual In Our View magazine will now be freely available to members and non-members alike. |
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Have you been waiting? |
All those eligible for a partial refund on their power of attorney fees can now apply. |
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Learn to swim & assess the risks |
A new strategy aimed at drastically reducing the number of drowning deaths in Scotland is being launched by Water Safety Scotland, an alliance of organisations committed to drowning prevention. |
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RoSPA: Scotland’s first Drowning Prevention Strategy aims to cut deaths by half Don’t let summer celebrations leave you ‘stone cold dead’ School visits to talk water safety Swimming: Health Benefits Proven LGA: 'Tombstoning' youngsters could be leaping to their deaths, councils & fire chiefs warn |
Very un-British |
Action Fraud is warning the public about fraudsters that are using the name of the British Council to trick businesses & individuals into handing over money. |
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Action Fraud: Fraudsters using the name of the British Council |
Editorial Comment; HMT’s view/reports will always reflect Chancellor’s view, whatever the reality of the evidence. |
It has always been the case that ‘He/She who pays the piper calls the tune’ whether it be George Osborne before the EU Referendum, Phillip Hammond for this latest ‘Brexit – BUT’ report, or the First Ministers of Scotland & Wales. Generally speaking those public servants who want to keep their jobs / be promoted will always try and encapsulate the views of their superiors & political ‘masters’ in any report. I wrote quite a few myself (as a local government officer) in the past and one quickly learnt that ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ was not generally what they wanted to accept the recommendations of. One achieved the ‘correct’ conclusions by being ‘selective’ in those facts that one used and by interpreting them in a way that produced the ‘right’ recommendations! The reality of the situation was that it was better to persuade them to agree to some of the objectives one wanted to achieve, rather than having the ‘baby thrown out with the bath water’. When it comes to so-called ‘independent economic academics’ writing papers, they never let a lack of rigorous even-handed research prevent them from publishing papers which reflect their paymaster’s/political/personal views rather than publishing all the facts. Just because they are ‘experts’ on the economy doesn’t mean we should believe everything they say/write – especially if they forecast more than 6 months into the future! *Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it — Robert Heinlein *Where facts are few, experts are many — Donald R. Gannon This latest ‘Brexit – BUT’ report was not a ‘plot’ by Civil Servants, but rather the result of producing something where the ‘conclusions had been pre-ordained by the Chancellor - Phillip ‘we are leaving, BUT’ Hammond! |
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IEA: Leaked Brexit analysis fails to break new ground IEA analysis shows systemic bias against ‘Leave’ supporters on flagship BBC political programmes From the time of the referendum: A bit of Balance Should we ever again believe HM Treasury’s projections? A ‘counter-balance’ to recent HM Treasury ‘Project Fear rants’ |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
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Brexit microsite (Information about the Article 50 process and our negotiations for a new partnership with the EU) DExEU: Programme: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations, Brussels, 6-9 February 2018 BEIS: Open letter to business on Implementation Period 10DS: PM meeting with Prime Minister Ratas: 30 January 2018 HMRC: Getting ready for the Customs Declaration Service Brexit: EC receives mandate to begin negotiations with the UK on transitional arrangements Impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU – EUTMs and RCDs PC&PE: Financial services industry needs clarity on post-Brexit market access, says Committee PC&PE: Brexit - energy security report published PC&PE: EU (Withdrawal) Bill needs amending to make it constitutionally acceptable PC&PE: Opportunity for a more effective competition regime post-Brexit ScotGov: Brexit threat to aid priorities NHS Confederation: Supplies of medicines could be disrupted when UK leaves EU – (NHS Confederation - Brexit is set to make recruitment more difficult says the Mental Health Network Open Europe: The Brexit regulation debate pits short-term disruption against future prosperity IEA: Leaked Brexit analysis fails to break new ground IEA analysis shows systemic bias against ‘Leave’ supporters on flagship BBC political programmes CBI: Transition agreement must be signed & sealed by end of March |
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