We must do better |
The Government’s inability to make smart decisions on badly needed infrastructure means rail, road and energy improvements are being delivered late, over-budget and (in some cases) not at all, finds a new report. The Institute for Government’s, How to transform infrastructure decision making in the UK says that Great Western cost overruns & delays to South East airport expansion show the current process isn’t keeping up with the demands of a modern economy. The UK should learn from other countries, such as France and the Netherlands, which have better decision making processes The report also finds that government favours private finance for infrastructure projects, but there is limited evidence that it offers better value. Government should put more effort into gathering evidence on different kinds of projects. |
Researched Links: |
IFG: Government must improve the way it makes infrastructure decisions Make them part of the design process, not just protesters against decisions We need it to succeed for a ‘Good’ Brexit What about the infrastructure to ‘power’ the alternatives? Greener power, but not necessarily cheaper! With all the other demands, where will the funding come from? Carefully calculate the project budget & then triple it for an under-estimation! Project management is not an ‘optional extra’ for successful delivery |
Good fostering is crucial to ‘growing up well’ |
An independent review of foster care in England has been published, setting out recommendations to improve the fostering system for children & foster carers. The review, commissioned by the DfE and conducted by Sir Martin Narey and Mark Owers, looked at the purpose of foster care and what it means to those closely involved in the system. It makes 36 recommendations for government, local authorities and independent fostering agencies including:
Researched Links: |
DfE: Independent review of foster care published Children’s Commissioner for England, responds to DfE’s publication of ‘Foster Care in England’ Good foster care is critical for the emotional development & well-being of a child Blog posted by Children’s Commissioner Good care helps prevent them from being ‘lost’ in the system |
Trolling does not enhance democracy! |
The PM has announced that the government will consult on a new offence in electoral law of intimidating parliamentary candidates & their campaigners. She set out plans to bring forward legislation to remove the requirement for candidates standing as councillors in local elections to have their addresses published on ballot papers, in time for local elections in May 2019. |
Researched Links: |
Cabinet Office: New Electoral Laws proposed to combat intimidation in public life Government asks Law Commission to look at trolling laws Adam Smith Inst: Crack-downs on social media risks competition as well as free speech Digital Charter will set new online standards for years to come Sir Eric Pickles publishes report into tackling electoral fraud The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! (Allegedly) Online Information and Fake News Demos: Quarter of young Brits confess to ‘bullying or insulting’ someone online |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. The past 5 years have seen government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Ticking time bomb! |
The DH&SC is not doing enough to support a sustainable social care workforce, which would meet the country’s growing care demands according to a NAO report. |
Researched Links: |
NAO: The adult social care workforce in England LGA responds to NAO report on adult social care workforce CQC: Response to NAO report on adult social care workforce Editorial Commentary; Health & Social Care funding Living longer is something we ‘dream’ of, but the reality may not be what we anticipated |
Less privacy & sunlight for some? |
Families living in built up areas will be able to extend new homes in a government shake up of city living. It will be easier to build upwards on existing blocks of flats & houses, plus shops & offices. MHCLG: Government ushers in a new generation of town houses |
Getting a good view of the weather |
Teams from across the UK will work on a concept for a future European mission to help reduce the global risk of damage caused by space weather. |
Researched Links: |
UK Space Agency: UK to play a major role in space weather mission concept STFC: Watching the weather in space UK Space Agency: New projects see UK space firms tackle global challenges FCO: New projects see UK space firms tackle Southeast Asian challenges ‘Out of this world’ solutions for Developing Countries Whither the UK space industry post-Brexit? |
Timely warning |
Banks are now required to warn people before they slip into overdraft as a result of new rules. The rule change required CMA as part of its Retail Banking Investigation. New overdraft alerts as CMA banking rules come into force |
Costs have risen |
Plans to double the immigration health surcharge may provide an extra £220m a year to the NHS. The surcharge will rise from £200 to £400p.a. while the discounted rate will increase from £150 to £300. DH&SC: Health charge for temporary migrants will increase to £400 a year |
The Forever War |
Results of the NCSC's Active Cyber Defence programme were revealed in figures published last week - Pioneering programme defends UK from millions of cyber attacks! |
Researched Links: |
NCSC: Pioneering programme defends UK from millions of cyber attacks NCA: Data stealing hacking tool taken out of use BCS welcomes the ‘Lessons learned review of the WannaCry Ransomware Cyber attack’ |
Proactive action |
The government has confirmed that it will introduce a nationwide HPV vaccination programme for men aged 45 or younger who have sex with other men from April 2018. DH&SC: HPV vaccination programme for men who have sex with men |
Remembered at the end |
Old soldier and care home resident Charles Saunders was able to celebrate his 100th birthday in style thanks to the intervention of one of CQC’s Experts by Experience. CQC: Expert by Experience helps veteran celebrate centenary in style |
Ensure her sacrifice will not be in vain |
A service to remember Becky Dykes. Statements from International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt and Becky's family. DIFD: A service to remember Becky Dykes |
‘Red Alert’ |
Public Health England is advising parents to be aware of the signs & symptoms of scarlet fever following a substantial increase in reported cases across England in 2017 to 2018. DH&SC: Public Health England urges vigilance about spotting signs of scarlet fever |
Well Done! |
NHS70 Parliamentary Awards will see English MPs put forward individuals & teams serving their constituencies for recognition, with the winners being announced on the HoC Terrace the day before the NHS’s official anniversary. NHS England: Local ‘health & care heroes’ sought for awards marking 70 years of the NHS |
Opportunity to learn/swap Best Practice |
Registration for the first-ever Socitm President’s 2-day Conference has opened. The event will shine a spotlight on innovation & automation across the public sector. SOCITM: Registration opens for first-ever Socitm President’s Conference |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
OSSS: Powers over onshore oil & gas licensing regimes transfer to Scottish Parliament |
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