Editor’s choice of other ICT items of note: |
‘Never’ events do happen but we rarely remember the lessons learnt |
In September 2017, the CQC was tasked to carry out a review of the issues that contribute to the occurrence of ‘Never Events' in NHS trusts in England. Never Events are serious, largely preventable safety incidents that should not occur if the available preventative measures are implemented. They include things like wrong site surgery or foreign objects left in a person’s body after an operation. Whilst they are rare – 469 cases have been provisionally reported between April 2017 and March 2018 – incidents can have devastating consequences for the patient, their family and the NHS. CQC have been progressing with this work in collaboration with NHS Improvement. This has involved site visits to a number of NHS trusts, focus groups with frontline staff, interviews with patients and work with experts from other safety critical industries. Although the CQC are still gathering evidence, some themes are starting to emerge:
Researched Links: |
CQC: Learning from Never Events NHS England: NHS publishes guidance to help trusts learn from deaths New scheme launched to help NHS whistleblowers PC&PE; Is it worth complaining? Unfortunately it is human nature not to admit failure / mistakes This has been an issue for decades We should reward those who speak up and reprimand those that ‘hide’ issues |
Editor’s choice of other Health related items of note: |
Editor’s choice of other general items of note: |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Editorial Commentary; Does ‘Brexit’ now mean only ‘48% Brexit, rather than 52%? |
While mainstream media continues to concentrate on the clash of personalities, WGPlus brings you some more considered viewpoints from Briefings for Brexit & others, including those explaining how ‘No Deal’ (ND) is a realistic option. The new White paper sprung on the Cabinet at the aptly named ‘Theresa May’s Chequers retreat’ May or May not be (pardon the puns) what ends up as the UK’s negotiating position, but the PM’s process of seeking Cabinet approval (in retrospect) seems to have been guaranteed to annoy (other less polite words & phrases also spring to mind) not only Cabinet & Parliamentary ‘Brexiteers’, but also the majority 17m+ people who voted to ‘leave’ the EU (White Paper: The future relationship between the UK and the EU ~ Chequers' Brexit White Paper explained in 300 words | The Week UK ~ May's new Brexit plan. There is an alternative – from within the Government itself ). It is time to remember just what we are ‘fighting’ for and also for mainstream media to examine the implications of the EU’s plans for the future and the loss of sovereignty they would imply for the UK (Editorial Commentary; Why don’t we extrapolate what the future spending plans of the EU might cost us? ) The current attitude of the political elite was summed up recently by one Welsh AM’s concern that ‘ND’ would mean that EU boats would no longer land fish caught in UK waters in Welsh ports! Thus entirely ignoring the fact that UK fishermen would be able to build-up the UK fleet in the medium term and (in the short term) land their existing catches (which may currently be landed in EU ports) in UK ports (Editorial Commentary – A fall-back to ‘No Deal’, if the UK’s ‘Soft Offer’ is rejected, is not as ‘bad’ as Remainers have ‘painted’). It is time to consider ‘reasons why’ rather than ‘reasons why not’ ND may be the best deal in the medium to long term for both democratic & economic outcomes. The outcome ‘May’ be that we end up with a new PM and a revised White Paper! |
Researched Links: |
Naysayers of the Brexit Apocalyse by Lee Rotherham BfB: Brexit - The Next Campaign By a Former Civil Servant Snookered at Chequers? By Robert Tombs & Graham Gudgin The EU’s Weak Base in Technology by A Former CEO of a Major Company Why the Conservative Party will reject Theresa May’s Chequers Brexit Plan Why the People’s Vote is a Bad Idea by Bryn Harris Open Europe: Striking a Balance: A blueprint for the future UK-EU economic partnership The EU cherry-picks whenever it is politically convenient. Brexit should be such a time Why would the EU agree to Labour’s customs union proposal? The Brexit regulation debate pits short-term disruption against future prosperity Deloitte study finds that the German car industry would be severely hit by a ‘no deal’ Brexit PX: Global Champion: The case for unilateral free trade IEA: UK has nothing to fear from a ‘bare bones’ Brexit deal IEA: ‘No deal’ with EU on trade post Brexit does not mean disaster for the UK May's new Brexit plan. There is an alternative – from within the Government itself |
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