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Are teenagers 'game' enough to secure our future? |
An online programme designed to inspire teenagers to think about a career in cyber security will continue for a second year after a successful pilot across England. Over 23,000 young people (aged between 14 & 18) have already taken part in the Cyber Discovery programme which uses interactive games to teach teenagers about cyber security in an accessible & fun way. Those who perform at the highest levels, will also have the opportunity to attend a special summer camp to hone their skills and meet industry leaders. The scheme sits within Cyber First, the government’s cyber security skills programme, which is part of the £1.9bn investment through the National Cyber Security Strategy to transform the UK’s cyber security and ensure we build skills in the workforce of the future. Any young person between the ages of 14 to 18 can take part. Registration & completion of the first assessment phase closes on 7 January 2019. Find out more on the Cyber Discovery website. |
Researched Links: |
DCMS: Search to find Cyber Security experts of the future A higher IQ doesn’t necessarily lead to adequate Cyber Security Building a (cyber) secure future Inevitably History repeats itself, as we ‘send’ our youth into ‘battle’ again |
Fewer ‘ouches’ for some Type 1 diabetics |
To coincide with World Diabetes Day, the CE of NHS England, is announcing action to end the current variation patients in some parts of the country are facing to access Freestyle Libre. The wearable sensor does away with the need for inconvenient and sometimes painful finger prick blood tests by relaying glucose levels to a smart phone or e-reader. NHS England will ensure the device, which is the size of a £2 coin and sits on the arm, is available on prescription for all patients who qualify for it in line with NHS clinical guidelines. From April 2019, these patients will be able to receive it on prescription from their local GP or diabetes team helping them to better manage their blood sugar levels. It comes as the NHS seeks to harness the power of digital technology to improve treatment & care in the long term plan, handing patients with conditions such as Type 1 diabetes the knowledge and tools to manage it themselves. |
Researched Links: |
NHS England: NHS to provide life changing glucose monitors for Type 1 diabetes patients techUK: NHS seeks to end ‘Postcode Lottery’ for innovative glucose technology |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
The future for expanding exports is in World Trade not the EU |
The enhanced Export Opportunities service for UK companies has been showcased on GREAT.gov.uk by International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox. The UK is one of the first countries in the world provide this online service, following the launch of the Export Strategy and an ambitious drive to boost British exports. International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP said: ‘From exporting cheese to Hong Kong, online degree courses to China and frozen products to France – DIT has already helped thousands of companies to export, with exports now at a record high. Now there are more than 20,000 export opportunities available to search online, helping UK companies sell their goods overseas – and help meet our ambition for Britain to become a 21st century exporting superpower. Editorial Note: A reminder for those selling within the UK; Wired-Gov’s own Contracts Locator service provides WiredGov registered users live online & email updates on all UK government & public sector contracts worth over £10,000. While our Supplier Locator provides the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation & success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government & public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. |
Researched Links: |
DIT: 20,000 business opportunities for UK exporters showcased online Discover thousands of export opportunities online today British firms secure £2bn of deals at Expo in Shanghai DIT supports Plymouth firm producing 2.6bn products a year The Future of ASEAN-UK Cooperation, Post-Brexit: Minister Field UKEF services help hundreds of businesses every year Cornwall Council Supporting the local economy International trade budget boost for global Britain UK trade with Vietnam - looking to the next 45 years UK exports continue to grow following launch of Export Strategy Welsh Government multi-sector trade mission to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Exports worth toasting: from Colombia to Cameroon, the East Midlands on track for record export year David Mundell urges Scottish businesses to get exporting Forest Gin branches out into new spirits and overseas markets Liz Truss: Selling Bedfordshire naan bread to India is the ultimate embodiment of global Britain Superyacht Tenders & Toys making waves overseas Something positive at last preparing for Brexit One notes that the Commonwealth population is over 5 times the size of a post Brexit EU! |
They deserve the best support we can give them |
The first ever UK-wide strategy on the delivery of support for veterans has been published Produced jointly between the UK, Scottish & Welsh Governments, and including the NIO, the Strategy for our veterans outlines a new vision & principles to support those who served, as well as their families, in every aspect of their lives once they have hung up their uniform. Having looked back 100 years to the Armistice, this vision and its supporting principles are intended to ensure current and future veterans, and their families, can look forward to the next 100 years confident in the nation’s support. The strategy identifies six key areas where support is most needed over the next 10 years: community & relationships, employment & skills, health & wellbeing, finance & debt, housing, and contact with the law. It assesses the barriers & opportunities in these areas to providing support to each veteran, including improved collaboration between organisations, better co-ordination of services and more robust data on the veteran community. It will be published alongside a consultation paper that seeks views on how best to champion & deliver the needs of the ex-service community. This Strategy for our veterans: UK government consultation paper informs how the strategy could be implemented across the UK, except for devolved matters in Scotland and Wales. Open to everyone, including charities, employers, academics, service providers, local authorities and the veteran community, the UK consultation will ultimately inform action planning by providers of public services to support the ex-service community. The Scottish and Welsh Governments will engage separately on devolved issues such as housing and healthcare. As part of the package of support for veterans, the Veterans’ Gateway’s 24/7 helpline will trial a new outreach service where it will proactively call those who have served, to check in on their wellbeing and remind them of where support can be found. As a first step in better understanding the profiles and needs of veterans, a new question is being considered for addition to the 2021 Census in England and Wales, and in Scotland, that will allow ex-service personnel to declare their service. The move will help authorities develop a better understanding of where veterans live and work so the right level of support can be provided. |
Researched Links: |
MoD: First ever UK-wide veterans strategy launched NHS England: NHS leaders commit to specialist health support for veterans in every part of NHS LGA responds to Government strategy for veterans UK aid to protect 7,000 Commonwealth veterans of the British Armed Forces from extreme poverty Post Office & MOD agree new partnership on veterans employment New study into Iraq & Afghanistan veterans launched Defence Minister teams up with international counterparts to improve support for veterans Team UK heads to Sydney for the Invictus Games 2018 250,000 veterans helped into new careers New pocket guide for troops to access mental health support MoD of Defence teams up with innovative start-up to train next generation of cyber veterans GP practices across the country to become ‘veteran friendly’ MOD to review Armed Forces exemption from UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Veterans are not ‘mad, bad or sad’, says Defence Committee Injured veterans & service personnel take part in excavation at Barrow Clump MoD must uphold the Forces' Covenant Scottish Veterans Commissioner Serving Those Who Served - Policy Exchange Speech Britain leads first ever European conference on veterans mental health Veterans to retain military ID, allowing easier access to services Open University Disabled Veterans Scholarship Fund Defence Secretary launches first ever Veterans Strategy & new cross-Government Veterans Unit DefSec. highlights importance of partnering with charities during visit to military recovery centre NHS England to transform mental health care for military veterans across the country New bursary to get veterans into teaching DefSec. shows commitment to Armed Forces mental health with over £220m funding & new helpline Supporting veterans through membership of the VAPC New homes for veterans in time for Christmas |
Editorial Commentary; So much for democracy under EU ‘rule’ |
One of the ‘pillars’ of the Brexit referendum was ’taking back control’ from the EU, but the announcements last week seem to ignore the basic democratic requirement of ‘no taxation without representation’ A recent article from Briefings for Brexit comments that; ‘The EU’s proposals for Northern Ireland violate the rights of citizens in that Province, as defined in the European Convention on Human Rights: namely the right to vote’. There has been much debate recently (including by MPs) about what ‘legal opinion’ the UK government has received over the ‘Backstop’ (& if it should be ‘published’) and this article raises fresh questions over the legality of any such proposed agreement. |
Researched Links: |
B4B: Imposing a ‘backstop’ on Northern Ireland will infringe the human rights of its citizens |
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