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Protecting e-structure critical to UK infrastructure/daily life |
The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy last week released its report, Cyber Security of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure. The wide-ranging report details the significant & growing challenges facing UK CNI from various actors, outlines the current Government response to date and describes the evolving regulatory landscape. The report states that the cyber threat to the UK’s CNI is as credible, potentially devastating and immediate as any other threat faced by the UK. The report acknowledges the significant progress to date, particularly through the work of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the effectiveness of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive in strengthening the resilience of CNI. It does, however, question whether this progress is quick enough or whether the NCSC has the resources to meet increasing demands. It outlines several recommendations the Joint Committee believes will ensure UK preparedness including appointing one Cabinet Office minister with designated responsibility for cyber security across Government departments. |
Researched Links: |
techUK: JCNSS releases report on Cyber Security of the UK’s CNI Introduction to the NIS Directive - NCSC Site NIS Directive and NIS Regulations 2018 - GOV.UK Everything is dependent on everything else ‘working’ techUK: Government response to JCNSS report: Cyber Security Skills and UK CNI AXELOS: CBI Cyber Security Conference 2018 NCSC: Top tips to shop safe online published as the NCSC encourages public to have a ‘cyber chat’ Cyber defence: Council updates policy framework NCSC to discuss drives to help cyber security thrive in Scotland Not an obvious target, but data could provide access to more important systems Are teenagers 'game' enough to secure our future? A higher IQ doesn’t necessarily lead to adequate Cyber Security ‘Reputation is everything’ to an organisation and lax security could cost a fortune |
Why is the problem ‘worse’ than with previous generations? |
The Children’s Commissioner for England has published new analysis by her office looking at the provision of children’s mental health services in England. The research came ahead of the publication by NHS Digital of the first prevalence survey of children’s mental health since 2004. The Commissioner’s briefing finds that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are improving in most areas in the country, yet with the exception of eating disorder services, the provision of services in the youth justice system and in perinatal mental health care, the rate of progress is slow. A vast gap remains between what is provided and what children need. As a result, the current rate of progress is still not good enough for the majority of children who require help but are not receiving it. |
Researched Links: |
LGA responds to Children’s Commissioner research on children’s mental health NHS Digital: One in eight of 5 to 19 year olds had a mental disorder in 2017 major new survey finds Mental health of children and young people in Great Britain, 2004 ... NICE: Improving support for children & young people affected by abuse Should we ‘Sugar Tax’ the Social Media companies to provide funds? Do children need an ‘Icelandic’ environment? Today’s children suffer from more ‘pressures’ LGA; Often the unglamorous Cinderella service ‘Catching’ it early can be beneficial |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
They risk their lives & health to keep us safe |
The annual Armed Forces Covenant Report sets out the Government’s achievements in fulfilling its duty to ensure the military community is treated fairly & not disadvantaged by their service. It also highlights the new commitments made by the UK Government and its partners in the devolved administrations, local government & the charitable sector and how, through collaboration, they are able to deliver effective support. Key accomplishments include:
Researched Links: |
MoD: Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report outlines stepped up support for military community They deserve the best support we can give them Tech giant Microsoft signs Armed Forces Covenant Defence Minister outlines expanded mental health provision for Armed Forces and veterans MOD launches Defence People Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy New plans for Armed Forces flexible working reach the Commons Defence Minister thanks charity for helping disabled veterans into employment New Gateway will help veterans get support on civvy street Defence Committee Cites RUSI Recommendation on Armed Forces Covenant Broadband providers drop cancellation fees for Armed Forces personnel X-Forces strengthens Covenant commitment to create more business success stories Covenant means coding careers for military community as Amazon Web Services sign up |
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