The WGPlus editorial team is now signing off for its holiday period with Seasonal Greetings to all our readers. Our first offering for 2019 will be published w/c 14 January 2019.
Readers please note that:
Not all items published in the last week are listed for each news source, but note that when you click on an item, scrolling down it will also display the last 7 day’s items for that channel (if item clicked on has less than 10 articles in that period, then the last 10 articles will be displayed regardless of date)
A news source may be listed in more than one section if the different items cover different topics (ex.; ScotGov may be listed in General …. & Health, …. & Policy…. & Consultation …. & ICT …. and Business …… sections
We will try to ensure that we list at least one item per news source (if they have published any in the past week)
For some even a warm & dry stable would be ‘heaven’ |
Lisa Dando, Director at Brighton Women’s Centre, writes about their new report 'Couples First? Understanding the needs of rough sleeping couples'. It looks at the experience of women in couples who are rough sleeping and makes recommendations for better understanding and supporting them. Homeless couples living on our streets, although not a new phenomenon has increased as the numbers of women sleeping rough has grown in number. However, with very little guidance available on how to help homeless couples, we were certain this was something that would benefit from greater research attention. Input from homeless services across the county stated that most of these relationships contain elements of abuse, violence, crime, drugs, sex work and/or exploitation. As a result, most couples on the street are seen as too volatile to be supported by traditional homelessness services, leading to them being rejected entry for a night’s stay at a shelter for example. However, many of these relationships are not consenting in the traditional sense. Many of the women in these relationships will have entered into the relationship for protection. Denying women access to shelter can be detrimental to their overall safety, not least because it means they must spend another night on the streets – frighteningly, life expectancy for a women living on the streets (43 years) is even lower than that of a man (47 years). |
Researched Links: |
HL: Coupling up - The danger of being a woman on the streets MHCLG: Supporting women experiencing homelessness conference Homeless Link: Homelessness through the lens of brain injury techUK: Guest blog - The Homelessness Reduction Act & Future of Homelessness With the weather turning colder Housing Options for Survivors of Domestic Abuse My 38 years in the world of rough sleeping by Jeremy Swain Coordinated services for women experiencing homelessness Supported housing - next steps: more oversight and transparency James Brokenshire announces £30m immediate support for rough sleepers Housing First - a solution for women experiencing multiple disadvantage? Homeless Couples: is it time for a new approach? Advanced ill health and homelessness: a complex issue Providing support for women experiencing homelessness |
Become aware of a problem, fund the research, find a solution |
Household food scraps could be transformed into environmentally-friendly plastic bags & cups, thanks to up to £60m of new government funding. Innovators are being challenged to make the UK a world-leader in creating sustainable packaging and reduce the impact of harmful plastics on the environment, as the UK seizes the economic opportunity of the global shift to greener, cleaner economies – a key part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The funding, to be bolstered by industry support, and delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund could help develop:
Researched Links: |
BEIS: Food scraps could be turned into environmentally friendly plastic packaging Not everything has to be made of plastic & end up in the Ocean |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Editorial commentary; Take a few steps outside the Westminster Bubble |
Is it too late to start making a Brexit decision based on reality rather than biased emotions on both sides? It’s an ‘exciting’ time for those working in the Westminster Bubble, as never before have so many politicians (including those in the unelected HoL) been asked to comment so frequently on a single issue (often thus demonstrating their bias as well as ignorance of the basic facts) by so many journalists (often just interviewing each other). One question that none of the Mainstream Media / Remainers has asked / answered is; If the Referendum was ‘lost’ because us ‘worthless & ignorant ‘oldies’ voted for Brexit (Editor: Yes I qualify for that age group) , why is it that the even older HoL members have mostly subsequently voted against the ‘people’s will’ as expressed in the 2016 referendum? Having listened to their debates it cannot be for their ‘expert knowledge’ (which often ignores the facts), but it does reinforce the feeling that the political classes just want to ‘pat us voters on the head, and tell us to let them decide everything as they know best (all expenses paid)’. Also if the BBC is supposed to be un-biased, why does it keep talking about a ‘cliff-edged’ No Deal, when in fact that delivers what the Brexit majority want and with nowhere near the ‘terrifying outcomes’ they are forecasting – especially in the medium/long term? It may not be headline ‘end of the world’ grabbing news, but the actual realities of WTO rules trading (which most of the world trade is done under) can and are being prepared for. One writes as someone who played a lead role in preparing London for the Y2K millennium bug forecasted ‘catastrophe’. In addition, take a look at Section 6 of B4B: No Deal Is No Nightmare: Facts About EU Trade After Brexit to see how the Northern Ireland issue is totally an EU negotiation ploy. Also read B4B: A Letter to Remainers by Dr Graham Gudgin to ‘hear from somebody who was there’ as former special advisor to the First Minister in Northern Ireland that the ‘Good Friday Agreement (GFA) included no mention of borders’. |
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- EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.
- ICT and Data Management / Security
- Business and Other Briefings / News – (Government Funding Opportunities)