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It also impacts on family members |
The government has published the first cross-government suicide prevention plan, which will help reduce deaths in England by focusing on how social media & the latest technology can identify those most at risk. The intention is to use predictive analytics & artificial intelligence to identify those at risk of suicide and the plan commits the government to improving data held on causes of death among veterans to better understand the triggers that can lead someone to take their own life, such as debt and gambling addiction. It also includes greater focus on addressing the increase in suicide & self-harm among young people, while social media companies will be asked to take more responsibility for online content that promotes methods of suicide and self-harm. There are 4,500 suicides each year in England, and around 13 people end their life every day. Men are 3 times more likely to die by suicide than women, and suicide is the leading cause of death in men under 50. Suicide is also a leading cause of death in young people. The cross-government suicide prevention plan published in January 2019 supports the 2012 national suicide prevention strategy, following recommendations from the Health Select Committee’s inquiry into suicide prevention in 2016. |
Researched Links: |
DHSC: First ever cross-government suicide prevention plan published PC&PE: Scale of avoidable loss of life by suicide is unacceptable; 2016 Innovate UK: Remote health monitoring of people in custody - apply for funding Hundreds of secure stations keeping passengers safe NHS and schools in England will provide expert mental health support Government is failing its duty of care towards prisoners Loneliness & social isolation is a growing threat to public health: We must tackle it together” New study into Iraq and Afghanistan veterans launched New pocket guide for troops to access mental health support Death by suicide is reducing, but men even more likely than before to die by suicide Cancer patients at increased risk of suicide NICE sets out measures to reduce suicide attempts in public spaces and prisons Does this help explain why they are too busy to ‘solve’ minor crimes? Difficult to know ‘where to start’ Ensuring there are people ready to answer ‘cries for help’ |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Sleepless nights are bad enough without discrimination at work |
Pregnant women & new parents returning to work after having children are to be further protected from unfairly losing their jobs under new proposals. A new consultation proposes that the legal protection against redundancy for pregnant women and new mothers on maternity leave is extended so that it continues for up to 6 months after they return to work. It will also seek views on affording the same protection to parents returning from adoption leave or shared parental leave. Research commissioned by BEIS found 1 in 9 women said they had been fired or made redundant when they returned to work after having a child, or were treated so badly they felt forced out of their job. The same research estimates 54,000 women a year may lose their jobs due to pregnancy or maternity. This move goes further than current EU requirements on maternity entitlements & parental leave, showing that the UK is going even further in its commitment to workers’ rights and meeting the challenges of the changing world of work. |
Researched Links: |
BEIS: Plans to boost protections for pregnant women & new parents returning to work CBI: Pregnancy & maternity discrimination is totally unacceptable TUC: Childcare fees have risen three times faster than wages since 2008 Abolish 'alpha-male' culture to encourage progression of women in finance EU: Pregnant workers may be dismissed on grounds of a collective redundancy Employers in the dark ages over recruitment of pregnant women and new mothers TUC: 2 in 5 low-paid mums & dads penalised by bad bosses TUC comments on BEIS report on pregnancy & maternity discrimination in the workplace Unfortunately it is a real issue for smaller businesses It might help take some of the emotional pain away! Not just a question of ‘How Much’, but also of ‘Employment Rights’ The sad loss of babies / children still happens for some on a daily basis |
How can they concentrate on the task at hand without knowing their ‘loved ones are safe & secure’ |
The Defence Secretary has commissioned a new report to step up support for service families. The new study will examine the support available to the different members of military families, including spouses and partners, and children. The MOD supports service families in many aspects of their lives, including housing, education, and spousal employment. The report will be authored by Andrew Selous MP, who has previously served in the Honourable Artillery Company and the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. It will analyse the different experiences of service family members, focussing on;
The report’s findings, which will be completed by summer 2019, will consider the diverse needs of service families and assess whether the current support on offer is meeting these needs. The study will also allow the MOD to further enhance the delivery of vital support for military families. Last year saw the launch of the Armed Forces Flexible Working Act, which enhances serving personnel’s ability to serve part-time, should their circumstances change, and the announcement of a new scheme to support spouses’ employment, providing vocational training. |
Researched Links: |
Defence Secretary commissions new report to step up support for service families MoD: Veterans’ Gateway begins new trial proactive call service to support ex-forces community New plans for military flexible working become law New figures reveal changes to the UK’s veteran population Britain’s top armed forces-friendly employers honoured First Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chiefs of Staff Committee (SEAC) appointed Defence Secretary Bolsters Support for Armed Forces New pocket guide for troops to access mental health support Refurbished homes for sailors at HMNB Clyde Report shining a light on the lives & experiences of children growing up in Armed Forces families Def Sec shows commitment to Armed Forces mental health with over £220m funding & new helpline New nurseries open for UK forces families in Cyprus Def Sec launches partnership on mental health and wellbeing with the Royal Foundation Service personnel want greater choice on where they get to live They risk their lives & health to keep us safe Editorial item: Public memory dims, but family pain remains; especially for the children |
Editorial Commentary; Foretaste of the EC’s concept of a ‘Fair Trade Deal’? |
Last week provided an example of the sort of free trade deal the UK might be offered by the EU if we are ‘trapped in a Backstop’ treaty with no unilateral way of exiting it. The EC has adopted a contingency proposal to help mitigate impact of a “no-deal” Brexit on EU fisheries, which amends the Regulation on the Sustainable Management of the External Fleets. The aim of this proposal is to ensure that the EU is in a position to grant UK vessels access to EU waters until the end of 2019, on the condition that EU vessels are also granted reciprocal access to UK waters. This proposal is limited to 2019 and (importantly) there is no mention of ‘fish landing rights’ for UK fishermen to land their catch in the EU. According to an article published by British Sea Fishing (Brexit and Britain’s Fisheries); The way quotas are set centrally by the EU is also seen as hugely unfair on British fishermen, as they can often end up getting only a tiny proportion of the catch within their own waters, as the following statistics show:
Not that one has much faith left in the negotiating skills of the UK government, but one would hope that we could get a bit more ’Quid’ for our ‘Pro Quo’ than just letting EU fishermen continue to catch the majority of UK fish, often using unsustainable fishing methods. EC adopts 2 contingency proposals to help mitigate impact of “no-deal” Brexit on EU fisheries Fishing might be one area where the Opposition won’t want to oppose Brexit Editorial commentary; When will the EU ‘play’ its Joker? Less ‘crashing out'; & more ‘planned' departure A highly relevant ‘Brexit debate’ link - Sir Stephen Laws, former First Parliamentary Counsel wrote last week on the Policy Exchange website that the attempts by Grieve etc. to wrest control of Brexit from the Government will fail. PX: The risks of the “Grieve amendment” to remove precedence for Government business |
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