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Can a voluntary code still ‘hack it’? |
Weaknesses in the cyber security of internet-connected consumer devices can undermine the privacy & safety of individual users and can be used for large-scale cyber-attacks. This POST (Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology) briefing looks at the cyber threats associated with consumer devices and their causes, as well as initiatives to improve device security, and the related challenges. There is a growing UK market for internet-connected devices such as smart home appliances and home monitoring systems. These devices can provide economic & social benefits, but stakeholders have expressed concerns about the poor security of many devices. The poor cyber security of these devices can lead to data loss, privacy infringements and risks to physical safety and security. Large-scale attacks involving many insecure devices have resulted in the widespread disruption of online services. Common targets include devices with default or common passwords, known software vulnerabilities, or software that is out-of-date. The UK Government has produced a Voluntary Code of Practice for the development, manufacturing and retail of connected consumer devices which it may decide to enforce through regulation. The guidelines aim to encourage a “secure by design” approach, reducing the burden on consumers to ensure that their devices are secure. The Government is also considering a labelling scheme to help inform consumers. |
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POST: Cyber Security of Consumer Devices Innovate UK: Improve cyber security in the Internet of Things - apply for funds Proactive cyber defence rather than just reactive Protecting e-structure critical to UK infrastructure/daily life The 5 Worst Examples of IoT Hacking and Vulnerabilities in Recorded .. How easy is it to hack a home network? - BBC News - BBC.com Suspicion falls on China after cyber attack on Australian Parliament ... Significant Cyber Incidents | Center for Strategic and International . |
NHS Administrative Management is often a prime example of the ‘Peter Principle’ |
The government has published a report of an independent review of the test for making sure senior NHS leaders are fit for their posts. The Kark review of the fit and proper persons test was led by Tom Kark QC. It includes 7 recommendations for how the government can better support NHS senior leaders to deliver high-quality and safe care in the NHS. Of these recommendations, the government has accepted in principle to:
The DHSC commissioned Tom Kark QC, previously counsel to the Mid Staffordshire public inquiry, to lead a review into the effectiveness of the NHS fit & proper persons test last year. The test is overseen by the CQC as part of their regular inspections of NHS trusts and aims to ensure executive-level managers are fit to carry out their roles to the highest standard. It came under scrutiny following a report into the severe failures at Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust between 2010 and 2014, where poor leadership was found to have resulted in a widespread culture of bullying & harassment and declining patient care. The government accepted the call from Dr Bill Kirkup for a wider review into the fit and proper persons test, following his examination of the failures at Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust. |
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DHSC: NHS leaders - government commits to new support & improvement measures DHSC: Getting the right leadership is vital for patient safety Need for more ‘thinking (& recruiting) outside the box’ ‘Never’ events do happen but we rarely remember the lessons learnt Unfortunately it is human nature not to admit failure / mistakes Peter Principle - Investopedia Convenient but not necessarily appropriate/safe care The fact that the numbers are ‘statistically small’ is NOT comforting This is not a P/T post, given all that has gone wrong before! Not all problems / mistakes occur in hospitals Decade of improved outcomes for patients thanks to Surgical Safety Checklist |
Editor’s choice of other Health, Social care & Homelessness related items of note: |
NHS England: GPs create 100,000 extra patient appointments through Primary Care Network model NHS England: Older patients spared dementia & falls by NHS tech roll-out NHS Digital: Data Security & Protection Toolkit helps care providers get online with NHSmail DfE: One of the largest mental health trials launches in schools ScotGov: Progress on integration of health & social care The King's Fund welcomes the new contract for general practice Reform: Primary Care Networks as a Response to The Winter Healthcare Crisis CMA launches court action against Care UK Homeless Link: What should enhanced oversight for supported housing look like? |
Editor’s choice of Business / Commercial items of note: |
CO: Seven year framework for Government & public sector development projects launched ScotGov: Loan support for remote rural areas WAG: Fund to revitalise town centres boosted to £31m IS: Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) claims and the Official Receiver CMA: Hotel booking sites to make major changes after CMA probe FCA warns public of investment scams as over £197m reported losses in 2018 FSCS warns consumers of potential scam Dstl's latest apprenticeship opportunities are now open Innovate UK: Bionic arm start up secures £4.6m to go global Innovate UK: AI and digital design to transform future of UK construction NEPO: Supplier Questionnaire: Highways -Technical Surveys TUC: Government "dithering” on pension reforms could cost low earners thousands GEO: Mordaunt launches fund to help isolated & marginalised women return to work |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Virtual death/injury/tactical mistakes help prevent a real ones |
The British Army has awarded a software developer a £1m contract to explore how virtual reality can be integrated into soldier training. The Virtual Reality in Land Training (VRLT) pilot has been created by Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BiSim), a global developer of military simulation and training software. The aim of this pilot is to enhance future Army training by exploiting the benefits of this technology. The contract was awarded through the £800m Defence Innovation Fund which helps develop cutting-edge ideas to benefit front-line services. The VRLT pilot is one of many successful Army bids into the Fund, part of the Defence Innovation Initiative. |
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MoD: British Army tests innovative virtual reality training MoD: New fast jet training takes off Chief of Defence Staff 2018 RUSI Lecture Innovation Initiative to bring future-tech and ideas to the Armed Forces £ms invested in pilot training at state-of-the-art helicopter centre The future of training technology - MOD-DCO - Defence Contracts Online Army Tests Cutting-Edge Virtual Reality Technology - Forces Network Tank Driver Training Simulator | BISim British Army's VR experience recruitment tool - Business Insider |
Out of sight, out of education? |
Anne Longfield, the Children’s Commissioner for England, has published a report shining a light on the increasing number of children who are being educated at home. The report accompanies a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary “Skipping School: Britain’s Invisible Kids”, presented by Anne Longfield, which aired last week. The Children’s Commissioner’s report notes that while there are many parents who make a positive philosophical choice to educate their children at home, and do an excellent job, this is not always the case. There are tens of thousands of children in England receiving no school education. Many of them are ‘off-grid’, invisible to local authorities. |
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LGA responds to Children's Commissioner report on children educated at home Education Secretary announces package of support for home educating families Boy misses two terms of education because of lack of support from council Education Secretary vows to take action on school exclusions Anne Longfield responds to Education Select Committee report on school exclusions |
Editor’s choice of other Policy & General items of note: |
MoD: New figures reveal increase in ex-service personnel employment rates LGA response to PAC report on local government spending DfT: Thousands of green taxis to benefit from new chargepoint Children’s Commissioner publishes a statutory Duty of Care for online service providers DVSA: 7 tips for motorists to stay safe online EHRC: Free speech to be protected at university STFC: UK university has something to twist & shout about after 40-year search Home Office: Government announces plans to tackle illegal traveller sites DfE: Education Secretary sets out 5 foundations to build character MHCLG: James Brokenshire confirms funding package for local authorities in 2019 to 2020 ScotGov: New fire safety standards for Scottish homes MoJ: Government sets out new vision for legal support ) PC&PE: 5 proposals made to Government to reform immigration detention |
Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’: |
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10DS: PM speech in Belfast: 5 February 2019 10DS: Joint statement on behalf of the PM and President Juncker BEIS: Design for new product safety marking after Brexit HMT: HMRC simplifies importing from the EU as part of 'no deal' preparation MHCLG: EU Exit local information sharing Defra: No deal Brexit advice - guidance on food & drink labelling ESMA and EU securities regulators agree no-deal Brexit MoUs with FCA Visa free travel after Brexit: Council agrees negotiating mandate ESMA agrees no-deal Brexit MOUs with the Bank of England for recognition of UK CCPs & UK CSD Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Meeting between President Jean-Claude Juncker and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Cutting red tape for ships – provisional agreement with Parliament on maritime single window ScotGov: Immigration threat to universities ScotGov: Concerns raised over funding for the third sector after Brexit WAG: Veterinary surgeons receive training to provide Export Health Certificates post-Brexit WAG: Joint statement by the First Ministers of Scotland & Wales PC&PE: First report scrutinising Brexit-related international agreements published PC&PE: Committee asks Minister about ‘no deal’ Brexit security preparations FCA outlines how it would use the temporary transitional power OE: Are the UK and the EU27 prepared for No Deal? OE: Assessing Labour’s new “five tests” Fears of empty supermarket shelves after no-deal Brexit are overblown, says new IEA briefing B4B: EU economies are faltering, and the costs of Brexit are exaggerated B4B: Theresa May is not up to the job of renegotiating the Withdrawal Agreement B4B: Opponents of a WTO Brexit Ignore the Basic Lesson of Economics B4B: Labour Party is going to take the UK out of the European Union |
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