Have they identified some unforeseen consequences? |
The FCA has taken the decision to delay the enforcement of strong customer authentication (SCA), set in the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs), by a further 18 months. Strong Customer Authentication, are intended to enhance the security of payments and limit fraud during this authentication process. SCA affects the way banks or other payment services providers check that the person requesting access to their account or trying to make a payment is the person permitted to make a payment and validate specific payment instructions. The new deadline for enforcement of SCA is now 14 March 2021. Any firm that fails to comply with the requirements for SCA, after this date, will be subject to full Financial Conduct Authority supervisory and enforcement action as appropriate. The FCA indicated that all parties involved in card-not-present transactions, both FCA regulated and unregulated, should continue to work together. Account servicing payment service providers are required to have a PSD2-compliant way to provide TPPs with access to account data and payment functionality by 14 September 2019. This is either by a dedicated interface based on application programming interface standards or a modified customer interface. This remains the case. |
Researched Links: |
techUK: SCA - enforcement delayed FCA agrees plan for a phased implementation of Strong Customer Authentication |
Not all ‘Medical’ ICT cost £ms |
The search is on for nurses & other health professionals across England to become the face of the NHS App on social media and in their communities, helping people to take back control of their own health. England’s Chief Nursing Officer, Ruth May, has launched the drive to find 10 passionate NHS ambassadors including nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and doctors to promote the use of the new app, which marks a step change in how people are able to engage with the NHS and access their medical records. The FREE app (available on Google Play and Apple app stores) will be key to transforming people’s experience of services as well as the way they access care making it more convenient and available at the touch of a button. First launched in January 2019, it is now available to the vast majority of people across England and particularly useful for people who use NHS services regularly, including those with long-term health conditions and pregnant women. Ambassadors for the app will be drawn from a range of different backgrounds, locations & clinical roles, and will play a critical role in promoting the NHS App to family, friends, colleagues, patients and the public. They will encourage downloads of the app by using a range of different channels to talk about the benefits, including on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. (Staff apply here: digital.nhs.uk/AppAmbassador) Those people who have downloaded the app are able to:
People can also use the app to register as an organ donor, and choose whether the NHS uses their anonymised data to support research into new treatments and better planning of services. |
Researched Links: |
BCS The Chartered Institute for IT and CHIME Launch Chapter in the UK Telecare is a key element of a future cost efficient healthcare system Start small and develop robust ICT solutions that really deliver benefits |
Editor’s choice of other ICT items of note: |
techUK: Report for EC - Using millimeter bands for the Unions 5G ecosystem ICO issues warning about historical personal details accessed through work |
The size of the problem can only be assessed through constant monitoring |
The Drug Watch Foundation has gone ‘Live’ on WiredGov; Drug related deaths in England & Wales rose to 4,359 in 2018 (a rise of 16% on 2017 figures). The purpose of the Drugs: The Truth Project is to ensure that all UK children are given the correct & most up to date information relating to the effects that drugs and other substances can have on you & your community. The goals of the Drug Watch Foundation include; *Reducing the number of children and young adults using & misusing drugs, alcohol and other substances The DWF want to ask students to increase their knowledge, explore attitudes & the attitudes of others on drug & substance abuse, and refine their life skills and promote health lifestyles and good, positive behaviours. |
Researched Links: |
Drug Watch Foundation Goes Live on WiredGov Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2018 registrations Youth Homelessness Scoping Report published Home Office funding to combat substance misuse by young people EU: Drug overdoses can be prevented — new resources released EMCDDA report highlights greater diversity of cannabis products and increasing potency Vulnerable offenders steered towards treatment PHE launches opioid treatment quality improvement programme New drug strategy to safeguard vulnerable and stop substance misuse Presumably Public Health spending is being ‘robbed’ to help fill the social care 'black hole' |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.
Sharing helps prevent having to ‘re-invent the wheel’ |
The Innovation Agency has relaunched the Innovation Agency Exchange, its online forum for colleagues across the healthcare sector to share innovations and challenges. The expanded website now enables users to collaborate on ideas, projects & products to improve patient care. By sharing local health and care needs via the platform these will be visible to a wide network of innovators and suppliers who can help to address the issues. It also acts as a search engine for outstanding innovations, providing inspiration, knowledge and resources (Find it here). The relaunch of the Innovation Agency Exchange coincides with the launch of a new national Innovation Exchange digital gateway, hosted by the national AHSN Network. This complements their local digital gateway; it can help companies to access expert opinion, funding opportunities and a directory of partner organisations. The new national Innovation Exchange digital gateway is specifically tailored for innovators, providing insights from NHS teams across the 15 AHSN regions on the big challenges they face; case studies sharing innovator success stories and links to key players in the national health innovation sector. Explore it here. |
Researched Links: |
Innovation Agency: New digital gateway for innovations Blog: Preventing catastrophes through good team working Blog: Let’s close the North-South health gap Blog: Huge potential of point-of-care testing Innovation Agency helping to bring more small businesses into NHS fold |
Will it be ‘All Change by Xmas? |
The Chancellor has delivered his 2019 Spending Round to Parliament. Here's a summary of what was announced and a ‘round-up of comments made. The fastest planned increase in day-to-day departmental spending for 15 years was announced last week by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid – ‘Turning the page’ on austerity. |
Researched Links: |
HMT: Spending Round 2019: what you need to know HMT: Spending Round 2019: Sajid Javid's speech NIESR: What the Chancellor’s Spending Round should focus on IFS: Chancellor ends austerity for public services – but risks breaching current fiscal rules Children’s Commissioner: Anne Longfield responds to Government Spending Review JRF response to the Chancellor's Spending Round statement ScotGov: UK spending round fails to provide certainty LGA responds to Government Spending Round IEA: Tax cuts should be as high a priority as spending WAG: “UK government’s Spending Round is a pre-election distraction” says Fin Minister |
Editorial Commentary – Why doesn’t the mainstream UK media report on why it is in the EU’s interest to facilitate a mutually beneficial Trade deal after Brexit? |
Briefings for Brexit recently reported on Secretary of State, Steve Barclay’s speech to business leaders on 28 August at the MEDEF Université d’été conference, Paris, France. The speech highlighted what could still ‘bind us together’ even after Brexit and some of the areas where artificial barriers have been put in the way of a deal by the EC negotiators. His speech made clear that there is much more benefit to be gained from a ‘fair’ agreement, rather than trying to impose one that puts the UK into vassalage to the EU. |
Researched Links: |
B4B: Secretary of State speech at the MEDEF Université d’été conference, Paris, France B4B: Lies, Lies and Those Damned Brexit Statistics |
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