Editor’s choice of ICT items of note:

£700k investment to boost cyber growth across the UK

ONS helps launch new data science bootcamp for London government

A single sign-on and digital identity solution for government

The National Data Strategy Forum

 Discover how to #Unlockpotential of your internal communication platform with this quick-fire survey!

Get #UnlockingPotential of your internal communication platform with this quick survey!

With 80% of Public Sector staff currently working from home, this health check assessment has been put together to help you and your organisation understand how well your intranet and internal communications platforms are performing in a post COVID-19 world.

Made up of 3 sections, each section contains a range of statements and offers 5 options to select, from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

On completion, a personalised graphical report will be immediately available to download and displays how your organisation compares to others within your sector/vertical, whilst also offering advice and guidance on key adjustments.

Start the survey

Editor’s choice of Health, Social Care & Homelessness related items of note:

Further support confirmed for Brighton and Hove to slow COVID-19 infections

MPs call for ban on admission to long-term institutional care for autistic people and individuals with learning disabilities

‘Skin snaps’ and rapid tests among £20 million NHS push to speed cancer diagnosis

New megalab opens to bolster fight against COVID-19

Inappropriate anticoagulation of patients with a mechanical heart valve

London council to revise its social care charging policy following Ombudsman’s investigation

NHS investment boost to ambulance staff numbers ahead of winter

NHS text message drive to encourage millions to bring forward second vaccine

Eight new hospitals to be built in England

Editor’s choice of Business / Commercial items of note:

Liz Truss visits US to foster closer cooperation on making global trade free and fair

Business puts forward six point plan for creating confidence

Transforming the property market

Government strategy to regenerate high streets

Response to labour market statistics

Editor’s choice of Policy & General items of note:

60,000 children in keyworker households in Wales living in poverty – Wales TUC

Further £2 million made available through the Local Connections Fund to help community groups tackling loneliness

How digital learning can help build three key job skills post-Covid

Clearer choice of high-quality post-16 qualifications

What is the Role of the Royal Navy?

JRF: Planned cuts to Universal Credit will hit incomes of millions of households unable to afford a minimum living standard

Upgrades and electrification of Wales’ ageing rail infrastructure should be addressed by UK-Welsh collaboration that would improve services for customers

Future Farming Resilience Fund to open in August

Defence Secretary's speech at the American Enterprise Institute

Home Office should provide clarity on National Crime Agency funding

SME Supplier Locator update...

UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. 

Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.

Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:

Click here to find out more.

111 Security systems LTD


 More contributions to the Brexit process

Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views:

Researched Links:

GOV. UK – Brexit

Latest Documents

GOV.UK Brexit Search

Please choose from the links below to view individual sections of interest:
Innovate UK
Latest Documents

Innovation loans: general guidance for applicants
Information for UK SMEs who want to apply for an innovation loan, including finding a suitable competition, the application process and loan agreement.

Business Secretary appoints Indro Mukerjee as new Innovate UK CEO
Indro Mukerjee appointed as new CEO of Innovate UK to help develop the UK’s innovation capability and drive investment in research and development.

Global innovation: what support is available
Guidance on what help you can get from Innovate UK to innovate and grow your business overseas.

Innovate UK news has moved
Businesses can now find Innovate UK stories about new initiatives and funding on the UKRI website.