Editor’s choice of ICT items of note:

Teachers to get more trustworthy AI tech as generative tools learn from new bank of lesson plans and curriculums, helping them mark homework and save time

Unlocking Digital Identity: Call for contributions

No One Left Offline: understanding your employees’ digital skills

Gaining essential digital skills for life: insights from our Head of Customer Service

Why English, maths and digital skills are equally important in today's world

New courses on Artificial Intelligence launched

Date: 24 and 25 September 2024 – Venue: CTSI Office, London

Suitable for those working in Trading Standards, Police or Licensing as well as Safety Community Officers and Town/District Council Managers. This  2-day training course  provides advanced practical training for those engaging in, or contemplating underage sales enforcement.

The course will enable participants to confidently lead enforcement activity, plan and effectively deploy test purchasing operations, undertake analysis and investigation of company due diligence systems, advise businesses on age restrictions and maintain effective records and policies. This training is also suitable for legal professionals working in the retail sector or in private practice.

Rate: CTSI members - £300 + vat        Non CTSI members - £400 + vat

10 hours CPPD – Limited places available – This training is eligible for POCA funding...book online

Editor’s choice of Health, Social Care & Homelessness related items of note:

Mirrors in leisure centres across the country to reflect important NHS reminder

Seeking solutions to prevent homelessness for people leaving prison

Taking a moment can save a life

Over 130,000 people to benefit from life-saving health checks

Increase in the number of counterfeit and adulterated substances received by Welsh drug testing service.

NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time

Emergency kits for people with adrenal insufficiency recommended to avoid hospital admission

UK secures £400 million investment to boost clinical trials

NHS Confederation: Community providers innovating to tackle workforce crisis

NHS Confederation - Report lays bare significant financial challenges in the NHS

Editor’s choice of Business / Commercial items of note:

Action taken against Devon business owner following £250,000 covid loan abuse

CBI Distributive Trades Survey August 2024

Celebrating three years of funded childcare

Government funded childcare offer to kick in from next week

Talent funding announced to help develop inclusive talent pathways

Sensing success: £2 million in contracts awarded to fund remote sensing technologies

Funding for Big Noise

£12 million funding awarded to advance innovative cancer projects

Vacant building transformed into high-end office and retail units in Swansea

Competitiveness and cross-UK collaboration key to getting Scottish economy growing - CBI Scotland

Campaigns underway for ambitious new UKRI CEO and Innovate UK Chair to drive cutting-edge discoveries and grow the economy
Editor’s choice of Policy & General items of note:

UK statement in response to IDF military operation in the Occupied West Bank, August 2024

Travel ban on two individuals under counter-terrorism sanctions

All-out war between Israel and Hezbollah is far from inevitable

International Investment Summit Adviser appointed

The Queen becomes the first Patron of The Rifleman's Association

An inspection of the south‑east regional response to serious and organised crime

PM meeting with President Macron of France: 29 August 2024

Vaping – effectiveness of advertising restrictions and role of advertising and free distribution in uptake

Prime Minister's letter to ParalympicsGB

IEA - Tax hikes are bound to hit ‘working people’

Joint declaration on deepening and enhancing UK-Germany relations

SME Supplier Locator update...

With the officially stated target and ongoing drive for SME’s to receive £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts, UK public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase.

Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.

Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:

Click here to find out more.

Media Coach International Ltd

Please choose from the links below to view individual sections of interest:

CTSI represents trading standards professionals working in the UK and overseas - in local authorities, business and consumer sectors and central government.


What's the real cost of buying online?
New CTSI report released to spotlight issues with third-party sellers on online marketplaces and what needs to be done to tighten up the UK supply chain.

The Approved Code Scheme
Run by CTSI and backed by government, the Approved Code Scheme helps consumers find reliable companies, who have all signed-up to strict Codes of Practice - while helping to raise business standards across our sectors.

‘Absolute chaos’ in food security
CTSI's latest release explores how the next government must prioritise the resourcing of Trading Standards to avoid a major threat to food safety.

2 in every 3 drinks are short-measures
Sobering new research conducted by Trading Standards Officers around the UK finds that more than two thirds of beer and wine served in pubs and bars are short-measures. Read our report here.

What's the REAL Cost of Beauty?
CTSI's new campaign warns consumers about the terrifying dangers of using illegal and unsafe cosmetic products. Click here for more.