Editor’s choice of ICT items of note:

Action Fraud: stay safe online after £1.4 million lost from email and social media account hacking in the last year

Cyber resilient Scotland - strategic framework: end year review 2023 to 2024

Ofqual poll highlights value of cyber security training in schools

Further Evil Corp cyber criminals exposed, one unmasked as LockBit affiliate

Introducing techUK’s AI and Data Analytics Leadership Committee for 2024-2026!

Grow your ROI: link your data in the Innovation Zone at the LGA conference

AI signs for citizen science to be used at South West beaches

CBI: Retailers report marginal sales growth as online sales rise

Five of the best Civil Service online learning courses

Ofcom investigates broadband network BRSK’s installation of telegraph poles


UKAuthority: AI & Data4Good
16-18 October, Live at 11:00 each morning for 90 minutes of shared learning

Is our data AI-ready? Evolving AI and ML promise exciting opportunities to analyse, predict and radically transform both public services and the way in which they are delivered across the health and public sector. But first our data must be fit for purpose as a platform for AI and innovation.


  • Craig Suckling, Government Chief Data Officer, Central Digital & Data Office
  • Tom Smith, Director of Spatial Data Unit and Chief Data Officer, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
  • Sue Bateman, Chief Data Officer, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Dr. Laura Gilbert CBE, Chief Analyst and Director of Data Science, 10 Downing Street
  • Helena Zaum, Chief Commercial Officer, Sentinel Partners
  • John Bowers, Families Programme Data and Information Manager, Liverpool City Council
  • Martine Wauben, Head of Data for London, Greater London Authority
  • Lisa Allen, Director of Data Services, The Pensions Regulator
  • Matt Wicks, Co-CEO for technology and innovation, The Virtual Forge
  • Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace
  • Louise Maynard-Atem, Deputy Director, Data & Insights, Government Digital Service
  • Major George McCrea, Military Liaison, Defence Digital Foundry, UK Ministry of Defence
  • Dr. Shruti Kohli, Head of Data Science, Innovation and AI, Department for Work and Pensions


Editor’s choice of Health, Social Care & Homelessness related items of note:

Warning for those who are clinically at risk, to understand the dangers of flu and get their vaccines ahead of winter.

Thousands more people with type 1 diabetes to get artificial pancreas in NHS roll out

Consultation on NHS England proposals for a phased launch of obesity injection

Re-building a trusted approach to our regulation

Annual statutory homelessness data shows homelessness is surging

First newborn babies tested for over 200 genetic conditions as world-leading study begins in NHS hospitals

NHS kicks off COVID and flu jabs to protect against ‘tripledemic’

Welsh NHS Confederation responds to the appointment of an external Ministerial Advisory Group on NHS Performance and Productivity
Editor’s choice of Business / Commercial items of note:

CMA reveals geographic spread of warnings issued to businesses

Increasing funding for affordable housing

FSA publishes its fourth Retail Surveillance Survey as targeted approach to food testing continues

Investment in public services and economic growth top of Welsh Finance Secretary’s agenda at meeting with UK nations

Assembly Committee Seeks Stimulus for Night-time Economy

Editor’s choice of Policy & General items of note:

Using new guidance powers to help parties navigate pricing vital defence contracts

Voting open for the 2024 APM Trustee Elections

Looking at how well defence contractors follow the rules for reporting under the non-competitive regulatory system

Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29: For consultation

Environment Agency gains injunction against Himley Environmental

Stability for the culture sector

Hezbollah faces an uncertain future after the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah

A Creativity Strategy Modelled from Walt Disney – Imagineering

Connecting classrooms as e-sgol expands

New roaming alerts for UK holidaymakers

The Prince of Wales visits Earthshot Prize Finalist ENSO
SME Supplier Locator update...

With the officially stated target and ongoing drive for SME’s to receive £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts, UK public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase.

Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.

Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:

Click here to find out more.


Please choose from the links below to view individual sections of interest:
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