back to listings SME Profile: eftec | economics for the environment

4 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AA

t: +44 (0) 20 7580 5383 e: w:

Sound economics... clear advice... better decisions

Established in 1992, eftec is the first consultancy in the UK to apply environmental economics to public policy and business challenges and we strive to lead the way.

We conduct sound economic analysis, measuring what is conventionally not measured.

Our aim is to provide comprehensive, high quality and clear evidence to support decision making. In addition to our core team, we work with a network of individual associates and organisations to ensure we can form the team with the most appropriate skills and experience for each project.


Our job is to show how it is possible and efficient to account for our impacts and dependencies on the environment when making policy, business and investment decisions

Accounting for Natural Capital
Measuring, valuing and monitoring natural capital assets... Read more

Economic Appraisal
Supporting better investment and policy decisions… Read more

Chemicals Policy
Assessing the socio-economic impacts of chemicals regulation… Read more

Policy Design
Changing the behaviours of people, businesses and governments… Read more

Economic Valuation
Understanding individuals’ preferences and behaviours… Read more

Training and Support
Preparing bespoke courses, post-project support and dissemination… Read more


Over 500 projects for over 200 clients in 24 countries. View our projects


We conduct sound economic analysis, measuring what is conventionally not measured.

Our aim is to provide comprehensive, high quality and clear evidence to support decision making. In addition to our core team, we work with a network of individual associates and organisations to ensure we can form the team with the most appropriate skills and experience for each project. Please click on the links below for more information:

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