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ERC Evolution Limited

6th Floor Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon CR0 6BA

 T: (0) 20 8256 1150      E:      W:  



ERCE is a multinational consultancy headquartered in London, United Kingdom. ERCE has two consulting divisions: Energy and Climate and Sustainability. ERC Evolution is the climate and  sustainability division of ERCE.

We offer services in the following areas:

Future of Energy

GHG Emissions




We undertake engineering studies and due diligence for international assets relating to production and/or injection of fluids into subsurface. Our background is in a range of industries including: oil and gas, lithium brines, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and helium.

ERCE is renown for our work as a bridge between projects and stakeholders, including sources of finance. We have producing Qualified Person Reports (QPRs) and Competent Person Reports (CPRs) since the 1980s. We have acted as the Lender's Advisor, supporting debt processes in multiple industries. 

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