back to listings SME Profile: Nimbus Engineering Consultants Limited

124 City Rd, London, EC1V 2NX

t: 0800 061 4916 e: w:



Always monitoring new techniques and technologies available, and being fully conversant with current legislation, means that we can provide cost-effective solutions whilst working with the client in order to find the most workable solution for them.
We work with a wide range of clients from self-builders, property developers, housebuilders, architects, planning consultants, local authorities, the Environment Agency and water authorities, who require our assistance for commercial, residential, retail, leisure, educational establishments and mixed-used developments.

We cover all aspects of Flood Risk and Drainage Design, including Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design (SuDS Design), Flood Risk Assessment reports (FRAs), Flood Warning and Evacuation plans (FWEPs), and Surface Water Management schemes, including SuDS Reports, nationwide.



We can provide Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Reports (FRA and SuDS report), required to support planning applications or a discharge of conditions, as well as Drainage Strategy Reports, Drainage Design and SuDS design, accompanied by the required reports. These reports can be provided separately or combined, in the form of a Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Report (FRA and SuDS report), or a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy report (FRA and Drainage Strategy report), as per the requirements of the specific Local Planning and Lead Local Flooding Authority.

As we operate nationwide, we work closely with many Local Planning and Lead Local Flooding Authorities, and understand each of there, often, some varying requirements. We liaise with authorities in order to provide SuDS reports and designs that not only meets their requirements to assist the client in gaining planning approval, but also offer feasible solutions that can be taken to construction stage, with added value for the client.

We recognise that client’s budgets are getting tighter and tighter, therefore we provide a service that is cost effective and we are always on hand to provide advice and answer any questions that the client may have.



Our Expertise includes the following:

  • Foul and Surface Water Drainage Design, including Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) Design
  • Sewer Diversions and Build Over Agreements, in liaison with the relevant water authority
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) Design
  • SuDS Reports, including Surface Water Run-Off and attenuation calculation
  • Soakaway sizing calculations and Design to BRE365, including detailed guidance and assistance with percolation testing, also in accordance with BRE365
  • Drainage Strategy Reports
  • BRE365 Percolation tests
  • SUR1 and SUR2 reports for the Code for Sustainable Homes
  • BREEAM Pol 03, Assessment Reports for Flood Risk and Surface water run off
  • Flood Risk Assessment Reports (FRAs)
  • Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Report (FRA and SuDS report)
  • Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy report (FRA and Drainage Strategy report),
  • Flood Warning and Evacuation plans
  • Flood Storage Compensation calculations
  • Surface Water Management plans
  • Hydraulic Modelling



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