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CBI responds to latest labour market statistics - August 2024

CBI yesterday responded to latest labour market statistics – August 2024.

Matthew Percival, CBI Future of Work & Skills Director, yesterday said:

“Economic inactivity remains stubbornly high, particularly regarding the 2.8 million long-term sick. Ill health affects lives and stunts growth so there is an indisputable case for business and Government to work together to improve the health of people in work. Employers can play a more proactive role in the health of their workforce, but the tax system discourages it.

“At the Autumn Budget, the Government can make a difference through action on employee health tax incentives.  Making Employee Assistance Programmes fully tax-free would complement the Government's Back to Work plan by preventing people from becoming economically inactive in the first place. Today’s CBI analysis suggests that every £1 on this measure would generate £10 for the economy.”


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-responds-to-latest-labour-market-statistics-august-2024/

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