National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA)
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Investors in People award NRLA gold accreditation

Investors in People (IIP) have confirmed that the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), the UK’s leading organisation for landlords in the private rented sector, has achieved the ‘Gold’ benchmark following a wide-ranging accreditation process.

The Investors in People ‘Gold’ standard is an internationally recognised award which highlights those organisations that demonstrate a proven commitment to delivering a positive work environment for their staff. For an organization to achieve a gold accreditation underlines how each and every staff member has played a part in ensuring the company in question lives up to its purpose and values a reality on a day-to-day basis.

The NRLA was adjudged to have met this standard following a rigorous examination of its commitment to staff that was conducted by IIP over recent months. This assessment involved interviews with NRLA employees, close scrutiny of the steps taken to provide the best possible workplace for colleagues, and analysis of key performance indicators IIP use to identify best practice in this area.

Yesterday’s announcement that the NRLA has received Gold IIP accreditation - one of the most prestigious people management accreditations internationally - follows the recent news that the NRLA was named by The Sunday Times as one of the best medium-sized companies to work for in the UK.

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, yesterday said: 

“We’d like to congratulate the NRLA. Gold accreditation on We invest in people is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places the NRLA in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”

Commenting on the award, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive, National Residential Landlords Association, said:

“I am delighted that the NRLA has achieved this accreditation. This award is testament to the way in which the NRLA provides a welcoming environment where creativity and hard work are prized.

“It’s also clear evidence of the important role played by everyone at the NRLA, across every team, in helping make our company a truly dynamic organisation, for the benefit of our members and the wider private rented sector. 

“The ‘gold standard’ is recognition of the enormous contribution of each and every colleague who make sure the NRLA is not just excellent at what it does, it is also a great place to work.”

Notes to Editors

  • The NRLA’s press office can be contacted by emailing or by calling 0300 131 6363. 
  •  Further information about the NRLA can be found at It tweets @NRLAssociation.

About Investors in People

Most of us will spend around 80,000 hours at work in our lifetimes.

For something that takes up that much of our time, we think people deserve to get more out of it than just a regular pay cheque. 

That's why we've already helped more than 11 million people across 75 countries to make work better. 

And you know what, we’re just getting started…

How are we doing that?

We’re a community interest company, which means we put our purpose before our profits. That means everything we do and every direction we take is done to make work better. 

Organisations that meet the We invest in our people framework are proud to display their accreditation to the world.

Because they understand that it’s people that make work better.


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