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Join techUK's Climate Change Strategy and Resilience Group!

techUK members invited to join new cross-programme group on climate change strategy and resilience.

Today we are launching a new cross-programme group on climate change strategy and resilience. A kick off meeting will be held on Wednesday 17 July (14.30 – 17.00) at techUK. Please click here to register.

The terms of reference and name of the group will be refined with members but our initial thinking is that the group will focus on:

  • Supporting the sector to become energy efficient and low carbon cost-effectively and to ensure the right tools, techniques and methodologies are in place to the sector and its customers can report and manage the emissions footprint connected with their digital infrastructure.
  • The development of an externally facing campaign highlighting the opportunities from a tech-enabled transition to a net zero carbon economy and the regulatory and innovation framework needed to deliver it.
  • Highlight the role of technology in supporting a climate-resilient economy and supporting the sector to take the necessary steps to adapt, and be resilient to, a changing climate.

The group will meet twice a year to provide a strategic steer to techUK to ensure we are focusing on the right areas. We’ll kickstart with a workshop to develop priorities, agree the terms of reference, and develop a workplan for the year. 

The working group will be complemented by an interest group that will receive a monthly digest of latest news, events and opportunities in this space. This group will also be invited to contribute to consultations, papers and events.

If you or a colleague is interested in either being part of the strategic group or the interest group please do get in touch with Susanne Baker, E: 


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