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Ministry of Defence Implementation of Cyber Essentials Scheme

Further information and materials relating to the implementation of the Cyber Essentials Scheme by MOD.

As of 1st January 2016 the Ministry of Defence will require suppliers to have obtained a Cyber Essentials certificate by the contract start date.

MOD states:

"For all new requirements advertised from 1st January 2016 which entail the transfer of MOD identifitable information from customer to supplier or the generation of information by a supplier specifically in support of the MOD contract, MOD will require suppliers to have a Cyber Essentials certificate by the contract start date at the latest, and for it to be renewed annually. This requirement must be flowed down the supply chain."

Please see the Letter and FAQs attached to the bottom of this page for further details.

To find out more about the Cyber Essentials Scheme please click here.

The supporting statement below has been circulated by trade associations and member companies of the joint MOD-industry Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP).

Dear Defence Supplier,

The attached letter from MOD announces its implementation of the Cyber Essentials Scheme (CES). This is a significant step for the whole defence supply chain and one that we welcome.

Cyber-attack is a real threat to national security and a risk to our businesses. Responding to this, making the UK a safe place to do business, enhancing both security and prosperity, requires Government and industry to work together.

The Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP) is a key part of the defence sector response. DCPP is joint government-industry initiative established to improve the level of cyber-security throughout the defence supply chain. CES is a core part of DCPP's Cyber Security Model which introduces additional controls appropriate for higher risks and will be introduced in Q2 2016.

CES certification will become the baseline requirement for companies in the UK defence supply chain. Suppliers are strongly encouraged to start working towards achieving it.

Further information is available from the sources listed below and ADS and techUK will be arranging various events on the matter during 2016. Watch out for details of these events on their websites.

techUK will be hosting a webinar in February to share more information about the DCPP and Cyber Essentials Scheme.



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