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NHS Confederation - Latest figures show general practice is delivering 'more for less'

The latest figures show how much pressure primary care is under from rising demand.

Responding to the latest appointments in general practice data and GP earnings and expenses estimates figures published last Friday, Ruth Rankine, director of primary care at the NHS Confederation, said:

“The continued rise in demand for GP appointments shows just how hard GPs and their teams in primary care are having to work. Primary care is the front door of the NHS and is absolutely vital to the health of the nation, but it is under enormous pressure. 

“These statistics demonstrate what we have been saying – general practice is working harder than ever yet the cost of delivering services coupled with low funding settlement means less money for the workforce so ultimately delivering more for less at a time when demand is outstripping supply. The drop in GP earnings in England is particularly worrying at a time when we are desperate for more capacity.

“We have long argued for a greater proportion of the NHS budget to be directed into primary care so we welcome the Government’s commitment driving greater investment into community settings. This will enable general practice to continue to deliver the care needed by so many at the same time as collaborating with others to expand the range of services available.

“We welcomed the government’s decision to invest more in the GP workforce through Primary Care Networks for the remainder of the year as a much-needed first step to put primary care on a more sustainable footing alongside the DDRB recommendation of a 6% pay uplift. This is vital to start to address the underlying shortfall in fully qualified GPs and to allow even more care to be delivered in the community.”

Original article link: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/latest-figures-show-general-practice-delivering-more-less

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