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NHS Confederation - Mental Health Network welcomes CQC review for children and young people

Sean Duggan, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Network, which is part of the NHS Confederation, responded to the CQC’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Review

“We welcome this report, which highlights some key issues, and look forward to working with the CQC during the review’s next phase.

“The pressure on the mental health sector, and particularly children’s services, is well known. Despite these challenges, we know that there is some great work going on in children’s mental health and we have members providing excellent services in this area.

“We are only two years into the Five Year Forward View, which promised £1.25 billion in mental health funding, and it is vital this money reaches the front line. We must also make sure that we have the right workforce to deliver these services.
“Investment in services for children and young people is key because of the importance of early intervention for long-term mental well-being.”

CQC completes initial review of mental health services for children and young people

Original article link: http://www.nhsconfed.org/media-centre/2017/10/mental-health-network-welcomes-cqc-review-for-children-and-young-people

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