Care Quality Commission
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Terms of reference published for the second phase of the review into CQC's assessment framework and its implementation
The terms of reference for the second phase of the review looking at CQC's assessment framework and its implementation have now been published.
Terms of reference
Our core purpose is to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage services to improve.
Professor Sir Mike Richards’ phase 1 review of the assessment framework and its implementation completed in mid-October 2024 and included a series of recommendations to help set our future direction and make the improvements needed as part of our wider recovery work.
Alongside this, the Care Provider Alliance (CPA) has conducted an external provider survey and associated engagements to determine an operational perspective on the single assessment framework from social care providers. Analysis of over 1200 qualifying responses demonstrates alignment with the findings of Sir Mike Richards’ phase one review and helpfully builds on the depth and detail of the social care experience. A detailed overview of the work to date can be found on the CPA website. Detailed findings will be shared with our Board and published in due course.
To build on this work and further support CQC’s recovery, there will be a second phase of activity, bringing together:
- A second phase of work led by Professor Sir Mike Richards (MR)
- A further targeted programme of engagement with care providers, led by the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), which is chaired by Professor Vic Rayner OBE.
These two workstreams will both be focused on supporting CQC to improve the experience of assessment for providers, increase the transparency of ratings and ensure that robust guidance for CQC staff is underpinned by what providers and people who use services expect.
This aligns with wider engagement we are running to ensure our improvements are developed in equal partnership with people who use services, health and social care providers, and stakeholders.
Areas of focus
MR and the CPA will explore and provide recommendations on the future of CQC regulatory assessment in relation to health and adult social care sectors. This will include:
- An understanding of what providers want from assessment, including learning from regulation elsewhere within the UK.
- The changes required within the assessment framework to establish consistency in assessment in the different sectors.
- Clearer definitions of “what good regulatory assessment looks like” for each area of the assessment framework.
- Clearer guidance on what the assessment reporting process and content, including initial feedback, timing of reports, relationship with providers, press release and the reports.
Process and scope for the second phase of work
This work will build on the findings and recommendations of MR phase 1 report.
The MR phase 2 review will include:
- Internal discussions with CQC staff, across all sectors
- External engagement with providers and organisations representing providers and people who use services across health, including feedback and insight from staff and leaders across health providers.
The CPA review will include:
- A second phase of engagement with adult social care providers, building on themes identified in the first survey.
MR and members of the CPA will work closely with named contacts in CQC who will support requests.
There will be regular check ins with CQC to ensure the work is delivered as planned.
CPA began work in September 2024 with the external provider survey and associated engagement and will provide interim results from phase one to the CQC board in November.
MR and the CPA will formally begin work on part 2 in November 2024.
Regular review conversations will be scheduled with key findings reported as the work progresses where possible.
Phase 2 of the work will be completed in mid-December.
This work has been commissioned by CQC. The findings will be addressed to the Chief Executive and Board of CQC. They will be treated as confidential to CQC but on the understanding it will be shared appropriately, including with the Department of Health and Social Care, for transparency and accountability.
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