NHS Wales
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Views sought on new standards for health and well-being in schools
Public Health Wales are developing a new set of standards for a whole school approach to health and well-being in schools in Wales. We are now in the final phase of engagement and we would like to hear the views of key partners (including schools) on the proposals.
The new standards will replace the previous National Quality Award which has been the framework for health and wellbeing in schools since 2009. The newly proposed National Standards for Health and Well-being Promoting Schools in Wales are arranged around the core components of a whole school approach to health and well-being, rather than pre-defined health topics. They offer the chance for schools to identify their own health priorities. They also help schools to practice self-evaluation and action planning to encourage continuous improvement.
The standards set out a baseline for schools that over time we can reasonably expect all schools to achieve.
There are 22 proposed standards arranged across seven core component areas:
- Leadership, commitment and governance
- Understanding need and evaluating action
- Involvement, engagement and communication
- Workforce
- School culture and environment
- Curriculum
- Help and support services
Each proposed standard is accompanied by a series of 'what this means' statements, which provide a detailed description of the behaviours and practices necessary to fully embed the standard.
Public Health Consultant Lorna Bennett said:
“We are looking forward to hearing the views of key partners, including schools. The proposed standards have been developed following an extensive period of evidence reviewing and consultation and now we really want to hear the opinions of those who will be working with the standards. Our aim is for every school in Wales to be able to embed the standards that work best for them so they can improve their school’s health and well-being outcomes.”
You can get full details of the proposed standards below, where you will also be able to submit a form to give us feedback on the proposals.
Proposed National Standards for Health and Well-being Promoting Schools in Wales (PDF, 5.1Mb)
Original article link: https://phw.nhs.wales/news/views-sought-on-new-standards-for-health-and-well-being-in-schools/