2018 EU budget: Agreement reached

22 Nov 2017 12:29 PM

On 18 November 2017, the Council and the European Parliament reached agreement on an EU budget for 2018 that strongly reflects the EU's main policy priorities.

Total commitments are set at €160.1 billion and payments at €144.7 billion.

"We have strived this year to maximise the impact of EU spending, whilst maintaining sufficient leeway to be able to react to unforeseeable needs", said Märt Kivine, deputy finance minister of Estonia and chief Council negotiator for the 2018 EU budget. "The 2018 budget focuses strongly on priorities such as boosting economic growth and job creation, strengthening security and addressing the challenges posed by migration."

The Parliament and the Council now have 14 days to approve the joint text.


2018 EU budget (in € million)




1. Smart and inclusive growth

77 534

66 624

- 1a. Competitiveness for growth and jobs

22 001

20 097

- 1b. Economic, social and territorial cohesion

55 532

46 527

2. Sustainable growth: natural resources

59 285

56 084

3. Security and citizenship

3 493

2 981

4. Global Europe

9 569

8 906

5. Administration

9 666

9 666

Special instruments






full infographic here 

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