£7.1 million invested in leadership

29 Aug 2019 12:30 PM

We’re investing £7.1 million into 18 leadership development programmes through the Transforming Leadership Fund, offering a range of development opportunities for established and emerging leaders from museums, libraries and arts organisations.

Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries training event, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, March 2019. Photographer: Tim Dickeson.

All the successful projects will carefully consider the diversity of their participants, with a number specifically addressing the underrepresentation of leaders from certain groups – including LeaD, a bespoke career development programme for learning disabled practitioners run by Access All Areas, Disability Arts Online and Manchester Metropolitan University. LeaD is one of three projects supporting D/deaf and disabled leaders – alongside one led by Graeae Theatre Company and one by Shape Arts.

Sector-specific programmes include Leading Libraries led by Libraries Connected, which will be working with 15 library services across the country to deliver long term change – focusing on supporting female and black and minority ethnic library staff. Music charity Brighter Sound will be delivering a programme to help develop female leaders, working with organisations, sole traders and independent producers who want to reshape the music industry.

Brighter Sound. Photographer: Rachel Bywater

While many programmes will deliver activity across the country, some focus on developing leadership in specific places, like National Centre for Writing’s programme Collaboration: Place: Change, designed to equip current and future leaders with the skills they need to drive social and economic change across Norfolk and Suffolk. Coventry City of Culture Trust will also run a place-based programme, supporting a diverse cohort of establish, independent and emerging leaders as part of the legacy of UK City of Culture 2021.

City of Literature strand of Norfolk & Norwich Festival, a partnership between the National Centre for Writing and Norfolk & Norwich Festival. Photographer: Neeley Drown

Mags Patten, Executive lead for Workforce Development, Arts Council England, said: 

“Our evidence tells us we have a generation of cultural leaders with great ambition, but also great pressures bearing down on them.  This fund is an investment in those leaders – offering them development opportunities that will give them time and space to think.

“By supporting a diverse range of emerging and established leaders we think we are more likely to achieve the vision laid out in our proposed ten-year strategy, of a country where everyone’s creativity is valued and high quality cultural experiences are available to each of us.”

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