A statement from NHS Digital on the Mail On Sunday's FGM article

5 Mar 2018 02:12 PM

A Mail On Sunday article (published Sunday March 4) wrongly suggested that NHS Digital is falsely inflating the number of British FGM victims by including newborn babies in its data.

Our FGM reports do include a data quality note which advises: "We are aware that babies have been recorded in the dataset in error and are working with the affected organisations to delete these records."

However in Quarter 3 2017 we published that there were five individuals under 10 years old seen. Due to our suppression method, five can be any number between one and seven, but seven is the maximum number of cases that could have been wrongly inputted.

During this same period (July to September 2017), there were 1,760 women and girls seen (numbers rounded to the nearest five).

Therefore this minor issue has a maximum possible impact of <0.5 per cent of the dataset, which we are working to resolve.