APCC Finance Lead responds to Budget

12 Mar 2020 10:28 AM

APCC Finance Lead, Roger Hirst, Essex Police Fire and Crime Commissioner responded to yesterday’s Budget

“This Budget comes a few weeks after the Police Budget settlement, which announced, as part of the 20,000 police officer uplift, funding for the 6,000 officers to be recruited by March 2021.  Extra investment announced yesterday, including for victims, counter-terrorism and youth violence, are all welcome and will ensure that Police and Crime Commissioners can do more to tackle crime and keep our communities safe.

“The Budget also formally launched the Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 which, when completed, will set out detailed spending plans for three years from 2021-24. The process will conclude in July and we will be working with the NPCC and the Home Office to get the best possible deal for policing.”

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