Achieving Inclusive Growth for Scotland event

27 Jun 2017 02:46 PM

Today (27 June), we are co-hosting the Achieving Inclusive Growth for Scotland event. This is in collaboration with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), Business in the Community Scotland and The RSA.

This one day conference aims to share innovative policies and practices. It will also discuss how inclusive growth can contribute to solving poverty in Scotland, following the Scottish Council elections and UK General election.

Throughout the day, there will be a number of panel discussions and workshop sessions. Learning will be shared on how inclusive growth can become a reality through policy development and integrated working.

The keynote address of the conference will be given by Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities. Other speakers include representatives from

Dr Andrew Fraser, Director of Public Health Science at NHS Health Scotland said

“Inclusive growth has the potential to affect real change in reducing health inequalities. In Scotland, mortality rates as a result of inequalities are higher than the rest of Europe. We know that rising income inequality in the UK cost us 9 percentage points in the growth rate of GDP per capita between 1990 and 2010 – that’s approximately £100bn. Taking action on inequalities is not just the right thing to do – it’s the economically sensible thing to do. Improved health for everyone means not just a fairer Scotland, but also a more productive, prosperous Scotland.”

Jim McCormick, Associate Director for Scotland at the JRF, said

“Scotland has had sustained employment growth since the recession but has a major, rising problem of in-work poverty, which is a cost and waste our economy and society cannot afford. We need governments in Holyrood and Westminster, the public sector, local authority leaders and businesses to work together to pursue inclusive growth. We need growth, but everyone needs to feel the benefit from it.”

You can find out more about the event at the JRF website.