Adam Smith Institute: Corbyn's calls would crash the economy

25 Sep 2019 10:51 AM

Jeremy Corbyn’s calls for hundreds of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to be spent on his pet projects, as well as extra red tape, attacks on the media, and dismissing future trade deals, shows he is still stuck in the past doesn’t understand how the modern economy works.

Matthew Kilcoyne, Deputy Director of the Adam Smith Institute, yesterday said:

“With a Christmas election looming, today Corbyn delivered his wishlist of unaffordable, uncosted, unworkable policies. He's written a list and obviously not checked it twice, but he's already decided who he thinks is naughty not nice — run a business he doesn't understand and you'll be nationalised, earn a wage he dislikes and he'll tax you the hilt, if you've got a pension or investments in British companies he'll be picking your pocket.

“After promises worth over £500bn in just the one sentence, pension raids, and regulation that will crash the economy, it's clear now that the Tories will never outspend or regulate more than communist Corbyn. At their conference next week the Conservatives have a chance to make the case for sound money, for boosting economic growth through tax cuts, and setting the individual free to live their lives as they wish and not at the beck and call of Corbyn.”

Morgan Schondelmeier on the debt Labour plans on passing to the next generation via Corbyn’s commitments:

“Corbyn's Labour would have you believe that they can provide a world of services and improvements - but we should ask: with what money? His sums don't add up. Either he's lying about the rate at which he will raise your taxes, or he is planning on relying entirely on borrowing from future generations. It's ironic that Corbyn fancies himself the champion of the youth when his policies will see them saddled with unimaginable debt.”

For further information, to arrange further comment or an interview, please contact Matt Kilcoyne via email or ring 07904099599.