An update on Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture

9 Mar 2020 02:26 PM

We want to thank you for your feedback so far on Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture, the revised and updated version of Registering the Right Support.

We are currently looking through all of your comments. Your feedback tells us there is more work for us to do on the guidance covering the size of services we will register, the link to NICE guidance and around how demonstrations of personalised care and outcomes impact our registration decisions.

Because of these findings, we will be taking some more time to engage and make further revisions to the guidance.

Once all feedback is reviewed we will share a You Said We Did on our participation platform.

You can sign up to our participation platform here.

We are grateful for all the feedback we have received so far. We remain committed to making sure this guidance helps us achieve the best possible outcomes for people who use services.