Appointments to Food and Drink Wales Industry Board announced

12 Nov 2020 12:08 PM

Five new appointments to the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board were yesterday [Thursday 12 November] announced by Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths.

The five new appointments will join the current board and its work in supporting the sectors Covid-19 recovery and preparations for the end of the EU transition period.

The five new members, who will commence their roles on 16 November for four years, are:

The Minister will meet the full new board on 19 November to discuss the priorities for the sector and how the board and Welsh Government will work collaboratively over the coming weeks and months to address the challenges and opportunities the industry faces.

The Minister yesterday said:

We are extremely proud of our world renowned Welsh food and drink sector. 2020 has been a difficult year for the sector responding to the global pandemic and it faces the forthcoming twin challenges of Covid19 recovery and preparing for the end of the EU transition period. The five new appointments, with the breadth of experience they bring, will strengthen and build on the great work the board does in supporting and ensuring the sector has a strong future.

Andy Richardson, Chair of the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board, yesterday said:

I am delighted to welcome the new members to the Food & Drink Industry Board which comes at this crucial time for the food and drink sector in Wales. The Board will continue to play a key role in partnering with the Welsh Government and the industry to work together to really drive forward the sector and ensure Welsh food and drink continues to grow in influence, scale and confidence on the World stage. I have no doubt that the breadth of experience, drive and ambition of the board will be the catalyst for our future success.

The appointment of the five new Food and Drink Wales Board members follows a fair and open recruitment exercise.