Archives Unlocked: Delivering the Vision 2018-19

12 Jul 2018 11:29 AM

The National Archives has published Delivering the Vision 2018-19, the annual update on the delivery of Archives Unlocked.

Archives Unlocked was launched in March 2017 and is our strategic vision for the archives sector. It sets out our ambitions to ‘unlock’ the potential of archives, ensuring that they inspire trust, enrich lives and are open to all. The vision was accompanied by an action plan based around the key areas for delivery: digital capacity, resilience and impact.

Delivering the Vision 2018-19 reports on progress to the end of financial year 2017-18 and reveals the priorities for the year ahead. At the heart of this first year has been building strong foundations for delivery through strategy development on specific areas and partnership formation. In the year ahead we will launch those strategies and, with our partners, begin working to implement them.

This document also highlights other work completed in 2017-18 and information out how we are delivering this body of work.