Auditor General and Wales Audit Office outline their plan for 2017-18

30 Mar 2017 10:22 AM

The Auditor General and Wales Audit Office have released their joint Annual Plan for 2017-18, outlining how they will deliver on the plan and its objectives.

The Annual Plan for 2017-18 builds on the feedback received from a wide range of stakeholders to the recent consultation on the draft three-year strategy for 2017-2020. 

Alongside a number of revisions to our work programmes, we have provided a description of the factors that we and our stakeholders believe will have greatest influence over the way we deliver our work over the next three years, and have redefined the strategic themes that underpin how we will respond to that environment and achieve our aim and objectives.

In their foreword, the Auditor General and Chair of the Wales Audit Office Board draw attention to four key areas of focus for the coming year:

  • developing an approach to effectively deliver the Auditor General’s duties under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 [opens in new window];
  • adapting the model for the deployment of audit resources in preparation for the introduction of faster closure of local government accounts;
  • simplifying and improving the cost-effectiveness of our funding arrangements; and
  • taking steps to support strong public sector financial management in times of ongoing austerity.

Annual Plan 2017-18