BME workers have faced “triple whammy” of threats during pandemic, says TUC

14 Dec 2020 03:11 PM

Commenting on statistics published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which show the social impact of coronavirus on different ethnic groups in the UK, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady yesterday said:

“BME workers have faced a triple whammy of threats during the pandemic. 

“Today’s figures show that BME workers were less likely to earning enough before the pandemic to avoid hardship during lockdown. 

“BME workers are more likely be in low-paid, insecure jobs, where they have been more exposed to coronavirus and more likely to die. 

“Today we learned that BME workers’ mental health has suffered the most during the Covid-19 outbreak. 

“The pandemic has exposed the structural racism of the UK’s economy yet again. It is past time for the government to act.”

Editors Note